
An open API service indexing awesome lists of open source software.


Last synced: about 1 month ago
JSON representation





# Telegram iOS Source Code Compilation Guide

We welcome all developers to use our API and source code to create applications on our platform.
There are several things we require from **all developers** for the moment.

# Creating your Telegram Application

1. [**Obtain your own api_id**]( for your application.
2. Please **do not** use the name Telegram for your app — or make sure your users understand that it is unofficial.
3. Kindly **do not** use our standard logo (white paper plane in a blue circle) as your app's logo.
3. Please study our [**security guidelines**]( and take good care of your users' data and privacy.
4. Please remember to publish **your** code too in order to comply with the licences.

# Quick Compilation Guide

## Get the Code

git clone --recursive -j8

## Setup Xcode

Install Xcode (directly from or using the App Store).

## Adjust Configuration

1. Generate a random identifier:
openssl rand -hex 8
2. Create a new Xcode project. Use `Telegram` as the Product Name. Use `org.{identifier from step 1}` as the Organization Identifier.
3. Open `Keychain Access` and navigate to `Certificates`. Locate `Apple Development: [email protected] (XXXXXXXXXX)` and double tap the certificate. Under `Details`, locate `Organizational Unit`. This is the Team ID.
4. Edit `build-system/template_minimal_development_configuration.json`. Use data from the previous steps.

## Generate an Xcode project

python3 build-system/Make/ \
--cacheDir="$HOME/telegram-bazel-cache" \
generateProject \
--configurationPath=build-system/template_minimal_development_configuration.json \

# Advanced Compilation Guide

## Xcode

1. Copy and edit `build-system/appstore-configuration.json`.
2. Copy `build-system/fake-codesigning`. Create and download provisioning profiles, using the `profiles` folder as a reference for the entitlements.
3. Generate an Xcode project:
python3 build-system/Make/ \
--cacheDir="$HOME/telegram-bazel-cache" \
generateProject \
--configurationPath=configuration_from_step_1.json \

## IPA

1. Repeat the steps from the previous section. Use distribution provisioning profiles.
2. Run:
python3 build-system/Make/ \
--cacheDir="$HOME/telegram-bazel-cache" \
build \
--configurationPath=...see previous section... \
--codesigningInformationPath=...see previous section... \
--buildNumber=100001 \


## Xcode is stuck at "build-request.json not updated yet"

Occasionally, you might observe the following message in your build log:
"/Users/xxx/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/Telegram-xxx/Build/Intermediates.noindex/XCBuildData/xxx.xcbuilddata/build-request.json" not updated yet, waiting...

Should this occur, simply cancel the ongoing build and initiate a new one.

## Telegram_xcodeproj: no such package

Following a system restart, the auto-generated Xcode project might encounter a build failure accompanied by this error:
ERROR: Skipping '@rules_xcodeproj_generated//generator/Telegram/Telegram_xcodeproj:Telegram_xcodeproj': no such package '@rules_xcodeproj_generated//generator/Telegram/Telegram_xcodeproj': BUILD file not found in directory 'generator/Telegram/Telegram_xcodeproj' of external repository @rules_xcodeproj_generated. Add a BUILD file to a directory to mark it as a package.

If you encounter this issue, re-run the project generation steps in the README.

# Tips

## Codesigning is not required for simulator-only builds

Add `--disableProvisioningProfiles`:
python3 build-system/Make/ \
--cacheDir="$HOME/telegram-bazel-cache" \
generateProject \
--configurationPath=path-to-configuration.json \
--codesigningInformationPath=path-to-provisioning-data \

## Versions

Each release is built using a specific Xcode version (see `versions.json`). The helper script checks the versions of the installed software and reports an error if they don't match the ones specified in `versions.json`. It is possible to bypass these checks:

python3 build-system/Make/ --overrideXcodeVersion build ... # Don't check the version of Xcode