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VST 2.4 API implementation in rust. Create plugins or hosts. Previously rust-vst on the RustDSP group.

audio-plugin dsp rust vst vst-plugin vsts

Last synced: 19 days ago
JSON representation

VST 2.4 API implementation in rust. Create plugins or hosts. Previously rust-vst on the RustDSP group.




# vst-rs
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> **Notice**: `vst-rs` is deprecated.
> This crate is no longer actively developed or maintained. VST 2 has been [officially discontinued]( and it is [no longer possible]( to acquire a license to distribute VST 2 products. It is highly recommended that you make use of other libraries for developing audio plugins and plugin hosts in Rust.
> If you're looking for a high-level, multi-format framework for developing plugins in Rust, consider using [NIH-plug]( or [`baseplug`]( If you're looking for bindings to specific plugin APIs, consider using [`vst3-sys`](, [`clap-sys`](, [`lv2(-sys)`](, or [`auv2-sys`]( If, despite the above warnings, you still have a need to use the VST 2 API from Rust, consider using [`vst2-sys`]( or generating bindings from the original VST 2 SDK using [`bindgen`](

`vst-rs` is a library for creating VST2 plugins in the Rust programming language.

This library is a work in progress, and as such it does not yet implement all
functionality. It can create basic VST plugins without an editor interface.

**Note:** If you are upgrading from a version prior to 0.2.0, you will need to update
your plugin code to be compatible with the new, thread-safe plugin API. See the
[`transfer_and_smooth`](examples/ example for a guide on how
to port your plugin.

## Library Documentation

Documentation for **released** versions can be found [here](

Development documentation (current `master` branch) can be found [here](

## Crate
This crate is available on []( If you prefer the bleeding-edge, you can also
include the crate directly from the official [Github repository](

# get from
vst = "0.3"
# get directly from Github. This might be unstable!
vst = { git = "" }

## Usage
To create a plugin, simply create a type which implements the `Plugin` trait. Then call the `plugin_main` macro, which will export the necessary functions and handle dealing with the rest of the API.

## Example Plugin
A simple plugin that bears no functionality. The provided `Cargo.toml` has a
`crate-type` directive which builds a dynamic library, usable by any VST host.


extern crate vst;

use vst::prelude::*;

struct BasicPlugin;

impl Plugin for BasicPlugin {
fn new(_host: HostCallback) -> Self {

fn get_info(&self) -> Info {
Info {
name: "Basic Plugin".to_string(),
unique_id: 1357, // Used by hosts to differentiate between plugins.

plugin_main!(BasicPlugin); // Important!


name = "basic_vst"
version = "0.0.1"
authors = ["Author "]

vst = { git = "" }

name = "basicvst"
crate-type = ["cdylib"]


#### Packaging on OS X

On OS X VST plugins are packaged inside loadable bundles.
To package your VST as a loadable bundle you may use the `` script this library provides. 


./ Plugin target/release/plugin.dylib
Creates a Plugin.vst bundle

## Special Thanks
[Marko Mijalkovic]( for [initiating this project](