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👨‍🔧 gradle plugin for coveralls

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👨‍🔧 gradle plugin for coveralls




# coveralls-gradle-plugin v2.12.2

[![Java CI](](
[![Coverage Status](](

> Send coverage data to

## Usage

### Use with _cobertura_ reporter

Add the following lines to build.gradle:

plugins {
id 'net.saliman.cobertura' version '4.0.0'
id 'com.github.kt3k.coveralls' version '2.12.2'

cobertura.coverageFormats = ['html', 'xml'] // coveralls plugin depends on xml format report

And run `coveralls` task after `cobertura` task.

An example `.travis.yml` looks like following:

language: java

- oraclejdk11

- ./gradlew cobertura coveralls

For groovy projects, add the following line to build.gradle:

cobertura.coverageSourceDirs = sourceSets.main.groovy.srcDirs

### Use with _JaCoCo_ plugin

Add the following lines to build.gradle:

plugins {
id 'jacoco'
id 'com.github.kt3k.coveralls' version '2.12.2'

jacocoTestReport {
reports {
xml.enabled = true // coveralls plugin depends on xml format report
html.enabled = true

An example `.travis.yml` looks like following:

language: java

- oraclejdk11

- ./gradlew jacocoTestReport coveralls

Configuration Options

coveralls {
jacocoReportPath 'build/reports/jacoco/jacocoTestReport/jacocoTestReport.xml'

### Use with [_pitest_]( plugin

Add the following lines to build.gradle:

plugins {
id "info.solidsoft.pitest" version '1.6.0'
id 'com.github.kt3k.coveralls' version '2.12.2'

pitest {
timestampedReports = false
outputFormats = ['XML']

An example `.travis.yml` looks like following:

language: java

- oraclejdk11

- ./gradlew pitest coveralls

### Use with Travis-CI Pro & Coveralls Pro

When using Travis-CI Pro, you must provide your Coveralls Pro repo token in the
`COVERALLS_REPO_TOKEN` environment variable in `.travis.yml`.


You may also use a secure environment variable to hold `COVERALLS_REPO_TOKEN` by
following the instructions on

- secure:

### Use with multi-project build

This plugin only handles one project per build. You need to merge coverage
report before coveralls plugin take it.

See example:

### Configuring coveralls "task"

If you configure coveralls "task" (not the extension object), you need to write
as the following:

tasks.coveralls {
dependsOn 'check'

### CI Services

The following CI services should _automatically_ work:

- [Travis CI](
- [CircleCI](
- [Jenkins CI](
- [Bitrise CI](

If you need to customize something or support a different CI service, you can
configure environment variables:


#### Supported CI names

- Travis-CI: `travis-ci`
- Travis-Pro: `travis-pro`
- CircleCI: `circleci`
- Jenkins: `jenkins`
- Snap CI: `snapci`
- Bitrise CI: `bitrise`

If you have `COVERALLS_REPO_TOKEN` set and you're using Travis-CI not
Travis-Pro, you need to set `CI_NAME=travis-ci`.

### HTTPS proxy settings

You can set https proxy if needed. Environment variables to configure:

- `https.proxyHost`
- `https.proxyPort` (default value is **443**)

## Examples


## License

MIT License ( Yoshiya Hinosawa )

## Note

- The ID of the plugin has been changed from `coveralls` to
`com.github.kt3k.coveralls` according to
[the guidelines of gradle plugin]( Please
see the examples below for details. (2014/07/21)

## See also

- An alternative web service to coveralls.
- Better API design, which accepts any of major formats.
- Nice browser extensions - You can see coverage information in GitHub UI.

## Release History

- 2023-03-07 v2.12.2 Better error message.
- 2021-04-07 v2.12.0 Added Drone support.
- 2020-08-07 v2.10.2 Fix path handling of JaCoCo report.
- 2020-02-28 v2.10.1 Upgrade httpmime dependency.
- 2020-02-16 v2.10.0 Add branch detection.
- 2019-12-11 v2.9.0 Add GitHub Actions support.
- 2019-05-25 v2.8.4 Maintainance update (refactored).
- 2017-10-17 v2.8.2 Fixed PR ID in Jenkins.
- 2017-02-08 v2.8.1 Fixed PIT report.
- 2017-02-06 v2.8.0 Added [PIT]( support.
- 2016-11-14 v2.7.1 Recover Java 7 support. (v2.7.0 doesn't work with Java 8)
- 2016-11-11 v2.7.0 Added HTTPS proxy settings.
- 2016-01-29 v2.6.3 Recover Java 7 support. (v2.6.0 and v2.6.1 don't work with
Java 8)
- 2016-01-29 v2.6.3 Recover Java 7 support. (v2.6.0 and v2.6.1 don't work with
Java 8)
- 2016-01-29 v2.6.1 Improved CircleCI support.
- 2016-01-22 v2.6.0 Improved CircleCI support.
- 2016-01-18 v2.5.0 Added Bitrise CI support.
- 2015-05-10 v2.4.0 Improved Travis CI support.
- 2015-02-10 v2.3.1 Improved Snap CI support.
- 2015-02-10 v2.3.0 [Snap CI]( support.
- 2015-02-08 v2.2.0 JenkinsCI support.
- 2015-01-05 v2.1.0 CircleCI support.
- 2014-10-05 v2.0.1 Compatibility with gradle-android-plugin 0.13.x.
([#25]( dle-plugin/pull/25))
- 2014-08-01 v2.0.0 More CI services support. Improvements.
- 2014-07-21 v1.0.2 Plugin ID changed. `coveralls` ->
- 2014-07-06 v0.6.1 XML parser behaviours fixed.
- 2014-07-02 v0.6.0 Multiple project support for JaCoCo.
- 2014-06-26 v0.5.0 Android plugin support.
- 2014-06-21 v0.4.1 XML parser settings fixed.
- 2014-03-15 v0.3.1 HttpBuilder upgraded to v0.7.1.
- 2014-03-11 v0.3.0 Coverage report path became configurable.
- 2014-02-19 v0.2.5 Travis Pro support.
- 2014-01-21 v0.2.4 Ignore absent source files.
- 2013-12-09 v0.2.1 JaCoCo support.
- 2013-11-02 v0.1.6 Available at Maven Central.
- 2013-10-27 v0.1.5 Multiple `` tag support.
- 2013-10-08 v0.1.3 First usable version.