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🎁 Três modelos de README com o Projeto criados para o blog da @Rocketseat 🚀

context-api express github joi nodejs react react-native react-router reactjs readme readme-template typescript

Last synced: 15 days ago
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🎁 Três modelos de README com o Projeto criados para o blog da @Rocketseat 🚀






Your waste collection marketplace. We help the planet to be cleaner!

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made by Rocketseat


Status: Finished

How it works
Tech Stack

## About

♻️ Ecoleta - is a way to connect companies and entities that collect organic and inorganic waste to people who need to dispose of their waste in an ecological way.
Project developed during ** NLW - Next Level Week ** offered by [Rocketseat]( NLW is an online experience with lots of practical content, challenges and hacks where the content is available for a week.


## Features

- [x] Companies or entities can register on the web platform by sending:
- [x] an image of the collection point
- [x] entity name, email and whatsapp
- [x] and the address so that it can appear on the map
- [x] in addition to selecting one or more collection items:
- lamps
- Batteries
- papers and cardboard
- electronic waste
- organic waste
- kitchen oil

- [x] Users have access to the mobile application, where they can:
- [x] browse the map to see the registered institutions
- [x] contact the entity via E-mail or WhatsApp


## Layout

The application layout is available on Figma:

Made by tgmarinho

### Mobile



### Web




## How it works

This project is divided into three parts:
1. Backend (server folder)
2. Frontend (web folder)
3. Mobile (mobile folder)

Both Frontend and Mobile need the Backend to be running to work.

### Pre-requisites

Before you begin, you will need to have the following tools installed on your machine:
[Git] (, [Node.js] (
In addition, it is good to have an editor to work with the code like [VSCode] (

#### Rodando o Backend (servidor)


# Clone this repository
$ git clone [email protected]:tgmarinho/README-ecoleta.git

# Access the project folder cmd/terminal
$ cd README-ecoleta

# go to the server folder
$ cd server

# install the dependencies
$ npm install

# Run the application in development mode
$ npm run dev:server

# The server will start at port: 3333 - go to http://localhost:3333


Run in Insomnia

#### Running the web application (Frontend)


# Clone this repository
$ git clone [email protected]: tgmarinho / README-ecoleta.git

# Access the project folder in your terminal
$ cd README-ecoleta

# Go to the Front End application folder
$ cd web

# Install the dependencies
$ npm install

# Run the application in development mode
$ npm run start

# The application will open on the port: 3000 - go to http://localhost:3000



## Tech Stack

The following tools were used in the construction of the project:

#### **Website** ([React]( + [TypeScript](

- **[React Router Dom](**
- **[React Icons](**
- **[Axios](**
- **[Leaflet](**
- **[React Leaflet](**
- **[React Dropzone](**

> See the file [package.json](

#### [](**Server** ([NodeJS]( + [TypeScript](

- **[Express](**
- **[CORS](**
- **[KnexJS](**
- **[SQLite](**
- **[ts-node](**
- **[dotENV](**
- **[Multer](**
- **[Celebrate](**
- **[Joi](**

> See the file [package.json](

#### [](**Mobile** ([React Native]( + [TypeScript](

- **[Expo](**
- **[Expo Google Fonts](**
- **[React Navigation](**
- **[React Native Maps](**
- **[Expo Constants](**
- **[React Native SVG](**
- **[Axios](**
- **[Expo Location](**
- **[Expo Mail Composer](**

> See the file [package.json](

#### [](**Utilitários**

- Prototype: **[Figma](** → **[Protótipo (Ecoleta)](**
- API: **[IBGE API](** → **[API de UFs](**, **[API de Municípios](**
- Maps: **[Leaflet](**
- Editor: **[Visual Studio Code](** → Extensions: **[SQLite](**
- Markdown: **[StackEdit](**, **[Markdown Emoji](**
- Commit Conventional: **[Commitlint](**
- API Test: **[Insomnia](**
- Icons: **[Feather Icons](**, **[Font Awesome](**
- Fonts: **[Ubuntu](**, **[Roboto](**


## Contributors

A big thanks to this group that made this product leave the field of idea and enter the app stores :)

You are an awesome team! :)

Diego Fernandes

Cleiton Souza

Robson Marques

Claudio Orlandi

Vinícios Fraga

Hugo Duarte


Joseph Oliveira

Guilherme Rodz

Mayk Brito

João Paulo

Luke Morales

Luiz Batanero

## How to contribute

1. Fork the project.
2. Create a new branch with your changes: `git checkout -b my-feature`
3. Save your changes and create a commit message telling you what you did: `git commit -m" feature: My new feature "`
4. Submit your changes: `git push origin my-feature`
> If you have any questions check this [guide on how to contribute](./


## Author

Thiago Marinho

Thiago Marinho

[![Twitter Badge](]( [![Linkedin Badge](](
[![Gmail Badge]([email protected]?style=flat-square&logo=Gmail&logoColor=white&link=mailto:[email protected])](mailto:[email protected])


## License

This project is under the license [MIT](./LICENSE).

Made with love by Thiago Marinho 👋🏽 [Get in Touch!](Https://


## Versions of README

[Portuguese](./ | [English without emojis](./ | [Portugueses without logo](./