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Generate a search engine friendly sitemap.xml using a Gulp stream

gulp gulp-plugin javascript seo xml xml-tags

Last synced: 23 days ago
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Generate a search engine friendly sitemap.xml using a Gulp stream




# [gulp](
> Generate a search engine friendly sitemap.xml using a Gulp stream

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Easily generate a search engine friendly sitemap.xml from your project.

:bowtie: Search engines love the sitemap.xml and it helps SEO as well.

For information about sitemap properties and structure, see the [wiki for sitemaps](

## Install

Install with [npm](

$ npm install --save-dev gulp-sitemap

## Example

var gulp = require('gulp');
var sitemap = require('gulp-sitemap');

gulp.task('sitemap', function () {
gulp.src('build/**/*.html', {
read: false
siteUrl: ''

* `siteUrl` is required.
* `index.html` will be turned into directory path `/`.
* `404.html` will be skipped automatically. No need to unglob it.

Let's see an example of how we can create and output a sitemap, and then return to the original stream files:
var gulp = require('gulp');
var sitemap = require('gulp-sitemap');
var save = require('gulp-save');

gulp.task('html', function() {
gulp.src('*.html', {
read: false
siteUrl: ''
})) // Returns sitemap.xml
.pipe(save.restore('before-sitemap')) //restore all files to the state when we cached them
// -> continue stream with original html files
// ...

## Options

### siteUrl

Your website's base url. This gets prepended to all documents locations.

Type: `string`

Required: `true`

### fileName

Determine the output filename for the sitemap.

Type: `string`

Default: `sitemap.xml`

Required: `false`

### changefreq

Gets filled inside the sitemap in the tag ``. Not added by default.

Type: `string`

Default: `undefined`

Valid Values: `['always', 'hourly', 'daily', 'weekly', 'monthly', 'yearly', 'never']`

Required: `false`

**Note: any falsey value is also valid and will skip this xml tag**

### priority

Gets filled inside the sitemap in the tag ``. Not added by default.

Type: `string|function`

Default: `undefined`

Valid Values: `0.0` to `1.0`

Required: `false`

**Note: any falsey (non-zero) value is also valid and will skip this xml tag**

Example using a function as `priority`:

priority: function(siteUrl, loc, entry) {
// Give pages inside root path (i.e. no slashes) a higher priority
return loc.split('/').length === 0 ? 1 : 0.5;

### lastmod

The file last modified time.

- If `null` then this plugin will try to get the last modified time from the stream vinyl file, or use `` as lastmod.
- If the value is not `null` - It will be used as lastmod.
- When `lastmod` is a function, it is executed with the current file given as parameter. (Note: the function is expected to be sync).
- A string can be used to manually set a fixed `lastmod`.

Type: `string|datetime|function`

Default: `null`

Required: `false`

Example that uses git to get lastmod from the latest commit of a file:

lastmod: function(file) {
var cmd = 'git log -1 --format=%cI "' + file.relative + '"';
return execSync(cmd, {
cwd: file.base

**Note: any falsey (other than null) value is also valid and will skip this xml tag**

### newLine

How to join line in the target sitemap file.

Type: `string`

Default: Your OS's new line, mostly: `\n`

Required: `false`

### spacing

How should the sitemap xml file be spaced. You can use `\t` for tabs, or ` ` with 2
spaces if you'd like.

Type: `string`

Default: ` ` (4 spaces)

Required: `false`

### noindex

Exclude pages from the sitemap when the `robots` meta tag is set to `noindex`. The plugin needs to be able to read the contents of the files for this to have an effect.

Type: `boolean`

Default: `false`

Required: `false`

### images

For generate sitemap for images per page, just enable images flag to `true`

Type: `boolean`

Default: `undefined`

Required: `false`

### mappings

An object to custom map pages to their own configuration.

This should be an array with the following structure:

Type: `array`

Default: `[]`

Required: `false`


mappings: [{
pages: [ 'minimatch pattern' ],
changefreq: 'hourly',
priority: 0.5,
getLoc(siteUrl, loc, entry) {
// Removes the file extension if it exists
return loc.replace(/\.\w+$/, '');
hreflang: [{
lang: 'ru',
getHref(siteUrl, file, lang, loc) {
return '' + file;

- Every file will be matched against the supplied patterns
- Only defined attributes for a matched file are applied.
- Only the first match will apply, so consequent matches for the filename will not apply.
- Possible attributes to set: `hreflang`, `changefreq`, `priority`, `loc` and `lastmod`.
- All rules applying to [options](#options) apply to the attributes that can overridden.

##### pages

Type: `array`

Required: `true`

This is an array with [minimatch]( patterns to match the
relevant pages to override.
Every file will be matched against the supplied patterns.

Uses [multimatch]( to match patterns against filenames.

Example: `pages: ['home/index.html', 'home/see-*.html', '!home/see-admin.html']`

##### hreflang

Matching pages can get their `hreflang` tags set using this option.

The input is an array like so:

hreflang: [{
lang: 'ru',
getHref: function(siteUrl, file, lang, loc) {
// return href src for the hreflang. For example:
return '' + file;

##### getLoc

Matching pages can get their `loc` tag modified by using a function.

getLoc: function(siteUrl, loc, entry) {
return loc.replace(/\.\w+$/, '');

#### verbose

Type: `boolean`

Required: `false`

Default: `false`

If true, will log the number of files that where handled.

## Complementary plugins

- [gulp-sitemap-files]( - Get all files listed in a sitemap (Perhaps one generated from this plugin)

## Thanks

To [grunt-sitemap]( for the inspiration on writing this.

## License

MIT © [Gilad Peleg](