
An open API service indexing awesome lists of open source software.

E-Commerce site built with Next.js App Router (and other packages like tRPC, Next-Auth, Prisma, etc)

next-auth nextjs nextjs13 prisma trpc typescript vercel

Last synced: 16 days ago
JSON representation

E-Commerce site built with Next.js App Router (and other packages like tRPC, Next-Auth, Prisma, etc)




# Checks

An e-commerce site for Nike sneakers built with the new Next.js 13 Beta (and other packages like tRPC, Next-Auth, Prisma,...)

> **Warning**
> Not a real e-commerce site. Built for experimenting and learning purposes.

## Demo





### Admin Section

## About

- For testing and experimenting all the new features in Next.js 13 Beta (`/app` dir, server components and everything new)
- Inspired by [Taxonomy]( built by [@shadcn](
- Haven't built an e-commerce site, so I'm challenging myself to build one!
- Building this in public. You can follow the progress/updates on [@amirfkrlh](

## Tech-stacks

- [Next.js 13 Beta](
- [TailwindCSS](
- [Material-Tailwind](
- [tRPC](
- [Next-Auth](
- [Prisma](
- [PostgreSQL](
- [Typescript](

## Deployments/Hosting

- Next.js: [Vercel](
- Database: [Railway](
- Image hosting: [AWS S3](

## Payment

- [Stripe](

## Cron Job

- GitHub Action

## Setting up locally

- Clone or fork this repository
- To clone:

git clone

- Create and set up the `.env` file, refer to `.env.sample` for the required keys
- Install the dependencies and generate prisma client (postinstall):

npm i

- Push and synchronize the prisma schema to the database (make sure you have prisma cli installed):

npx prisma db push

- Seed initial data:

npx prisma db seed

- Run locally:

npm run dev

## License

License under the [MIT License](./LICENSE)