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A PyTorch Lightning extension that accelerates and enhances foundation model experimentation with flexible fine-tuning schedules.

artificial-intelligence fine-tuning finetuning machine-learning neural-networks pytorch pytorch-lightning superglue transfer-learning

Last synced: 14 days ago
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A PyTorch Lightning extension that accelerates and enhances foundation model experimentation with flexible fine-tuning schedules.




**A PyTorch Lightning extension that enhances model experimentation with flexible fine-tuning schedules.**



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FinetuningScheduler explicit loss animation

[FinetuningScheduler]( is simple to use yet powerful, offering a number of features that facilitate model research and exploration:

- easy specification of flexible fine-tuning schedules with explicit or regex-based parameter selection
- implicit schedules for initial/naive model exploration
- explicit schedules for performance tuning, fine-grained behavioral experimentation and computational efficiency
- automatic restoration of best per-phase checkpoints driven by iterative application of early-stopping criteria to each fine-tuning phase
- composition of early-stopping and manually-set epoch-driven fine-tuning phase transitions


## Setup

### Step 0: Install from PyPI

pip install finetuning-scheduler

Additional installation options

#### *Install Optional Packages*

#### To install additional packages required for examples:

pip install finetuning-scheduler['examples']

#### or to include packages for examples, development and testing:

pip install finetuning-scheduler['all']

#### *Source Installation Examples*

#### To install from (editable) source (includes docs as well):

git clone
cd finetuning-scheduler
python -m pip install -e ".[all]" -r requirements/docs.txt

#### Install a specific FTS version from source using the standalone `pytorch-lighting` package:

export FTS_VERSION=2.0.0
export PACKAGE_NAME=pytorch
git clone -b v${FTS_VERSION}
cd finetuning-scheduler
python -m pip install -e ".[all]" -r requirements/docs.txt

#### *Latest Docker Image*

Note, publishing of new `finetuning-scheduler` version-specific docker images was paused after the `2.0.2` patch release. If new version-specific images are required, please raise an issue.

![Docker Image Version (tag latest semver)](

### Step 1: Import the FinetuningScheduler callback and start fine-tuning!

import lightning as L
from finetuning_scheduler import FinetuningScheduler

trainer = L.Trainer(callbacks=[FinetuningScheduler()])

Get started by following [the Fine-Tuning Scheduler introduction]( which includes a [CLI-based example]( or by following the [notebook-based]( Fine-Tuning Scheduler tutorial.


### Installation Using the Standalone `pytorch-lightning` Package

*applicable to versions >= `2.0.0`*

Now that the core Lightning package is `lightning` rather than `pytorch-lightning`, Fine-Tuning Scheduler (FTS) by default depends upon the `lightning` package rather than the standalone `pytorch-lightning`. If you would like to continue to use FTS with the standalone `pytorch-lightning` package instead, you can still do so as follows:

Install a given FTS release (for example v2.0.0) using standalone `pytorch-lightning`:

export FTS_VERSION=2.0.0
export PACKAGE_NAME=pytorch
pip install finetuning-scheduler-${FTS_VERSION}.tar.gz


## Examples

### Scheduled Fine-Tuning For SuperGLUE

- [Notebook-based Tutorial](
- [CLI-based Tutorial](
- [FSDP Scheduled Fine-Tuning](
- [LR Scheduler Reinitialization]( (advanced)
- [Optimizer Reinitialization]( (advanced)


## Continuous Integration

Fine-Tuning Scheduler is rigorously tested across multiple CPUs, GPUs and against major Python and PyTorch versions. Each Fine-Tuning Scheduler minor release (major.minor.patch) is paired with a Lightning minor release (e.g. Fine-Tuning Scheduler 2.0 depends upon Lightning 2.0).

To ensure maximum stability, the latest Lightning patch release fully tested with Fine-Tuning Scheduler is set as a maximum dependency in Fine-Tuning Scheduler's requirements.txt (e.g. \<= 1.7.1). If you'd like to test a specific Lightning patch version greater than that currently in Fine-Tuning Scheduler's requirements.txt, it will likely work but you should install Fine-Tuning Scheduler from source and update the requirements.txt as desired.

Current build statuses for Fine-Tuning Scheduler

| System / (PyTorch/Python ver) | 2.1.2/3.8 | 2.4.0/3.8, 2.4.0/3.11 |
| :---------------------------: | :----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------: | :----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------: |
| Linux \[GPUs\*\*\] | - | [![Build Status](]( |
| Linux (Ubuntu 22.04) | [![Test](]( | [![Test](]( |
| OSX (11) | [![Test](]( | [![Test](]( |
| Windows (2022) | [![Test](]( | [![Test](]( |

- \*\* tests run on one RTX 4090 and one RTX 2070

## Community

Fine-Tuning Scheduler is developed and maintained by the community in close communication with the [Lightning team]( Thanks to everyone in the community for their tireless effort building and improving the immensely useful core Lightning project.

PR's welcome! Please see the [contributing guidelines]( (which are essentially the same as Lightning's).


## Citing Fine-Tuning Scheduler

Please cite:

author = {Dan Dale},
title = {{Fine-Tuning Scheduler}},
month = Feb,
year = 2022,
doi = {10.5281/zenodo.6463952},
publisher = {Zenodo},
url = {}

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