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Javascript 解释器. Javascript Interpreter

ecmacript interpreter javascript vm

Last synced: 16 days ago
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Javascript 解释器. Javascript Interpreter




# vm.js

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Run Javascript code in ECMAScript, without eval(), new Function(), setTimeout()...

It base on [](

[Try it out](

## Usage

import vm from "@axetroy/vm";

const sanbox = { console: console };

const context = vm.createContext(sanbox);

try {
vm.runInContext(`console.log("Hello world");`, context);
} catch (err) {

## Support

- [x] ECMA5
- [x] ES2015
- [x] Let and const
- [x] Block scoping
- [x] ES modules
- [x] Arrow functions
- [x] Class
- [x] Computed properties
- [x] Destructuring
- [x] For of
- [x] Function/Class name
- [x] Literals
- [x] Object super
- [x] Default and rest parameters
- [x] Shorthand properties
- [x] Spread
- [x] Template literals
- [x] Lifting template literal restriction
- [ ] Unicode-regex
- [x] Generator function
- [ ] ES2016
- [x] Exponentiation operator
- [ ] ES2017
- [x] Trailing commas in function parameter lists and calls
- [ ] Async functions
- [ ] Shared memory and atomics
- [ ] ES2018
- [ ] Asynchronous iteration
- [ ] Promise.prototype.finally()
- [ ] s (dotAll) flag for regular expressions
- [ ] RegExp named capture groups
- [ ] RegExp Unicode Property Escapes
- [ ] Experimental
- [x] Object rest spread
- [x] Class property
- [x] [Do expressions](
- [ ] [Optional catch binding](
- [ ] [Decorators](
- [x] [Global](

## Test

I have written a lot of test case for this, look at [here](test)

Now it still in development, got a lot of work to do and more detail to resolve.

I will release the first stable version of write 500 test case.

If you want to join it. welcome to PR.

### How to run a single test

npx tsc && npx ava ./build/test/ecma5/array/

### How to run the whole test

npm run test

### Related



## License

The [MIT License](LICENSE)