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Home for my bootstrap script, dotfiles, and configuration files

bootstrap-scripts dotfiles homebrew zsh

Last synced: 23 days ago
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Home for my bootstrap script, dotfiles, and configuration files




Dotfiles, managed with [Chezmoi](

- zsh and bash configurations, aliases, and functions
- Configuration for common command-line tools
- Integrations for Python tooling such as [Pyenv](, [Poetry](, and [Pipx](
- Configurations and integrations for MacOS applications
- Secrets management with [1Password CLI](
- ssh configuration and key management with 1Password
- OSX defaults management
- Custom [vscode]( theme
- Configuration for my CLI scripts [halp](,[vid-cleaner](, [jdfile](, and [brewup](
- and more...

## Install

- [Chezmoi](
- [1Password CLI]( (Optional, for secrets management)

**Ensure required software is installed before proceeding.** There are many ways to install Chezmoi. Check the [official documentation]( for the most up-to-date instructions. To install chezmoi and these dotfiles in a single command run the following:

sh -c "$(curl -fsLS" -- init --apply natelandau

## Daily Usage

After Chezmoi is installed, use the following commands.

# Initialize chezmoi configuration and apply the dotfiles (first run)
chezmoi init natelandau

# Check for common problems.
chezmoi doctor

# Update dotfiles from the source directory.
chezmoi apply

# Pull the latest changes from your remote repo and runs chezmoi apply.
chezmoi update


Note that if chezmoi hangs waiting for user input, you will need to kill the process (`killall chezmoi`) and run `apply` manually, because chezmoi locks the database.

## Managing Secrets

Secrets are managed in [1Password]( 1Password is not needed if Chezmoi is set to `use_secrets = false` in the `~/.config/chezmoi/chezmoi.toml` file.

### SSH Configuration

Adding and removing ssh configurations can be managed with 1Password. To add a new ssh configuration, follow these steps:

1. Add an SSH Key to 1Password and add the following fields:
- `ssh_key`: The private key
- ``: The public key
- `user`: The username for the ssh connection
- `hostname`: The hostname for the ssh connection
- `port`: The port for the ssh connection (optional)
2. Copy the UUID of the new 1Password item.
3. Add the server's configuration to `.../dotfiles/.chezmoidata/remote_servers.toml`

To remove an ssh configuration, delete the server's configuration from `.../dotfiles/.chezmoidata/remote_servers.toml` and delete the 1Password item.

## MacOS Application Preferences

Certain MacOS applications need manual configuration.

#### iTerm2

iTerm2 Configurations and profiles are synced to `~/.config/applications/iterm2`.

The configuration file should be synced automatically. If it is not, `Preferences > General > Preferences` and select the `Load preferences from a custom folder or URL` option. Then select the `~/.config/applications/iterm2` directory.

Profiles are not synced automatically. Import the profiles by going to `Profiles > Other Actions > Import JSON Profiles` and import them from `~/.config/applications/iterm2/`.

### Terminal

Custom terminal configurations are stored in `~/.config/applications/terminal`. Import them with `Terminal > Preferences > Profiles > Import`.

## Editing Dotfiles

## Setup

1. Install Python and [Poetry](
2. cd into the dotfiles directory with `chezmoi cd`
3. Run `poetry install` to install the development dependencies
4. Activate the Poetry virtual environment with `poetry shell`.
5. Install the pre-commit hooks with `pre-commit install --install-hooks`.

## Committing changes

1. Activate your Poetry environment with `poetry shell`
2. Add changed files to the staging area with `git add .`
3. Run `cz c` to commit changes
4. Push to remote repository

## Updating dotfiles

Run `chezmoi update` to apply changes to the dotfiles on other machines.