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💻 Javascript Implementation of Boneh-Lynn-Shacham Signatures

bls bls-signatures bls12-381 eth2 eth2-beacon-chain wasm

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💻 Javascript Implementation of Boneh-Lynn-Shacham Signatures




# bls

![ETH2.0_Spec_Version 1.0.0](
![ES Version](
![Node Version](

Javascript library for BLS (Boneh-Lynn-Shacham) signatures and signature aggregation, tailored for use in Eth2.

## Usage

yarn add @chainsafe/bls

To use native bindings you must install peer dependency `@chainsafe/blst`

yarn add @chainsafe/bls @chainsafe/blst

By default, native bindings will be used if in NodeJS and they are installed. A WASM implementation ("herumi") is used as a fallback in case any error occurs.

The `blst-native` implementation offers a multi-threaded approach to verification and utilizes the libuv worker pool to verification. It is a more performant options synchronously and FAR better when utilized asynchronously. All verification functions provide sync and async versions. Both the `blst-native` and `herumi` implementations offer verification functions with `async` prefixes as free functions and also on their respective classes. This was done to preserve the isomorphic architecture of this library. In reality however, only the `blst-native` bindings have the ability to implement a promise based approach. In the `herumi` version the async version just proxies to the sync version under the hood.

import bls from "@chainsafe/bls";

(async () => {
// class-based interface
const secretKey = bls.SecretKey.fromKeygen();
const publicKey = secretKey.toPublicKey();
const message = new Uint8Array(32);

const signature = secretKey.sign(message);
console.log("Is valid: ", signature.verify(publicKey, message));

// functional interface
const sk = secretKey.toBytes();
const pk = bls.secretKeyToPublicKey(sk);
const sig = bls.sign(sk, message);
console.log("Is valid: ", bls.verify(pk, message, sig));

### Browser

If you are in the browser, import from `/herumi` to explicitly import the WASM version

import bls from "@chainsafe/bls/herumi";

### Native bindings only

If you are in NodeJS, import from `/blst-native` to explicitly import the native bindings. Also install peer dependency `@chainsafe/blst` which has the native bindings

yarn add @chainsafe/bls @chainsafe/blst

import bls from "@chainsafe/bls/blst-native";

### Get implementation at runtime

If you need to get a bls implementation at runtime, import from `/getImplementation`.

import {getImplementation} from "@chainsafe/bls/getImplementation";

const bls = await getImplementation("herumi");

### Switchable singleton

If you need a singleton that is switchable at runtime (the default behavior in <=v6), import from `/switchable`.

import bls, {init} from "@chainsafe/bls/switchable";

// here `bls` is uninitialized
await init("herumi");
// here `bls` is initialized
// now other modules can `import bls from "@chainsafe/bls/switchable"` and it will be initialized

The API is identical for all implementations.

## Benchmarks

- `blst`: [src/blst-native](src/blst-native) (node.js-only, bindings to C via node-gyp)
- `herumi`: [src/herumi](src/herumi) (node.js & browser, wasm)
- `noble`: [noble-bls12-381]( (node.js & browser, pure JS)

Results are in `ops/sec (x times slower)`, where `x times slower` = times slower than fastest implementation (`blst`).

| Function - `ops/sec` | `blst` | `herumi` | `noble` |
| -------------------------------- | :----: | :----------: | :-----------: |
| `verify` | 326.38 | 47.674 (x7) | 17.906 (x18) |
| `verifyAggregate` (30) | 453.29 | 51.151 (x9) | 18.372 (x25) |
| `verifyMultiple` (30) | 34.497 | 3.5233 (x10) | 2.0286 (x17) |
| `verifyMultipleSignatures` (30) | 26.381 | 3.1633 (x8) | - |
| `aggregate` (pubkeys, 30) | 15686 | 2898.9 (x5) | 1875.0 (x8) |
| `aggregate` (sigs, 30) | 6373.4 | 1033.0 (x6) | 526.25 (x12) |
| `sign` | 925.49 | 108.81 (x9) | 10.246 (x90) |

\* `blst` and `herumi` performed 100 runs each, `noble` 10 runs.

Results from CI run

## Spec versioning

| Version | Bls spec hash-to-curve version |
| ------- | :----------------------------: |
| 5.x.x | draft #9 |
| 2.x.x | draft #7 |
| 1.x.x | draft #6 |
| 0.3.x | initial version |

> [spec](

> [test vectors](

## License
