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A functional and state-less library for the Ethereum JSON-RPC.

ethereum functional solidity stateless web3

Last synced: 29 days ago
JSON representation

A functional and state-less library for the Ethereum JSON-RPC.




# eth-fun

[![Node.js CI](](

### A collection of independent utility functions for Ethereum. Build with functional approach in mind.

#### [API Documentation](/ | [Changelog](/ | [Contributing](

## Why Use eth-fun?

You should use eth-fun when you want to have _fun_. We try to build our
code according to the properties below.

- **Functional** in nature
- **Modular** and as **loosely** coupled as possible.
- **Stateless**; such that we come as close as possible towards atomic,
safely-failable (and catchable) actions.
- Built with a modern front end's needs in mind. Ideally, the whole lib is
**tree-shakeable** and produces the **smallest footprint** possible when being sent
to a client's browser.

eth-fun is an attempt at developing Ethereum in a one-way-dataflow fashion
(similar to react.js). Today, eth-fun can't sign payloads. It works best in on-chain
data extractors like and eth-fun is a

## Installation

$ npm i eth-fun

## Example

#### Get the latest block number and fetch information about it

import { blockNumber, getBlockByNumber } from "eth-fun";

// URL of an Ethereum node
const options = {
url: "",

(async () => {
const currentNumber = await blockNumber(options); // latest block
const includeTxBodies = false;
const block = await getBlockByNumber(options, currentNumber, includeTxBodies);
console.log(block); // information about the block

Similar to the above used functions i.e. `blockNumber` and `getBlockByNumber`
eth-fun implements more utility functions to talk with an Ethereum node using

## API

Visit [API documentation](/ for a complete list of functions and their examples.

- [`options object`](/
- [`await getBlockByNumber(options, blockNumber, includeTxBodiesw)`](/
- [`await getTransactionReceipt(options, txId)`](/
- [`toHex(number)`](/
- [`fromHex(number)`](/
- [`encodeFunctionSignature(selector)`](/
- [`encodeEventSignature(selector)`](/
- [`encodeParameters(typesArray, parameters)`](/
- [`encodeFunctionCall(jsonInterface, parameters)`](/
- [`decodeLog(inputs, data, topics)`](/
- [`decodeParameters(typesArray, parameters)`](/
- [`async call(options, from, to, data, blockNumber)`](/
- [`errors object`](/
- [`nodes object`](/
- [`async blockNumber(options)`](/
- [`async getStorageAt(options, addr, index, blockNumber)`](/
- [`getStorageLocation(contract, label)`](/
- [`allFunctions(compiledCode)`](/
- [`async getLogs(options, {fromBlock, toBlock, address, topics, limit })`](/

## Examples

- [limit-requests](/examples/limit-requests) - An example to demonstrate concurrency so that the RPC endpoint doesn't get choked

## Changelog

Visit [](/

## Tests

You can run the library's tests with `npm run test`, however, do make sure that
you're on node v14 as this is what the esmock setup sadly still depends on.
Otherwise, for anything but testing, we're using this library in production
with node v18.

## Contributing

We love contributions from the community. Find a [good first issue](

Want to suggest a feature or even better raise a PR for it? Head over to the [issues](

## References

- [Ethereum JSON-RPC Specification](

## License

See LICENSE file.