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Automatic Caffe parameter search via Spearmint Bayesian optimisation

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Automatic Caffe parameter search via Spearmint Bayesian optimisation




Caffe with Spearmint (CWSM)

Automatic [Caffe]( parameter search via [Spearmint]( Bayesian optimisation. For those familiar with Caffe: now instead of specifying
weight_decay: 0.05
in your `solver.prototxt` you can write
weight_decay: OPTIMIZE{"type": "FLOAT", "min": 0, "max": 0.2}
and CWSM will use Spearmint to find the best `weight_decay` for you.

For those not familiar with Caffe: you might have heard that choosing the right parameters for a deep neural network is a painful process. This tool employs the power of Bayesian optimization methods to make this search automatic for the models you describe in Caffe framework.

The `OPTIMIZE` keyword can be used both in `solver.prototxt` and `trainval.prototxt` for as many parameters simultaneuosly as you want (be careful: too many parameters might take too long).

Take a look at [`experiments/mnist`](experiments/mnist) and read the "General Setup" section for a quick start. There are few special tricks which may seem odd at first, but, as you will see below, they are justified. Refer to the "Optimization Parameters" section below for more detailed documentation.

General Setup

#### STEP 1: Install Caffe
Follow the instructions in the [Caffe]( repository. Once installed set the `CAFFE_ROOT` variable in the `` script to point to the Caffe repository root so that `CAFFE_ROOT/build/tools/caffe` would be the Caffe binary.

#### STEP 2: Install Spearmint
Follow the instructions in the [Spearmint]( repository. Once installed set the `SPEARMINT_ROOT` variable in the `` script to point to the Spearmint repository root so that `SPEARMINT_ROOT/spearmint/` is the Spearmint main script.

#### STEP 3: Prepare experiment directory
The main parameter CWSM's `` script needs is the location of the experiment directory. Just create empty `experiments/myexperiment` directory and you are ready to go to the next step, `` will take care of creating the structure and will tell you what to do next.
For the reference, the final structure will look like this:
caffeout # [created automatically] will be filled with Caffe output
data # holds your data files
mean_train.binaryproto # image means computed with Caffe "compute_image_mean"
train_lmdb # LMDB directory for the training set
val_lmdb # LMDB directory for the validation set
model # here you describe the model
solver.prototxt # yes, it has to be named exactly like that
trainval.prototxt # this one too
mongodb # [created automatically] Spearmint holds its stuff here
spearmint # [created automatically] Spearmint config and optimization function definition
output # [created automatically] Spearmint output files
tmp # [created automatically] experiment run specific data

#### STEP 4: Describe your Caffe model
Under `experiments/myexperiment/model` CWSM will expect to find two (in special cases three) files:

Take a look at [`experiments/mnist/model/solver.prototxt`](experiments/mnist/model/solver.prototxt). Pay attention to the `max_iter` parameter -- it defines how long each configuration run will take.

This file is used for training, if you are going to optimize accuracy you should have a layer named "accuracy", for example
layer {
name: "accuracy"
type: "Accuracy"
bottom: "fc2"
bottom: "label"
top: "accuracy"
If you are optmizing w.r.t. loss then you should have a layer named "loss", something like
layer {
name: "loss"
type: "SoftmaxWithLoss"
bottom: "fc2"
bottom: "label"
top: "loss"
This file is needed if you use a performance measure, which is not built-in in Caffe. Currently there is only one such implemented: squared kappa. To use that you will need to create `val.prototxt` which mimicks `trainval.prototxt`. The difference is that instead of `loss`/`accuracy` layers `val.prototxt` should have a layer named `prob`. This layer is used to extract predictions used to calculate kappa.
layer {
name: "prob"
type: "Softmax"
bottom: "fc2"
top: "prob"

#### STEP 5: Run the optimization
Make sure you have Caffe in your `$PYTHONPATH`.
**The `` script has to be started from the repository root.**
Assuming `CWSM_ROOT` is the location of this repository, do the following:
Now you are ready to optimize!
python --experiment experiments/mnist --optimize accuracy --optimizewrt best
where `--optimizewrt` can be either `last`, meaning that once a Caffe run is completed the very last accuracy/loss result will be given to Spearmint for evaluation, or `best` to pick the best result from all the evaluation phases.

#### STEP 6: Enjoy!
Leave the process running for a night and in the morning have a look at the latest
Minimum expected objective value under model is -0.99590 (+/- 0.08043), at location:
message in `STDOUT`. There is a chance that it will provide you with the best parameter configuation you've seen so far.

Optimization Parameters
Spearmint supports three types of variables: `INT`, `FLOAT` and `ENUM`. Here is how you use them in CWSM.

#### INT
Default way is `OPTIMIZE{"type": "INT", "min": 2, "max": 5}`, for example if you want to try different strides for a convolutional layer.
layer {
name: "conv1"
type: "Convolution"
convolution_param {
stride: OPTIMIZE{"type": "INT", "min": 2, "max": 5}
There are useful additional tricks for `INT`, see them below.

#### FLOAT
Written as `OPTIMIZE{"type": "FLOAT", "min": 0, "max": 0.2}`. For example
weight_decay: OPTIMIZE{"type": "FLOAT", "min": 0, "max": 0.2}
in your `solver.prototxt`.
Note that finding the right `FLOAT` parameter will take longer than finding an `INT` parameter.

#### ENUM
Written as `OPTIMIZE{"type": "ENUM", "options": ["2", "17", "100"]}`, for example
lr_policy: OPTIMIZE{"type": "ENUM", "options": ["fixed", "inv", "step"]}
in your `solver.prototxt`.
Note that `ENUM` loses the relative information between the options: 0.5 is not less than 0.6 anymore, they are completely unrelated values when used with `ENUM`.

#### Important Tricks
There are many cases where you would like to keep relative information between the values and avoid using `ENUM`. For example if you want to try {100, 200, 300} to be the size of a fully connected layer. Or to try learning rates {0.0001, 0.001, 0.01} but avoid using `FLOAT` because you do not want to waste time on values like 0.0101 etc. For these cases CWSM has a special `transform` parameter which can be used with `INT`. Here are examples of what it can do with some intuition why this might be a good idea.

##### X[N]
Written as `OPTIMIZE{"type": "INT", "transform": "X10", "min": 1, "max": 5}`. Here `"transform":"X10"` acts as a multiplier where instead of 10 you can use any number: "X10", "X100", "X22". The effect of this particular line is that numbers {10, 20, 30, 40, 50} will be tried as the parameter value.
Another example would be
layer {
name: "fc1"
type: "InnerProduct"
inner_product_param {
num_output: OPTIMIZE{"type": "INT", "transform": "X100", "min": 1, "max": 3}
which will try {100, 200, 300} as the size of the fully connected layer.
Reasonable thing to ask is why not to use `ENUM` for this: `num_output: OPTIMIZE{"type": "ENUM", "options": ["100", "200", "300"]}`? Because the Bayesian optimizer will not be able to use the fact that 100 < 200 anymore.

##### NEGEXP[N]
Where [N] is the base of exponentiation. The number which goes to Spearmint is negative of the exponent (example: value 3 with `NEGEXP10` means 10^-3 and correpsonds to 0.001). Can be used for learning rate in `solver.prototxt`:
base_lr: OPTIMIZE{"type": "INT", "transform": "NEGEXP10", "min": 2, "max": 5}
This will try {0.01, 0.001, 0.0001, 0.0001} keeping in mind their order and without the need to try all intermediate values as `FLOAT` would do.

##### LOG[N]
Number which goes to Spearmint corresponds to log with base [N] of an actual number (example: value 2 of LOG2 corresponds to 4). Would be handy if you want to try 2,4,8,16,... for some parameter.

* Extract summary from MongoDB in some readable form

* To [annitrolla]( for the logo!
* To [tambetm]( and [rdtm]( for discussions.