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:cyclone: Clean Architecture with .NET6, C#10 and React+Redux. Use cases as central organizing structure, completely testable, decoupled from frameworks

clean-architecture clean-code cleanarchitecture ddd-architecture design-patterns docker domain-driven-design dotnet-core dotnet5 entity-framework-core evolutionary-architecture hexagonal-architecture microservice modular-applications monorepo onion-architecture reactjs solid-principles tdd webapi

Last synced: about 1 month ago
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:cyclone: Clean Architecture with .NET6, C#10 and React+Redux. Use cases as central organizing structure, completely testable, decoupled from frameworks




# Clean Architecture with .NET Core & React+Redux :cyclone:
[![All Contributors](](#contributors) [![Build Status](](

Sample implementation of the **Clean Architecture Principles with .NET Core**. Use cases as central organizing structure, decoupled from frameworks and technology details. Built by small components that are developed and tested in isolation.

We support two versions:

- [.NET 6]( - .NET 6.
- [.NET 5]( - .NET 5.
- [.NET Core 3.1]( - .NET Core 3.1.

> Hit the `WATCH` button to get the latest Clean Architecture updates.

Manga is a Virtual Wallet Solution in which the customer register an account then manage the balance by `Deposit`, `Withdraw` and `Transfer` operations.

We also support the React client:

[![React+Redux Demo](](

## Build & Run

To startup the whole solution, execute the following command:


PS cd .docker && ./setup.ps1


$ cd .docker && ./

Then the following containers should be running on `docker ps`:

| Application | URL |
|-------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| NGINX | https://wallet.local:8081 |
| Wallet SPA | https://wallet.local:8081 |
| Accounts API | https://wallet.local:8081/accounts-api |
| Identity Server | https://wallet.local:8081/identity-server |
| SQL Server | Server=localhost;User Id=sa;Password=;Database=Accounts; |

Browse to [https://wallet.local:8081](https://wallet.local:8081) then click on Log In. If asked trust the [self-signed certificate](

## Motivation

> Learn how to design modular applications.
> Explore the .NET Core features.

### Learn how to design modular applications

Learning how to design modular applications will help you become a better engineer. Designing modular applications is the holy grail of software architecture, it is hard to find engineers experienced on designing applications which allows adding new features in a steady speed.

### Explore the .NET Core features

.NET Core brings a sweet development environment, an extensible and cross-platform framework. We will explore the benefits of it in the infrastructure layer and we will reduce its importance in the application and domain layers. The same rule is applied for modern C# language syntax.

### Learn from the open source community

This is continually updated, open source project.

[Contributions](#contributors-) are welcome!

## Contributing

> Learn from the community.

Feel free to submit pull requests to help:

* Fix errors.
* Refactoring.
* Build the Front End.
* Submit issues and bugs.

> The [Discussão em Português]( is pinned for the large community of brazillian developers.

## Index of Clean Architecture Manga
### [Home](
- [Motivation](
* [Learn how to design modular applications](
* [Explore the .NET Core features](
* [Learn from the open source community](
- [Contributing](
### [Use Cases](
### [Flow of Control](
* [Register Flow of Control](
* [Get Customer Details Flow of Control](
### [Architecture Styles](
* [Hexagonal Architecture Style](
* [Ports](
* [Adapters](
* [The Left Side](
* [The Right Side](
* [Onion Architecture Style](
* [Clean Architecture Style](
### [Design Patterns](
* [Controller](
* [ViewModel](
* [Presenter](
* [Standard Output](
* [Error Output](
* [Alternative Output](
* [Unit of Work](
* [First-Class Collections](
* [Factory](
### [Domain-Driven Design Patterns](
* [Value Object](
* [Entity](
* [Aggregate Root](
* [Repository](
* [Use Case](
### [Separation of Concerns](
- [Domain](
- [Application](
- [Infrastructure](
- [User Interface](
### [Encapsulation](
### [Test-Driven Development TDD](
### [Fakes](
### [SOLID](
- [Single Responsibility Principle](
- [Open-Closed Principle](
- [Liskov Substitution Principle](
- [Interface Segregation Principle](
- [Dependency Inversion Principle](
### [.NET Core Web API](
* [Swagger and API Versioning](
* [Microsoft Extensions](
* [Feature Flags](
* [Logging](
* [Data Annotations](
* [Authentication](#authentication)
* [Authorization](#authorization)
### [Entity Framework Core](
* [Add Migration](
* [Update Database](
### [Environment Configurations](
### [DevOps](
* [Running the Application Locally](
* [Running the Tests Locally](
* [Continuous Integration & Continuous Deployment](
### [Docker](
* [SQL Server](
### [Related Content and Projects](

## Contributors ✨

Thanks goes to these wonderful people ([emoji key](

Ivan Paulovich

🎨 ⚠️ 💻

Petr Sedláček

⚠️ 💻


🎨 ⚠️



Guilherme Silva

🎨 ⚠️ 💻

Ondřej Štorc

🎨 ⚠️

Marlon Miranda da Silva

🎨 ⚠️



Filipe Augusto Lima de Souza

🎨 ⚠️ 💻


⚠️ 💻

Matheus Neder


димитрий матиенко

🎨 ⚠️


⚠️ 💻

Felipe Lambert

⚠️ 💻

Philippe Matray

🎨 💻

Leandro Fagundes


Bart van Ommen

🤔 💻



Cesar Pereira


Edvaldo Farias


Sergio Broccardi




Vinícius Mamoré





🎨 💻

Charith De Silva


This project follows the [all-contributors]( specification. Contributions of any kind welcome!

> Hit the `FORK` button and show Clean Architecture on your profile.