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CUE rules for Bazel

Last synced: 18 days ago
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CUE rules for Bazel




# CUE Rules for Bazel

## Status

While this repository is still in use it is essentially in maintenance mode. For a more featureful set of rules you might consider

## Rules

* [cue_export](#cue_export)
* [cue_library](#cue_library)

## Overview

These build rules are used for building [CUE][cue] projects with Bazel.


## Setup

To use the CUE rules, add the following to your
`WORKSPACE` file to add the external repositories for CUE, making sure to use the latest
published versions:

name = "com_github_tnarg_rules_cue",
# Make sure to check for the latest version when you install
url = "",
strip_prefix = "rules_cue-e3ed06bc3ce1c49afb05f70327ef1119fbdcb61c",
sha256 = "7413394c4c0372e9ad93a2027216a351f355f6abad42d5707ecfaf00cd27a609",

load("@com_github_tnarg_rules_cue//cue:deps.bzl", "cue_register_toolchains")
load("@com_github_tnarg_rules_cue//:go.bzl", cue_go_modules = "go_modules")



## Build Rule Reference

### cue_export

cue_export(name, src, deps=[], output_format=", output_name=)

Exports a single CUE entry-point file. The entry-point file may have
dependencies (`cue_library` rules, see below).

| Attribute | Description |
| `name` | Unique name for this rule (required) |
| `src` | Cue compilation entry-point (required). |
| `deps` | List of dependencies for the `src`. Each dependency is a `cue_library` |
| `output_format` | It should be one of :value:`json` or :value:`yaml`. |
| `output_name` | Output file name, including extension. Defaults to `.json` |
| `expression` | expression to be evaluate in the cue file |

### cue_library

cue_library(name, srcs, importpath, deps=[])

Defines a collection of Cue files that can be depended on by a `cue_export`. Does not generate
any outputs.

| Attribute | Description |
| `name` | Unique name for this rule (required) |
| `srcs` | CUE files included in this library. Package name MUST match the directory name. |
| `importpath` | The source import path of this library. Other .cue files can import this library using this path. |
| `deps` | Dependencies for the `srcs`. Each dependency is a `cue_library` |

## Gazelle Extension

To use [Gazelle][gazelle] in your project to generate BUILD.bazel files for your .cue files, add gazelle to your WORKSPACE, and then add the following to your repository root BUILD.bazel:


load("@bazel_gazelle//:def.bzl", "DEFAULT_LANGUAGES", "gazelle_binary", "gazelle")

name = "gazelle_binary",
languages = DEFAULT_LANGUAGES + ["@com_github_tnarg_rules_cue//gazelle/cue:go_default_library"],
msan = "off",
pure = "off",
race = "off",
static = "off",
visibility = ["//visibility:public"],

# gazelle:prefix
name = "gazelle",
gazelle = "//:gazelle_binary",

Run `bazel run //:gazelle -- update-repos -from_file=go.mod` to update repositories.