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📈 A simple Google analytics integration for Angular apps

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📈 A simple Google analytics integration for Angular apps




# Ngx Google Analytics

> A simple way to track GA4 events in Angular apps.

`@hakimio/ngx-google-analytics` is a fork of __Max Andriani's__ `ngx-google-analytics`.


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[![Version Number](](

# Index

- [Setup](#setup)
- [Install the package](#install-the-package)
- [Standalone](#standalone-app-component)
- [NgModule](#ngmodule)
- [Setup Router Provider](#setup-router-provider)
- [Advanced Router Provider Setup](#advanced-router-provider-setup)
- [GoogleAnalyticsService](#googleanalyticsservice)
- [Register Analytics events](#register-analytics-events)
- [Manually register page views](#manually-register-page-views)
- [Directives](#directives)
- [Simple directive usage](#simple-directive-usage)
- [Usage on input elements](#usage-on-input-elements)
- [Directive groups](#directive-groups)

## Setup

### Install the package

npm install @hakimio/ngx-google-analytics

### Standalone app component

If your app component is using standalone API, follow these steps to set up the library:
- Add `provideGoogleAnalytics('ga4-tag-id')` to your app's providers. If you can not find your GA4 tag id, see [this]( Google help page.

import {AppComponent} from './app/app.component';
import {bootstrapApplication} from '@angular/platform-browser';
import {ROUTES} from './app/app.routes';
import {provideGoogleAnalytics} from '@hakimio/ngx-google-analytics';

bootstrapApplication(AppComponent, {
providers: [
provideGoogleAnalytics('ga4-tag-id') // ⬅️ Google Analytics provider
}).catch(err => console.error(err));
You can also specify additional settings using the second optional parameter: `provideGoogleAnalytics('ga4-tag-id', settings)`.
See [IGoogleAnalyticsSettings](
interface for more information about available settings.
- Add `NgxGoogleAnalyticsModule` to your app component's imports:

import {NgxGoogleAnalyticsModule} from '@hakimio/ngx-google-analytics';

selector: 'app-root',
templateUrl: './app.component.html',
styleUrls: ['./app.component.css'],
standalone: true,
imports: [
NgxGoogleAnalyticsModule // ⬅️ Google Analytics module
export class AppComponent {}

### NgModule

If your application is `NgModule` based, follow these steps to set up the library:
- Add `NgxGoogleAnalyticsModule` to your root app module's (`AppModule`) `imports`.
- Add `provideGoogleAnalytics('ga4-tag-id')` in your app module's providers. If you can not find your GA4 tag id, see [this]( Google help page.

import {NgxGoogleAnalyticsModule, provideGoogleAnalytics} from '@hakimio/ngx-google-analytics';

declarations: [
imports: [
NgxGoogleAnalyticsModule // ⬅️ Google Analytics module
providers: [
provideGoogleAnalytics('ga4-tag-id') // ⬅️ Google Analytics provider
bootstrap: [AppComponent]
export class AppModule {}
You can also specify additional settings using the second optional parameter: `provideGoogleAnalytics('ga4-tag-id', settings)`.
See [IGoogleAnalyticsSettings](
interface for more information about available settings.

### Setup Router Provider

If you are using Angular Router and would like to track page views, you can include `provideGoogleAnalyticsRouter()` in your root app providers.

**IMPORTANT:** `provideGoogleAnalyticsRouter()` is not compatible with SSR and should not be included in server app providers.

import {NgxGoogleAnalyticsModule, provideGoogleAnalytics, provideGoogleAnalyticsRouter} from '@hakimio/ngx-google-analytics';

imports: [
// ...
NgxGoogleAnalyticsModule // ⬅️ Google Analytics module
providers: [
provideGoogleAnalyticsRouter() // ⬅️ Google Analytics router provider
export class AppModule {}

### Advanced Router Provider Setup

You can include or exclude some routes by passing options object to `provideGoogleAnalyticsRouter(options)`.

Following path matches are supported:

- Simple path match: `{ include: [ '/full-uri-match' ] }`;
- Wildcard path match: `{ include: [ '*/public/*' ] }`;
- Regex path match: `{ include: [ /^\/public\/.*/ ] }`;

import {NgxGoogleAnalyticsModule, provideGoogleAnalytics, provideGoogleAnalyticsRouter} from '@hakimio/ngx-google-analytics';

imports: [
// ...
NgxGoogleAnalyticsModule // ⬅️ Google Analytics module
providers: [
provideGoogleAnalyticsRouter({ // ⬅️ Google Analytics router provider
include: ['/some-path'],
exclude: ['*/another/path/*']
export class AppModule {}

## GoogleAnalyticsService

The service provides strongly typed way to call `gtag()` command. Apart from type checking, it does not do
any other validation or transformation of the parameters.

### Register Analytics events

export class TestFormComponent {

private readonly gaService = inject(GoogleAnalyticsService);

onUserInputName() {
this.gaService.event('enter_name', {
category: 'user_register_form',
label: 'Name',
options: {
customDimension: 'foo_bar'

onUserInputEmail() {
this.gaService.event('enter_email', {
category: 'user_register_form',
label: 'Email'

onSubmit() {
this.gaService.event('submit', {
category: 'user_register_form',
label: 'Enviar'


### Manually register page views

export class TestPageComponent implements OnInit {

private readonly gaService = inject(GoogleAnalyticsService);

ngOnInit() {
this.gaService.pageView('/test', {
title: 'Test the Title'

onUserLogin() {
this.gaService.pageView('/test', {
title: 'Test the Title',
options: {
user_id: 'my-user-id'


## Directives

Directives provide a simple way to register Analytics events. Instead of manually using `GoogleAnalyticsService`,
you can simply add `ga*` attributes to your html elements.

### Simple directive usage

By default, the directive calls `gtag()` on click events, but you can also specify other events by providing `gaBind` attribute.

**IMPORTANT:** Remember to import `NgxGoogleAnalyticsModule` in all your standalone components and modules where you use `ga*` directives.


Click Test
Focus Test
Blur Test
Custom Event Test


### Usage on `input` elements

When `gaEvent` directive is used on form elements, the default `trigger` is `focus` event.



### Directive groups

The `gaCategory` directive can be specified on higher level of html element group to specify same category for all
child elements.


Click Test
Focus Test
Blur Test
