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Claude, Gemini to API : ) (Don't need API KEY)

ai api bard chatbot chatgpt chatgpt-api claude claude-3 claude-ai claude-api development fastapi free gemini gemini-api google-bard-api python webserver webservice

Last synced: 22 days ago
JSON representation

Claude, Gemini to API : ) (Don't need API KEY)




**NOTE:** This is a research project. Please do not use it commercially and use it responsibly.

# WebAI to API

This project implements a web API that offers a unified interface to Google Gemini, and Claude 3.


### Key Features

- **Self-hosted:** Python/FastAPI enables flexibility to run anywhere. Not locked into proprietary platforms.

- **Streaming support:** Real-time responses from Claude streaming.

- **Lightweight and scalable:** Built with FastAPI for high performance.

- **API Key:** No API Key required.

### Status

✅ **_Claude-3_** API integration is also fully implemented and available

✅ **_Google Gemini_** API integration available now

✅ **_UI Configuration_**: Implement routing for [localhost:8000/WebAI](http://localhost:8000/WebAI) path

⚙️ **_PIP_**: In progress


This repository is up-to-date.

Please don't forget to give a Star ⭐

### Prerequisites

Python version >= 3.10
Accounts on the following (all offer free signups):

- Google Gemini:
- Claude:

Then, add your token(s) to the [**`Config.conf`**](#configuration) file. (see [**Configuration**](#configuration) section).

> [!NOTE]
> **Note**: [**Claude**]( and [**Gemini**]( offer Auto Login options - you can either log in through your browser and skip this step.

## Installation

### Step 1. Clone Repository

git clone && cd WebAI-to-API

python -m venv .venv

source .venv/bin/activate # Linux/macOS
.venv\Scripts\activate # Windows

pip install -r requirements.txt

### Step 2. Start Web Server

Navigate into the **`webai2api`** directory, and run the web server:

cd WebAI-to-API/webai2api/



Now the _API documentation_ and _Configuration Web UI_ should be available at the following addresses:

> [!TIP]
> **Open Web UI Configuration: [http://localhost:8000/WebAI](http://localhost:8000/WebAI)**
> **Open API documentation: [http://localhost:8000/docs](http://localhost:8000/docs)**

### Available **Endpoints:**

> [!NOTE]
> **Gemini**
> **http://localhost:8000/gemini**
> ---
> **Claude**
> **http://localhost:8000/claude**
> ---
> **Claude/Gemini**
> **http://localhost:8000/v1/chat/completions**

**Input / Output**

# Input:

"message": "Hi, Who are you?",
"stream": true


# Output:

I am a Chatbot assistant :)


# Response Output:

# Streaming

# Not Streaming


## Web UI Development Environment Setup (Optional)

#### Prerequisites:

- [Node.js]( Download and install from the official website (

First , **Navigate to the UI directory:**

cd WebAI-to-API/webai2api/UI

1. **Install dependencies:**

npm install

2. **Build the project:**

npm run build

## Example

Once you have launched the web server using [`python webai2api\`](#step-2-start-web-server):

> [!NOTE]
> Note: The first argument to run the example determines whether to return streaming or not.

cd examples/

python WebAPI-to-API/webai2api/


python false
python true



or try **Claude** with **cURL**

run this cURL command in a terminal window:

curl -X 'POST' \
'http://localhost:8000/claude' \
-H 'accept: application/json' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
"message": "who are you?",
"stream": false


> [!NOTE]
> **Note**: The **`session_id`** is configured in the [**Config.conf**](#configuration) file. If you send this variable empty, it will use the [**Config.conf**](#configuration)

## Usage

#### How to find tokens

> [!NOTE]
> **Note**: [**Claude**]( and [**Gemini**]( offer two authentication options - you can either log in through your browser and skip this step, or you can follow the instructions below to configure the authentication.

> "The auto login by browser issue is caused by using multiple accounts or browser profiles. It will take some time to fully resolve. A future update will address it. For now, if you have problems logging in with your browsers, try logging in with just one browser or manually copy sessions and cookies as a workaround, as described in the instructions below."

The easiest way is to just log in to the chatbot websites. ([Claude]( | [Gemini](


First you need to add your tokens to the [**`Config.conf`**](#configuration) file (see [**Configuration**](#configuration) section).

#### Gemini


**Method 1:**

For Gemini, all you need to do is [login]( to your account using your web browser. (Firefox, Chrome, Safari, Edge...)

**Method 2:**

_`Google Gemini:`_ Please obtain the cookies mentioned here from an authorized session on The cookies can be used to send POST requests to the /gemini endpoint along with a message in a JSON payload. It is important that the **session_id**, which is your **\_\_Secure-1PSID** cookie, and the **session_idts** and **session_idcc**, which is your **Secure-1PSIDTS** and **Secure-1PSIDCC** cookie, are included in the request. ([Screenshot](assets/Bard.jpg))

| Name | Session Name |
| `session_id` | `__Secure-1PSID` |
| `session_idts` | `__Secure-1PSIDTS` |
| `session_idcc` | `__Secure-1PSIDCC` |

1. Login to [](
2. Open `Developer Tools` (Press **F12**)
3. Go to `Application Tab`
4. Go to `Cookies Tab`
5. Copy the content of `__Secure-1PSID` and `__Secure-1PSIDTS` and `__Secure-1PSIDCC`. Copy the value of those cookie.
6. Set in **[Config.conf](#configuration)** file.

#### Claude


**Method 1:**

For Claude, all you need to do is [login]( to your account using your web browser. (Firefox, Chrome, Safari, Edge...)

**Method 2:**

_`Claude:`_ You can get cookie from the browser's developer tools network tab ( see for any []( requests check out cookie ,copy whole value ) or storage tab ( You can find cookie of ,there will be four values ) ([Screenshot](assets/Claude.jpg))

1. Login to [](
2. Open `Developer Tools` (Press **F12**)
3. Go to `Network Tab`
4. Select an ajax request (like step 3 in [picture](assets/Claude.jpg))
5. Copy the content of `Cookie`
6. Set in **[Config.conf](#configuration)** file.

## Configuration

- Open Web UI Panel: **[http://localhost:8000/WebAI](http://localhost:8000/WebAI)**

How to [find tokens](#usage)

- [Google Gemini](#gemini)
- [Claude](#claude)

> [!NOTE]
> **Note**: Claude and Gemini present Auto Login options - logging in through your browser or configuring Claude and Gemini using the provided config file.

### Configuring the Model Type for `/v1/chat/completions`

You can specify the model type in the settings for the `/v1/chat/completions` endpoint. The available options are "Claude" and "Gemini".
By default, the system uses the "Claude" model.

# Case-Sensitive

# or

#### Config File Path:

- WebAI-to-API\webai2api\Config.conf

# Case-Sensitive

Model = [Claude] or [Gemini]




## Licensing

This project is licensed under the MIT License. Feel free to use it however you like.
