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Generate build status images for Google Cloud Build

Last synced: 18 days ago
JSON representation

Generate build status images for Google Cloud Build




# badger


badger generates build status images based on [Cloud Build]( status info.

## Usage

The badger service must be [hosted in your own Google Cloud project](#install) with permission to read build status information from the Cloud Build API. Once the badger service is deployed you need construct an image URL that you can use in your ``

The badger service requires a valid project id and trigger id as input and returns the latest build status for the given trigger id. Retrieve your project id:

PROJECT_ID=$(gcloud config get-value project)

Retrieve the trigger id associated with your build pipeline:


TRIGGER_ID=$(gcloud beta builds triggers describe ${TRIGGER_NAME} --format='value(id)')

Retrieve the service URL associated with your `badger` deployment:

BADGER_ENDPOINT=$(gcloud run services describe badger \
--platform managed \
--region us-east1 \
--format 'value(status.url)')

Construct an image URL using the badger service URL, trigger id, and project id. [Example](


### Add Build Status To README Files

Use the following [markdown syntax]( to display build status images in your README files. In the following example the project id is `hightowerlabs` and the trigger id is `1c96a91a-bb98-49d8-b43a-c76173a13ff8`.


## Install

This section will walk you through deploying the badger service to [Cloud Run](

Retrieve your Google Cloud project ID.

PROJECT_ID=$(gcloud config get-value project)

Create a `badger` service account and grant it the `roles/cloudbuild.builds.viewer` IAM role.

gcloud iam service-accounts create badger

gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding ${PROJECT_ID} \
--member serviceAccount:badger@${PROJECT_ID} \
--role roles/cloudbuild.builds.viewer

Deploy the `` container to Cloud Run.

gcloud run deploy badger \
--allow-unauthenticated \
--service-account "badger@${PROJECT_ID}" \
--concurrency 80 \
--cpu 1 \
--image \
--memory '128Mi' \
--platform managed \
--region us-east1

### Test the Installation

Retrieve the badger Cloud Run service url:

BADGER_ENDPOINT=$(gcloud run services describe badger \
--platform managed \
--region us-east1 \
--format 'value(status.url)')

Use `curl` to get the test build status badges:

curl ${BADGER_ENDPOINT}/test/build/status -d 'project=test' -d 'id=success'
curl ${BADGER_ENDPOINT}/test/build/status -d 'project=test' -d 'id=working'
curl ${BADGER_ENDPOINT}/test/build/status -d 'project=test' -d 'id=failure'
curl ${BADGER_ENDPOINT}/test/build/status -d 'project=test' -d 'id=unknown'

![success](images/success.svg) ![working](images/working.svg) ![failure](images/failure.svg) ![unknown](images/unknown.svg)