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A Sudoku game for Android & Desktop written with Jetpack Compose Multiplatform

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A Sudoku game for Android & Desktop written with Jetpack Compose Multiplatform




# 🚀 Compose Arcade

A sample Kotlin Multiplatform Compose Sudoku app for Android & Desktop.
Most code is shared between Android & Desktop using Kotlin Multiplatform and [Jetbrains Compose](

![Alt text](screenshots/sudoku-demo.png?raw=true "Demo running on Android & Ubuntu")

### This example supports the following targets:
- `Android` (Compose)
- `JVM` (Compose - Win / Linux / MacOS)

### Libraries used:
- [Jetpack Compose]( - shared UI
- [Decompose]( - navigation and lifecycle
- [Mavericks]( - state management using MVI. For this project I created a
minimalistic multi-platform ViewModel implementation using MavericksStateStore.
- [Sudoku Game Logic]( A Sudoku generator and solver, ported to Kotlin multi-platform.

### There are multiple modules:
- `:common:sudoku` - displays a list of todo items and a text field
- `:common:utils` - some shared utilities, including the state management classes
- `:common:root` - UI entrypoint and navigation logic
- `:common:compose-ui` - platform specific UI implementations (expect/actual funs)
- `:android` - Android application
- `:desktop` - Desktop application

The root module is integrated into Android and Desktop apps.

### Features:
- 99% of the code is shared: data, business logic, presentation, navigation and UI
- View state is preserved when navigating between screens, Android configuration change, etc.
- Model-View-Intent (aka MVI) architectural pattern

### Running desktop application
./gradlew :desktop:run

### Building native desktop distribution
./gradlew :desktop:package
# outputs are written to desktop/build/compose/binaries

### Running Android application

Open project in Intellij IDEA or Android Studio and run "android" configuration.