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Inject references to files into other files (think scripts and stylesheets into an html file)

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Inject references to files into other files (think scripts and stylesheets into an html file)




# grunt-injector

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Inject references to files into other files (think scripts and stylesheets into an html file)

## Getting Started
Current plugin requires Grunt `~1.0.0` and supports node engine `>=4.0.0`.

Plugin versions `v1.0.1 (and earlier)` require Grunt `>=0.4.x` and support node engine `>= 0.8.0`.

If you haven't used [Grunt]( before, be sure to check out the [Getting Started]( guide, as it explains how to create a [Gruntfile]( as well as install and use Grunt plugins. Once you're familiar with that process, you may install this plugin with this command:

npm install grunt-injector --save-dev

Once the plugin has been installed, it may be enabled inside your Gruntfile with this line of JavaScript:


## The "injector" task

### Overview
In your project's Gruntfile, add a section named `injector` to the data object passed into `grunt.initConfig()`.

injector: {
options: {
// Task-specific options go here.
your_target: {
// Target-specific file lists and/or options go here.

### Options

#### options.template
Type: `String`
Defaulting to `dest` property of file group

The filename for the source template where you have your injection tags.
If not provided, the given `dest` file must exist and will be used as source template as well, and therefor will be modified on injection.

#### options.templateString
Type: `String`
Default value: `NULL`

The contents of the template to use. If specified it overrides the `template` option.

#### options.ignorePath
Type: `String`|`Array`
Default value: `NULL`

A path or paths that should be removed from each injected file path.

#### options.addRootSlash
Type: `Boolean`
Default value: `!options.relative`

Specifies if a root slash (`/`) should be added to all paths.

#### options.relative
Type: `Boolean`
Default value: `true`

Specifies if relative paths should be injected.

#### options.destFile
Type: `String`
Default value: `NULL`

Used to override the `dest` property of file groups, which is necessary when using [dynamically built files objects](

#### options.min
Type: `Boolean`
Default value: `false`

If set to `true` each injected file will be switched to its minified counterpart (i.e. *.min. files), if it exists that is otherwise the original file is used as usual.

#### options.starttag
Type: `String`
Default value: ``

Set the start tag that the injector is looking for. `{{ext}}` is replaced with file extension name, e.g. "css", "js" or "html".
The extension for files collected from from Bower components is prepended with option `bowerPrefix` if given.

#### options.endtag
Type: `String`
Default value: ``

Set the end tag that the injector is looking for. `{{ext}}` is replaced with file extension name, e.g. "css", "js" or "html".
The extension for files collected from from Bower components is prepended with option `bowerPrefix` if given.

#### options.prefix
Type: `String`
Default value: `''`

Set the prefix to append to the beginning of each injected file. Useful to change the directory name in combination with ignorePath.

#### options.postfix
Type: `String`
Default value: `''`

Set the postfix to append to the end of each injected file. Useful to reset cached resources like "/path/to/script.js?offset01".

#### options.bowerPrefix
Type: `String`
Default value: `NULL`

Set prefix for file extension when replacing `{{ext}}` in start and end tag (see above).
**Added in v.0.5.0.** To keep old behaviour set this to "bower:". See *Bower dependency injection* below as well.

#### options.lineEnding
Type: `String`
Default value: `null`

Configure what `lineEnding` character(s) to use between injections.
If no value specified, `grunt injector` will try to figure out the default line ending character(s) from template files.

#### options.transform
Type: `Function`
Params: `filepath`, `index` (0-based file index), `length` (total number of files to inject)
Default value: a function that returns:

* For css files: ``
* For js files: ``
* For html files: ``

Used to generate the content to inject for each file.

#### options.clean
Type: `Boolean`
Default value: `false`

Set to `true` to clean all the files listed between the `inject` tags.

#### options.sort
Type: `Function`
Params: `a`, `b` (is used as `compareFunction` for [Array.prototype.sort](
Default value: `NULL`

If set the given function is used as the compareFunction for the array sort function, to sort the source files by.

**N.B.** Shouldn't be used in conjunction with a `bower.json` file as source, because [wiredep](, which collects Bower installed dependencies, has some intelligent sorting built in.

### Usage Examples

#### Injecting into html file with default options





injector: {
options: {},
local_dependencies: {
files: {
'index.html': ['**/*.js', '**/*.css'],

**After injection**




#### Bower dependency injection

The `grunt-injector` can be used to inject your installed Bower Components as well.
To do this the module [wiredep]( is used, and here's how the configuration can look like in that case:

**N.B** From version **0.5.0** the `{{ext}}` in the starttag is not prefixed with `bower:` by default anymore! To keep the old behaviour set the `bowerPrefix` to "bower:".


injector: {
options: {},
bower_dependencies: {
files: {
'index.html': ['bower.json'],





#### Remove all the injection for a specific environment





injector: {
dev: {
options: {},
files: {
'index.html': ['script/mock/*.js'],
dist: {
options: {
clean: true
files: {
'index.html': [],

**After injection**




#### Other configurations
For more advanced task configurations see the `Gruntfile.js` in this repository and have a look at the tests in `test/injector_test.js`.

## Contributing
In lieu of a formal styleguide, take care to maintain the existing coding style. Add unit tests for any new or changed functionality. Lint and test your code using [Grunt](

## Release History
**1.1.11** - 2019-01-03
- Update dependencies and devDependencies
- minimum NodeJs is v4
- Introducing a clean option to force remove all the files listed in the template file, if any

**1.1.0** - 2016-10-10

- Update dependencies and devDependencies ([#48](
- Fix [#51](
- Add `postfix` option

**1.0.1** - 2016-05-20 - fix ([#41](

**1.0.0** - 2016-04-23

- Update readme with travis badge (#44)
- Adding prefix option (#42)
- Update peerDependencies to support Grunt 1.0
- Make lineEnding default value to the destination file's line ending (#36)
- Do not write empty lines (#34)

**0.6.0** - 2014-11-26 - Adding `relative` option ([#15](

**0.5.4** - 2014-07-22 - Now able to handle overrides in `bower.json` ([#11](

**0.5.3** - 2014-07-16

- Fixing `addRootSlash=false` problem with `ignorePath` [#10](
- Adding `lineEnding` option [#8](
- Clearing content before injection [#3](
- Allow multiple uses of `{{ext}}` in tags [#5](

**0.5.2** - 2014-03-05 - Getting bower components directory from `.bowerrc` file if it exists (Fixes: [#2](

**0.5.1** - 2014-02-21 - Adding `addRootSlash` option (Fixes: [#1](

**0.5.0** - 2013-12-29 - Removing the default `bower:` prefix for Bower injections (see *Bower dependency injection* above)

**0.4.1** - 2013-12-23 - Fixing `index` and `length` params for `transform` function

**0.4.0** - 2013-12-23 - Adding `templateString` option

**0.3.1** - 2013-12-15 - Fixing possibility to provide ignorePath as array

**0.3.0** - 2013-12-10 - Adding `sort` option to be able to sort files. Also rewriting for performance which removes unnecessary injections for dynamic file objects

**0.2.0** - 2013-11-20 - Don't write to destination file if it hasn't been changed by the injector (useful to not trigger any unnecessary watch tasks if applicable)

**0.1.2** - 2013-11-17 - Making it possible to only provide destFile and not template

**0.1.1** - 2013-11-17 - ignorePath now only removes from start of path

**0.1.0** - 2013-11-17 - First release