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IntelliJ support for the CUE language.

cue-language intellij lexer parser

Last synced: 18 days ago
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IntelliJ support for the CUE language.




# CUE Language Support

**CUE Language** support for the IntelliJ platform,

## Usage

The CUE plugin is compatible with **any JetBrains IDE 2020.3** or later.
Only IntelliJ-based IDEs are supported, i.e. it's incompatible with ReSharper.

### Features

**Please note that this plugin is in an early state.**

- Complete support for the current language specification
- Syntax highlighting with settings
- Code folding
- Brace matching
- Formatting with `cue fmt`
- Language injection

#### Formatter

Formatting of CUE files with `cue fmt` is supported.

Please make sure that `cue` is available in `$PATH`. If the executable can't be found, then no content is modified.

Only complete files can be supported. If content is selected before invoking the format action, then no content is modified.

#### Settings
The application settings allow to configure the path to the `cue` binary. You can download it at [](

### Bug Reports & Feature Requests

Please report your issues at [](

## Development

- Java JDK 11 is required

### IDE

Development is best in IntelliJ IDEA.

The following plugins are required for development:

- [GrammarKit 2021.1.2](
- Gradle
- Kotlin, for Gradle build file support

### Building

After a build, the plugin is available as a ZIP file at `build/distributions/`.

Building with tests:

./gradlew clean build

Building without tests:

./gradlew clean build -x test

### Executing

You could build the plugin (see above) and install it into your IDE of choice. Alternatively, you can run the plugin in a sandbox:

./gradlew runIde

### Lexer

The lexer is generated by JFlex. The definition is at `src/grammar/cue.flex`.

The following command regenerates the lexer:

./gradlew generateLexer

### Parser

The parser is generated with JetBrains' GrammarKit. GrammarKit is a plugin for IntelliJ IDEA. The definition is at `src/grammar/cue.bnf`.

To update the parser and all related classes, open the `cue.bnf` file in your IDE and choose `Generate Parser` in the context menu of the

## Useful Link

- [CUE on the JetBrains Marketplace](
- [CUE Language Website](
- [The CUE Language Specification](

## Copyright

© 2021 Nexantic GmbH / Monogon