
An open API service indexing awesome lists of open source software.

The repository and website hosting the peer review process for new Programming Historian lessons

api data-management dh digital-history digital-humanities distant-reading linked-open-data mapping multi-lingual network-analysis open-educational-resources open-source pedagogy programming-historian python r-studio web-archiving web-scraping

Last synced: about 2 months ago
JSON representation

The repository and website hosting the peer review process for new Programming Historian lessons




# Programming Historian Submission Readme

To propose a lesson, please consult our [call for lessons]( Before submitting a proposal, consult as well our [author guidelines]( and look over our [published lessons]( and our [publishing pipeline](

## For Contributors

After your lesson has been accepted into our review process, your assigned editor will work with you to upload your lesson to this ph-submissions repository.

For more information, see our [author guidelines]( and [editor guidelines]( Our [translation guidelines]( are currently being updated.

### File Formatting

We publish all our lessons in [Markdown]( Lessons should be titled: "lesson-name". The lesson markdown file will be uploaded to the corresponding language folder (for example, ["en"](, and placed either in the [drafts/originals]( directory or the [drafts/translations]( directory. Sample lessons, with proper yaml header, can be viewed in these directories.

Image files should be named: "lesson-image-1", "lesson-image-2". Image files go in the [images]( directory, inside a folder named with the same slug as your lesson.

## Viewing Lessons

The live URL for the English lessons in the publishing pipeline:

# Building Locally

To run this Jekyll site, you'll need Ruby version 2.6.2.

It's best to install involves using `rbenv` to install Ruby with `rbenv install 2.6.2`.

Next run `rbenv global 2.6.2` to set this version globally.

Install the `bundler` using `gem install bundler:2.1.4`

Then build and serve the site with `bundle exec jekyll serve`