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Utilities that make array iteration easy when using async/await or Promises

array array-iteration array-methods async async-await async-functions await es2017 promise

Last synced: 29 days ago
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Utilities that make array iteration easy when using async/await or Promises




# p-iteration [![Build Status](]( [![NPM version](](

> Make array iteration easy when using async/await and promises

- Same functionality as the ES5 Array iteration methods we all know
- All the methods return a `Promise`, making them awaitable and thenable
- Allow the usage of async functions as callback
- Callbacks run concurrently
- Lightweight (no prd dependencies)

## Install

$ npm install --save p-iteration

## Usage

Smooth asynchronous iteration using `async/await`:

const { map } = require('p-iteration');

// map passing an async function as callback
function getUsers (userIds) {
return map(userIds, async userId => {
const response = await fetch(`/api/users/${userId}`);
return response.json();

// map passing a non-async function as callback
async function getRawResponses (userIds) {
const responses = await map(userIds, userId => fetch(`/api/users/${userId}`));
// ... do some stuff
return responses;

// ...

const { filter } = require('p-iteration');

async function getFilteredUsers (userIds, name) {
const filteredUsers = await filter(userIds, async userId => {
const response = await fetch(`/api/users/${userId}`);
const user = await response.json();
return === name;
// ... do some stuff
return filteredUsers;

// ...

All methods return a Promise so they can just be used outside an async function just with plain Promises:

const { map } = require('p-iteration');

map([123, 125, 156], (userId) => fetch(`/api/users/${userId}`))
.then((result) => {
// ...
.catch((error) => {
// ...

If there is a Promise in the array, it will be unwrapped before calling the callback:

const { forEach } = require('p-iteration');
const fetchJSON = require('nonexistent-module');

function logUsers () {
const users = [
fetchJSON('/api/users/125'), // returns a Promise
{ userId: 123, name: 'Jolyne', age: 19 },
{ userId: 156, name: 'Caesar', age: 20 }
return forEach(users, (user) => {

const { find } = require('p-iteration');
const fetchJSON = require('nonexistent-module');

function findUser (name) {
const users = [
fetchJSON('/api/users/125'), // returns a Promise
{ userId: 123, name: 'Jolyne', age: 19 },
{ userId: 156, name: 'Caesar', age: 20 }
return find(users, (user) => === name);

The callback will be invoked as soon as the Promise is unwrapped:

const { forEach } = require('p-iteration');

// function that returns a Promise resolved after 'ms' passed
const delay = (ms) => new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(() => resolve(ms), ms));

// 100, 200, 300 and 500 will be logged in this order
async function logNumbers () {
const numbers = [
await forEach(numbers, (number) => {

## API

The methods are implementations of the ES5 Array iteration methods we all know with the same syntax, but all return a `Promise`. Also, with the exception of `reduce()`, all methods callbacks are run concurrently. There is a series version of each method, called: `${methodName}Series`, series methods use the same API that their respective concurrent ones.

There is a link to the [original reference]( of each method in the docs of this module:

- [`forEach`(array, callback, [thisArg])](

- [`forEachSeries`(array, callback, [thisArg])](

- [`map`(array, callback, [thisArg])](

- [`mapSeries`(array, callback, [thisArg])](

- [`find`(array, callback, [thisArg])](

- [`findSeries`(array, callback, [thisArg])](

- [`findIndex`(array, callback, [thisArg])](

- [`findIndexSeries`(array, callback, [thisArg])](

- [`some`(array, callback, [thisArg])](

- [`someSeries`(array, callback, [thisArg])](

- [`every`(array, callback, [thisArg])](

- [`everySeries`(array, callback, [thisArg])](

- [`filter`(array, callback, [thisArg])](

- [`filterSeries`(array, callback, [thisArg])](

- [`reduce`(array, callback, [initialValue])](

## Instance methods

Extending native objects is discouraged and I don't recommend it, but in case you know what you are doing, you can extend `Array.prototype` to use the above methods as instance methods. They have been renamed as `async${MethodName}`, so the original ones are not overwritten.

const { instanceMethods } = require('p-iteration');

Object.assign(Array.prototype, instanceMethods);

async function example () {
const foo = await [1, 2, 3].asyncMap((id) => fetch(`/api/example/${id}`));

## License

MIT © [Antonio V](