
An open API service indexing awesome lists of open source software.

Publish Shiny Applications, RMarkdown Documents, Jupyter Notebooks, Plumber APIs, and more

Last synced: about 2 months ago
JSON representation

Publish Shiny Applications, RMarkdown Documents, Jupyter Notebooks, Plumber APIs, and more




output: github_document

```{r, include = FALSE}
collapse = TRUE,
comment = "#>",
fig.path = "man/figures/README-",
out.width = "100%"

# rsconnect

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rsconnect makes it easy to publish your Shiny apps, RMarkdown and Quarto documents, and Plumber APIs to [Posit Connect](, [](, and [Posit Cloud]( from R.

(If you're looking for the Python equivalent, try [rsconnect-python](

## Installation

You can install the released version of rsconnect from [CRAN]( with:

``` r

And the development version from [GitHub]( with:

``` r
# install.packages("devtools")

## Setup

To use rsconnect, you first need to teach it about the server you want to publish to.
If you use the RStudio IDE, the easiest way to get set up is to use the publishing dialog, which you can find by clicking the "Tools" menu, then selecting "Global options", then clicking "Publishing".
Click "Connect" to add new servers.

You can also connect from any R session by running a little code:

- For, go to your [tokens page]( and click "Add Token", then follow the instructions to copy and paste the appropriate call to `setAccountInfo()`.
Learn more in the [Getting Started Guide](

- For Posit Connect, first use `addServer()` to register your server with rsconnect, then call either `connectUser()` or `connectApiUser()`.
`connectUser()` is a bit simpler if you're in an interactive session; `connectApiUser()` works anywhere but requires a you to copy and paste an API key from your user profile.

- For Posit Cloud, login, then click your name in the top-right corner, click "Account", then click "Tokens" in the navbar at the top of the page.
Click "New Token", then "Copy" next to the token you just created, and then follow the instructions to copy and paste the appropriate call to `setAccountInfo()`.

Now that you're setup you can use `deployApp()`, `deployDoc()`, and friends to publish your apps, documentations, APIs and more.