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Mock implementation of the Next.js Router

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Mock implementation of the Next.js Router




# `next-router-mock`

An implementation of the Next.js Router that keeps the state of the "URL" in memory (does not read or write to the
address bar). Useful in **tests** and **Storybook**.
Inspired by [`react-router > MemoryRouter`](

Tested with NextJS v13, v12, v11, and v10.

Install via NPM: `npm install --save-dev next-router-mock`

**Table of Contents** *generated with [DocToc](*

- [Usage with Jest](#usage-with-jest)
- [Jest Configuration](#jest-configuration)
- [Jest Example](#jest-example)
- [Usage with Storybook](#usage-with-storybook)
- [Storybook Configuration](#storybook-configuration)
- [Storybook Example](#storybook-example)
- [Compatibility with `next/link`](#compatibility-with-nextlink)
- [Example: `next/link` with React Testing Library](#example-nextlink-with-react-testing-library)
- [Example: `next/link` with Enzyme](#example-nextlink-with-enzyme)
- [Example: `next/link` with Storybook](#example-nextlink-with-storybook)
- [Dynamic Routes](#dynamic-routes)
- [Sync vs Async](#sync-vs-async)
- [Supported Features](#supported-features)
- [Not yet supported](#not-yet-supported)

# Usage with Jest

### Jest Configuration
For unit tests, the `next-router-mock` module can be used as a drop-in replacement for `next/router`:

jest.mock('next/router', () => require('next-router-mock'));

You can do this once per spec file, or you can [do this globally using `setupFilesAfterEnv`](

### Jest Example

In your tests, use the router from `next-router-mock` to set the current URL and to make assertions.

import { useRouter } from 'next/router';
import { render, screen, fireEvent } from '@testing-library/react';
import mockRouter from 'next-router-mock';

jest.mock('next/router', () => jest.requireActual('next-router-mock'))

const ExampleComponent = ({ href = '' }) => {
const router = useRouter();
return (
The current route is: "{router.asPath}"


describe('next-router-mock', () => {
it('mocks the useRouter hook', () => {
// Set the initial url:

// Render the component:
'The current route is: "/initial-path"'

// Click the button:'button'));

// Ensure the router was updated:
asPath: "/foo?bar=baz",
pathname: "/foo",
query: { bar: "baz" },

# Usage with Storybook

### Storybook Configuration
Globally enable `next-router-mock` by adding the following webpack alias to your Storybook configuration.

In `.storybook/main.js` add:
module.exports = {
webpackFinal: async (config, { configType }) => {
config.resolve.alias = {
"next/router": "next-router-mock",
return config;

This ensures that all your components that use `useRouter` will work in Storybook. If you also need to test `next/link`, please see the section [Example: **`next/link` with Storybook**](#example-nextlink-with-storybook).

### Storybook Example

In your individual stories, you might want to mock the current URL (eg. for testing an "ActiveLink" component), or you might want to log `push/replace` actions. You can do this by wrapping your stories with the `` component.

// ActiveLink.story.jsx
import { action } from '@storybook/addon-actions';
import { MemoryRouterProvider }
from 'next-router-mock/MemoryRouterProvider/next-13';
import { ActiveLink } from './active-link';

export const ExampleStory = () => (

Not Active


> Be sure to import from **a matching Next.js version**:
> ```
> import { MemoryRouterProvider }
> from 'next-router-mock/MemoryRouterProvider/next-13.5';
> ```
> Choose from `next-13.5`, `next-13`, `next-12`, or `next-11`.

The `MemoryRouterProvider` has the following optional properties:

- `url` (`string` or `object`) sets the current route's URL
- `async` enables async mode, if necessary (see "Sync vs Async" for details)
- Events:
- `onPush(url, { shallow })`
- `onReplace(url, { shallow })`
- `onRouteChangeStart(url, { shallow })`
- `onRouteChangeComplete(url, { shallow })`

# Compatibility with `next/link`

To use `next-router-mock` with `next/link`, you must use a `` to wrap the test component.

### Example: `next/link` with React Testing Library

When rendering, simply supply the option `{ wrapper: MemoryRouterProvider }`

import { render } from '@testing-library/react';
import NextLink from 'next/link';

import mockRouter from 'next-router-mock';
import { MemoryRouterProvider } from 'next-router-mock/MemoryRouterProvider';

it('NextLink can be rendered', () => {
Example Link,
{ wrapper: MemoryRouterProvider }
);'Example Link'));

### Example: `next/link` with Enzyme

When rendering, simply supply the option `{ wrapperComponent: MemoryRouterProvider }`

import { shallow } from 'enzyme';
import NextLink from 'next/link';

import mockRouter from 'next-router-mock';
import { MemoryRouterProvider } from 'next-router-mock/MemoryRouterProvider';

it('NextLink can be rendered', () => {
const wrapper = shallow(
Example Link,
{ wrapperComponent: MemoryRouterProvider }



### Example: `next/link` with Storybook

In Storybook, you must wrap your component with the `` component (with optional `url` set).

// example.story.jsx
import NextLink from 'next/link';
import { action } from '@storybook/addon-actions';

import { MemoryRouterProvider } from 'next-router-mock/MemoryRouterProvider/next-13.5';

export const ExampleStory = () => (

Example Link


This can be done inline (as above).
It can also be implemented as a `decorator`, which can be per-Story, per-Component, or Global (see [Storybook Decorators Documentation]( for details).
Global example:

// .storybook/preview.js
import { MemoryRouterProvider } from 'next-router-mock/MemoryRouterProvider';

export const decorators = [
(Story) =>

# Dynamic Routes

By default, `next-router-mock` does not know about your dynamic routes (eg. files like `/pages/[id].js`).
To test code that uses dynamic routes, you must add the routes manually, like so:

import mockRouter from "next-router-mock";
import { createDynamicRouteParser } from "next-router-mock/dynamic-routes";

// These paths should match those found in the `/pages` folder:

// Example test:
it('should parse dynamic routes', () => {
pathname: '/[id]',
query: { id: 'FOO' }

# Sync vs Async

By default, `next-router-mock` handles route changes synchronously. This is convenient for testing, and works for most
However, Next normally handles route changes asynchronously, and in certain cases you might actually rely on that
behavior. If that's the case, you can use `next-router-mock/async`. Tests will need to account for the async behavior
too; for example:

it('next/link can be tested too', async () => {
render(Example Link);'Example Link'));
await waitFor(() => {
asPath: '/example?foo=bar',
pathname: '/example',
query: { foo: 'bar' },

# Supported Features

- `useRouter()`
- `withRouter(Component)`
- `router.push(url, as?, options?)`
- `router.replace(url, as?, options?)`
- `router.route`
- `router.pathname`
- `router.asPath`
- `router.query`
- Works with `next/link` (see Jest notes)
- `` supports:
- `routeChangeStart(url, { shallow })`
- `routeChangeComplete(url, { shallow })`
- `hashChangeStart(url, { shallow })`
- `hashChangeComplete(url, { shallow })`

## Not yet supported

PRs welcome!
These fields just have default values; these methods do nothing.

- `router.isReady`
- `router.basePath`
- `router.isFallback`
- `router.isLocaleDomain`
- `router.locale`
- `router.locales`
- `router.defaultLocale`
- `router.domainLocales`
- `router.prefetch()`
- `router.back()`
- `router.beforePopState(cb)`
- `router.reload()`
- `` not implemented:
- `routeChangeError`
- `beforeHistoryChange`