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Unbound Docker image

alpine-linux dns-server dnssec docker unbound

Last synced: 12 days ago
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Unbound Docker image




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## About

Docker image for [Unbound](, a validating, recursive, and
caching DNS resolver.

> [!TIP]
> Want to be notified of new releases? Check out 🔔 [Diun (Docker Image Update Notifier)](
> project!


* [Features](#features)
* [Build locally](#build-locally)
* [Image](#image)
* [Ports](#ports)
* [Usage](#usage)
* [Docker Compose](#docker-compose)
* [Command line](#command-line)
* [Upgrade](#upgrade)
* [Notes](#notes)
* [Configuration](#configuration)
* [Root trust store](#root-trust-store)
* [External backend DB as auxiliary cache](#external-backend-db-as-auxiliary-cache)
* [Contributing](#contributing)
* [License](#license)

## Features

* Run as non-root user
* Latest [Unbound]( release compiled from source
* Bind to [unprivileged port](#ports)
* Multi-platform image

## Build locally

git clone
cd docker-unbound

# Build image and output to docker (default)
docker buildx bake

# Build multi-platform image
docker buildx bake image-all

## Image

| Registry | Image |
| [Docker Hub]( | `crazymax/unbound` |
| [GitHub Container Registry]( | `` |

Following platforms for this image are available:

$ docker run --rm mplatform/mquery crazymax/unbound:latest
Image: crazymax/unbound:latest
* Manifest List: Yes
* Supported platforms:
- linux/amd64
- linux/arm/v6
- linux/arm/v7
- linux/arm64
- linux/ppc64le
- linux/s390x

## Volumes

* `/config`: Additional [configuration](#configuration) files

## Ports

* `5053/tcp 5053/udp`: DNS listening port

## Usage

### Docker Compose

Docker compose is the recommended way to run this image. You can use the
following [docker compose template](examples/compose/compose.yml), then
run the container:

docker compose up -d
docker compose logs -f

### Command line

You can also use the following minimal command:

docker run -d -p 5053:5053 --name unbound crazymax/unbound

## Upgrade

Recreate the container whenever I push an update:

docker compose pull
docker compose up -d

## Notes

### Configuration

When Unbound is started the main configuration [/etc/unbound/unbound.conf](rootfs/etc/unbound/unbound.conf)
is imported.

If you want to override settings from the main configuration you have to create
config files (with `.conf` extension) in `/config` folder.

For example, you can set up [forwarding queries](
to the appropriate public DNS server for queries that cannot be answered by
this server using a new configuration named `/config/forward-records.conf`:

name: "."
forward-tls-upstream: yes

#forward-addr: 2606:4700:4700::1111@853
#forward-addr: 2606:4700:4700::1001@853

A complete documentation about Ubound configuration can be found on
NLnet Labs website:

> Container has to be restarted to propagate changes

### Root trust store

This image already embeds a root trust anchor to perform DNSSEC validation.

If you want to generate a new key, you can use [`unbound-anchor`](
which is available in this image:

docker run -t --rm --entrypoint "" -v "$(pwd):/trust-anchor" crazymax/unbound:latest \
unbound-anchor -v -a "/trust-anchor/root.key"

If you want to use your own root trust anchor, you can create a new config file
called for example `/config/00-trust-anchor.conf`:

auto-trust-anchor-file: "/root.key"

> [!NOTE]
> See [documentation](
> for more info about `auto-trust-anchor-file` setting.

And bind mount the key:

image: crazymax/unbound
container_name: unbound
- target: 5053
published: 5053
protocol: tcp
- target: 5053
published: 5053
protocol: udp
- "./config:/config"
- "./root.key:/root.key"
restart: always

### External backend DB as auxiliary cache

The cache DB module is already configured in the [module-config](rootfs/etc/unbound/unbound.conf)
directive and compiled into the daemon.

You just need to create a new Redis service with [persistent storage](
enabled in your compose file along the Unbound one.

image: redis:6-alpine
container_name: unbound-redis
command: redis-server --save 60 1
- "./redis:/data"
restart: always

image: crazymax/unbound
container_name: unbound
- redis
- target: 5053
published: 5053
protocol: tcp
- target: 5053
published: 5053
protocol: udp
- "./config:/config:ro"
restart: always

And declare the backend configuration to use this Redis instance in `/config`
like `/config/cachedb.conf`:

backend: "redis"
secret-seed: "default"
redis-server-host: redis
redis-server-port: 6379

## Contributing

Want to contribute? Awesome! The most basic way to show your support is to star
the project, or to raise issues. You can also support this project by [**becoming a sponsor on GitHub**](
or by making a [PayPal donation]( to ensure this
journey continues indefinitely!

Thanks again for your support, it is much appreciated! :pray:

## License

MIT. See `LICENSE` for more details.