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Another NES Emulator - written for fun & learning - first implementation of wideNES

6502 apu assembly cmake cross-platform emulation emulator emulators nes nes-emulator nestest ppu retro sdl sdl2

Last synced: 12 days ago
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Another NES Emulator - written for fun & learning - first implementation of wideNES





Build Status GitHub Actions

Build Status Windows

Build Status macOS/Linux

**ANESE** (**A**nother **NES** **E**mulator) is a Nintendo Entertainment System
Emulator written for fun and learning.

Accuracy and performance are long-term goals, but the primary focus is getting
popular titles up and running. There are still a lot of bugs, but many games are
working quite well already.

ANESE is _cross-platform_, and is regularly tested on macOS, Windows, and Linux.

ANESE core uses clean and _interesting_ C++11, emphasizing _readability_,
_maintainability_, and _approachability_. It is well commented, providing
in-line sources and insights for much of the implementation. It is also
dependency free (aside from stdlib), making it easy to embed in other projects.

## WideNES

**wideNES** is a novel technique that can automatically "map-out" levels and
worlds in NES games. Check out the [wideNES Readme](/ANESE/wideNES) for details.

A GIF is worth a 1000 words:

wideNES on Metroid

Pretty cool huh? Here's another one:

wideNES on SMB1

## Downloads

Official releases of ANESE can be found on the Releases tab on GitHub.

Alternatively, for the most up-to-date version of ANESE, nightly builds are
available. These are compiled directly from the latest ANESE commit, so there
may/will be bugs.

**Windows:** You can download builds of ANESE from
[AppVeyor]('s build artifacts

**macOS:** Travis uploads bundles to
[this GDrive folder](

## Building

### Dependencies

ANESE's emulation core (src/nes) doesn't have any major dependencies, but the UI
does use a couple. Most of these dependencies are bundled with ANESE
(see: /thirdparty), although some require additional installation:

- **SDL2** (video/audio/controls)
- _Linux_: `apt-get install libsdl2-dev` (on Ubuntu)
- _MacOS_: `brew install SDL2`
- _Windows_:
- Download dev libs from [here]( and
unzip them somewhere.
- EITHER: Set the `SDL` environment variable to point to the dev libs
- OR: Unzip them to `C:\sdl2\` (Where I put them)
- OR: Modify the `SDL2_MORE_INCLUDE_DIR` variable in `CMakeLists.txt` to
point to the SDL2 dev libs

### Generating + Compiling

ANESE builds with **CMake**

On macOS / Linux
# in ANESE root
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..

make install # on macOS: creates in ANESE/bin/

On Windows:
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
msbuild anese.sln /p:Configuration=Release

## Running

ANESE opens to a directory-browser, from which ROMs can be launched.

ANESE can run from the shell using `anese [rom.nes]` syntax. Certain features
are _only_ accessible from the command-line at the moment (e.g: movie recording
/ playback, PPU timing hacks). For a full list of switches, run `anese -h`

**Windows Users:** make sure the executable can find `SDL2.dll`! Download the
runtime DLLs from the SDL website, and plop them in the same directory as

## Mappers

Most popular Mappers are implemented:

\# | Name | Some Games
000 | NROM | Super Mario Bros. 1, Donkey Kong, Duck Hunt
001 | MMC1 | Legend of Zelda, Dr. Mario, Metroid
002 | UxROM | Megaman, Contra, Castlevania
003 | CNROM | Arkanoid, Cybernoid, Solomon's Key
004 | MMC3 | Super Mario Bros 2 & 3, Kirby's Adventure
007 | AxROM | Marble Madness, Battletoads
009 | MMC2 | Punch Out!!

Feel free to open a PR for any mappers you implement :)

## Controls

Currently hard-coded to the following:

Button | Key | Controller
A | Z | X
B | X | A
Start | Enter | Start
Select | Right Shift | Select
Up | Up arrow | D-Pad
Down | Down arrow | D-Pad
Left | Left arrow | D-Pad
Right | Right arrow | D-Pad

Any xbox-compatible controller should work.

There are also a couple of emulator actions:

Action | Key | Controller
Pause / Open Menu | Esc | Left Thumbstick Button
Reset | Ctrl - R |
Power Cycle | Ctrl - P |
Toggle CPU logging | Ctrl - C |
Speed +25% | Ctrl - = |
Speed -25% | Ctrl - - |
Fast-Forward | Space | Right Thumbstick Button
Make Save-State | Ctrl - (1-4) |
Load Save-State | Ctrl - Shift - (1-4) |

(there are 4 save-state slots)


- ANESE is not the best emulator out there, far from it! Expect bugs!
- My APU uses a naive sampling algorithm with a basic lookup table grafted from
the nesdev wiki. The `blargg-apu` branch has an older version of ANESE that uses
Blargg's awesome `nes_snd_emu` library for the APU, and while my integration was
a bit unstable at times, it did sound a lot better when it did work.
- The CPU is _instruction-cycle_ accurate, but not _sub-instruction cycle_
accurate. While this inaccuracy doesn't affect most games, there are some that
that rely on sub-instruction level timings (eg: Solomon's Key).
- The `--alt-nmi-timing` flag might fix some of these games.


These are features that will add major value to ANESE:

- [ ] _Implement_: Cycle accurate CPU (will probably fix _many_ bugs)
- [ ] _Implement_: Better menu (not just fs, also config)
- [ ] _CMake_: more robust macOS bundles (good way to get SDL2.0 packaged?)
- [ ] _Implement_: LibRetro Core
- [ ] _Implement_: Get the Light-gun working
- [ ] _Debugging_: Add debug GUI
- All objects implementing the Memory interface _must also_ implement `peek`,
i.e: a `const` read. As such, a debugger could easily inspect any/all memory
locations with no side effects!

Here's a couple that have been crossed off already:

- [x] _Implement_: My own APU (don't use Blarrg's)
- [x] _Refactor_: Modularize `` - push everything into `src/ui/`
- [x] _Refactor_: Split `` into more files!
- [x] _Refactor_: Push common mapper behavior to Base Mapper (eg: bank chunking)

And here are some ongoing low-priority goals:

- [ ] _Refactor_: Roll-my-own Sound_Queue (SDL_QueueAudio?)
- [ ] _Cleanup_: Unify naming conventions (either camelCase or snake_case)
- [ ] _Cleanup_: Comment the codebase _even more_
- [ ] _Security_: Actually bounds-check files lol
- [ ] _Cleanup_: Conform to the `.fm2` movie format better
- [ ] _Cleanup_: Remove fatal asserts (?)
- [ ] _Cleanup_: Switch to a better logging system
(\*cough\* not fprintf \*cough\*)

## Roadmap

### Key Milestones

- [x] Parse iNES files
- [x] Create Cartridges (iNES + Mapper interface)
- [x] CPU
- [x] Set Up Memory Map
- [x] Hardware Structures (registers)
- [x] Core Loop / Basic Functionality
- [x] Read / Write RAM
- [x] Addressing Modes
- [x] Fetch - Decode - Execute
- [x] Official Opcodes Implemented
- [x] Handle Interrupts
- [x] PPU
- [x] Set Up Basic Rendering Context (SDL)
- [x] Implement Registers + Memory Map them
- [x] Implement DMA
- [x] Generate NMI -> CPU
- [x] Core rendering loop
- [x] Background Rendering
- [x] Sprite Rendering - _currently not hardware accurate_
- [x] Proper Background / Foreground blending
- [x] Sprite Zero Hit
- [ ] Misc PPU flags (emphasize RGB, Greyscale, etc...)
- [x] APU
- [x] Implement Registers + Memory Map them
- [ ] Frame Timer IRQ - _kinda_
- [x] Set Up Basic Sound Output Context (SDL)
- [x] Channels
- [x] Pulse 1
- [x] Pulse 2
- [x] Triangle
- [x] Noise
- [x] DMC
- [x] DMC DMA
- [ ] Joypads
- [x] Basic Controller
- [ ] Zapper - _still needs work_
- [ ] NES Four Score

### Secondary Milestones

- [x] Loading Files with picker
- [x] Reset / Power-cycle
- [x] Fast Forward
- [x] Run / Pause
- Saving
- [x] Battery Backed RAM - Saves to `.sav`
- [x] Save-states
- [ ] Dump to file
- [x] Config File
- [x] Preserve ROM path
- [x] Window size
- [ ] Controls
- [x] Running NESTEST (behind a flag)
- [x] Controller support - _currently very basic_
- [x] A SDL GUI
- [x] SDL-based ROM picker
- [ ] Options menu

### Tertiary Milestones (Fun Features!)

- [x] Zipped ROM support
- [ ] Rewind
- [ ] Game Genie
- [x] Movie recording and playback
- [ ] More ROM formats (not just iNES)
- [ ] Proper PAL handling?
- [ ] Proper NTSC artifacting?
- Multiple Front-ends
- [x] SDL Standalone
- [ ] LibRetro
- [ ] Debugger!
- [ ] CPU
- [ ] Step through instructions
- [x] PPU Views
- [x] Static Palette
- [x] Palette Memory
- [x] Pattern Tables
- [x] Nametables
- [ ] OAM memory

### Accuracy & Compatibility

- More Mappers! Always more mappers!
- [ ] Add automatic testing
- [ ] Screenshots: compare power-on with 30 seconds of button mashing
- [ ] Test ROMs: Parse debug outputs
- [ ] Implement Unofficial Opcodes
- [ ] Pass More Tests
- [ ] _\(Stretch\)_ Switch to sub-instruction level cycle-based emulation
(vs instruction level)
- [x] Make the sprite rendering pipeline more accurate (fetch-timings)
- [ ] Pass More Tests
- [ ] Make value in PPU <-> CPU bus decay?

## Attributions

- A big shout-out to [LaiNES]( and
[fogleman/nes](, two solid NES emulators that I
referenced while implementing some particularly tricky parts of the PPU). While
I actively avoided looking at the source codes of other NES emulators while
writing my initial implementations of the CPU and PPU, I did sneak a peek at how
others solved some problems once I got stuck.
- These awesome libraries are used throughout ANESE's UI and in WideNES:
- [cfg_path]( - cross-platform config file
- [clara]( - argument Parsing
- [cute_headers]( - cross-platform directory browsing
- [miniz]( - zipped ROM support
- [sdl2]( - A/V and Input
- [SDL_inprint]( - SDL fonts, without SDL_ttf
- [simpleini]( - ini config parsing / saving
- [stb]( - image loading / writing