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simple admin API for (minio) s3 server

adminio-api minio minio-api minio-rest minio-server minio-ui openapi prometheus web-ui

Last synced: 29 days ago
JSON representation

simple admin API for (minio) s3 server




# Adminio-api
This is a simple admin "REST" API for [minio]( s3 server.
Here is a Web UI for this API - [adminio-ui](

![Docker hub stats]( ![GitHub License](

## OpenAPI v3

see OpenAPI v3 specs at `openAPI/openapi_v3.yaml` or [html version](

### Run full stack demo
obtain [docker-compose.yml]( from [adminio-ui]( repository. And run it:
`docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml up`

it will bring up:

- minio server on 9000 port
- adminio API on 8080 port
- adminio UI on 80 port

after that you can go to `http://localhost` and try out

### Run with docker
docker run -d \
-p 8080:8080 \
-e ADMINIO_HOST_PORT=":8080" \
-e MINIO_HOST_PORT="localhost:9000" \
-e MINIO_ACCESS="test" \
-e MINIO_SECRET="testtest123" \


### Run with Kubernetes/OpenShift/OKD/OCP
go to [Helm charts]( repo

### Run manually
- [start]( minio server
- set env variables
- go to `src` folder and compile with `go build main.go`, then run `./main` binary

### Monitoring
Adminio-API expose metrics for [Prometheus]( at `/metrics` if `ADMINIO_METRICS_ENABLE` is set to `true`.

### Config Env variables
| Variable | Description | Default |
| `ADMINIO_HOST_PORT` | which host and port API should listening. This is Iris based API, so you will need to provide for listening on all interfaces | localhost:8080 |
| `MINIO_HOST_PORT` | provide a minio server host and port | localhost:9000 |
| `MINIO_SSL` | enable or disable ssl | false |
| `MINIO_SSL_INSECURE` | skip SSL verify| false |
| `MINIO_SSL_CACERT` | path to CA certificate | "" |
| `MINIO_REGION` | set minio region | us-east-1 |
| `MINIO_ACCESS` | set minio Access Key | test |
| `MINIO_SECRET` | set minio Secret Key | testtest123 |
| `MINIO_DEFAULT_LOCK_OBLECT_ENABLE` | set minio default make bucket behaviour with locking object | false |
| `ADMINIO_CORS_DOMAIN` | set adminio-api CORS policy domain | * |
| `ADMINIO_OAUTH_ENABLE` | enable oauth over supported providers | false |
| `ADMINIO_OAUTH_PROVIDER` | oauth provider, for more information see the full list of supported providers | github |
| `ADMINIO_OAUTH_CLIENT_ID` | oauth app client id | my-github-oauth-app-client-id |
| `ADMINIO_OAUTH_CLIENT_SECRET` | oauth app secret | my-github-oauth-app-secret |
| `ADMINIO_OAUTH_CALLBACK` | oauth callback, default listener on /auth/callback | http://"+ADMINIO_HOST_PORT+"/auth/callback |
| `ADMINIO_OAUTH_CUSTOM_DOMAIN` | oauth custom domain, for supported providers (auth0\wso2) | - |
| `ADMINIO_COOKIE_HASH_KEY` | hash key for session cookies. AES only supports key sizes of 16, 24 or 32 bytes | NRUeuq6AdskNPa7ewZuxG9TrDZC4xFat |
| `ADMINIO_COOKIE_BLOCK_KEY` | block key for session cookies. AES only supports key sizes of 16, 24 or 32 bytes | bnfYuphzxPhJMR823YNezH83fuHuddFC |
| `ADMINIO_COOKIE_NAME` | name for the session cookie | adminiosessionid |
| `ADMINIO_AUDIT_LOG_ENABLE` | enable audit log, mae sense if oauth is enabled, othervise set to false | false |
| `ADMINIO_METRICS_ENABLE` | enable default iris/golang metrics and bucket sizes metric on `/metrics/` uri path | false |
| `ADMINIO_PROBES_ENABLE` | enable liveness and readiness probes for k8s at `/ready/` and `/live/` uri path installations | false |

### List of supported oauth providers

- amazon
- auth0
- bitbucket
- box
- digitalocean
- dropbox
- github
- gitlab
- heroku
- onedrive
- salesforce
- slack
- wso2

### Example config
- prometheus config for adminio metrics: `examples/prometheus.yml`
- bucket lifecycle: `examples/lifecycle.xml`