
An open API service indexing awesome lists of open source software.

Let anyone deploy your GitHub repos to Google Cloud Run with a single click


Last synced: 18 days ago
JSON representation

Let anyone deploy your GitHub repos to Google Cloud Run with a single click




# Cloud Run Button

If you have a public repository, you can add this button to your `` and
let anyone deploy your application to [Google Cloud Run][run] with a single


Try it out with a "hello, world" Go application ([source](

[![Run on Google

### Demo

[![Cloud Run Button Demo](assets/cloud-run-button.png)](

### Add the Cloud Run Button to Your Repo's README

1. Copy & paste this markdown:

[![Run on Google Cloud](](

1. If the repo contains a `Dockerfile`, it will be built using the `docker build` command. If the repo uses Maven for
the build and it contains the [Jib plugin](,
then the container image will be built with Jib
([Jib Spring Boot Sample]( Otherwise,
[CNCF Buildpacks]( (i.e. the `pack build` command) will attempt to build the repo
([buildpack samples][buildpack-samples]). Alternatively, you can skip these built-in build methods using the
`build.skip` field (see below) and use a `prebuild` or `postbuild` hook to build the container image yourself.


### Customizing source repository parameters

- When no parameters are passed, the referer is used to detect the git repo and branch
- To specify a git repo, add a `git_repo=URL` query parameter
- To specify a git branch, add a `revision=BRANCH_NAME` query parameter.
- To run the build in a subdirectory of the repo, add a `dir=SUBDIR` query parameter.

### Customizing deployment parameters

If you include an `app.json` at the root of your repository, it allows you
customize the experience such as defining an alternative service name, or
prompting for additional environment variables.

For example, a fully populated `app.json` file looks like this:

"name": "foo-app",
"env": {
"description": "specify a css color",
"value": "#fefefe",
"required": false
"TITLE": {
"description": "title for your site"
"generator": "secret"
"description": "control the order env variables are prompted",
"order": 100
"options": {
"allow-unauthenticated": false,
"memory": "512Mi",
"cpu": "1",
"port": 80,
"http2": false,
"concurrency": 80,
"max-instances": 10
"build": {
"skip": false,
"buildpacks": {
"builder": "some/builderimage"
"hooks": {
"prebuild": {
"commands": [
"postbuild": {
"commands": [
"precreate": {
"commands": [
"echo 'test'"
"postcreate": {
"commands": [


- `name`: _(optional, default: repo name, or sub-directory name if specified)_
Name of the Cloud Run service and the built container image. Not validated for
naming restrictions.
- `env`: _(optional)_ Prompt user for environment variables.
- `description`: _(optional)_ short explanation of what the environment
variable does, keep this short to make sure it fits into a line.
- `value`: _(optional)_ default value for the variable, should be a string.
- `required`, _(optional, default: `true`)_ indicates if they user must provide
a value for this variable.
- `generator`, _(optional)_ use a generator for the value, currently only support `secret`
- `order`, _(optional)_ if specified, used to indicate the order in which the
variable is prompted to the user. If some variables specify this and some
don't, then the unspecified ones are prompted last.
- `options`: _(optional)_ Options when deploying the service
- `allow-unauthenticated`: _(optional, default: `true`)_ allow unauthenticated requests
- `memory`: _(optional)_ memory for each instance
- `cpu`: _(optional)_ cpu for each instance
- `port`: _(optional)_ if your application doesn't respect the PORT environment
variable provided by Cloud Run, specify the port number it listens on
- `http2`: _(optional)_ use http2 for the connection
- `concurrency`: _(optional)_ concurrent requests for each instance
- `max-instances`: _(optional)_ autoscaling limit (max 1000)
- `build`: _(optional)_ Build configuration
- `skip`: _(optional, default: `false`)_ skips the built-in build methods (`docker build`, `Maven Jib`, and
`buildpacks`), but still allows for `prebuild` and `postbuild` hooks to be run in order to build the container image
- `buildpacks`: _(optional)_ buildpacks config (Note: Additional Buildpack config can be specified using a `project.toml` file. [See the spec for details](
- `builder`: _(optional, default: ``)_ overrides the buildpack builder image
- `hooks`: _(optional)_ Run commands in separate bash shells with the environment variables configured for the
application and environment variables `GOOGLE_CLOUD_PROJECT` (Google Cloud project), `GOOGLE_CLOUD_REGION`
(selected Google Cloud Region), `K_SERVICE` (Cloud Run service name), `IMAGE_URL` (container image URL), `APP_DIR`
(application directory). Command outputs are shown as they are executed.
- `prebuild`: _(optional)_ Runs the specified commands before running the built-in build methods. Use the `IMAGE_URL`
environment variable to determine the container image name you need to build.
- `commands`: _(array of strings)_ The list of commands to run
- `postbuild`: _(optional)_ Runs the specified commands after running the built-in build methods. Use the `IMAGE_URL`
environment variable to determine the container image name you need to build.
- `commands`: _(array of strings)_ The list of commands to run
- `precreate`: _(optional)_ Runs the specified commands before the service has been created
- `commands`: _(array of strings)_ The list of commands to run
- `postcreate`: _(optional)_ Runs the specified commands after the service has been created; the `SERVICE_URL` environment variable provides the URL of the deployed Cloud Run service
- `commands`: _(array of strings)_ The list of commands to run

### Notes

- Disclaimer: This is not an officially supported Google product.
- See [LICENSE](./LICENSE) for the licensing information.
- See [Contribution Guidelines](./ on how to contribute.