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It's like Auto-GPT met Brew. The easiest and fastest way to get started with AutoGPT with any backend of your choice & whatever plugins you may need

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Last synced: 28 days ago
JSON representation

It's like Auto-GPT met Brew. The easiest and fastest way to get started with AutoGPT with any backend of your choice & whatever plugins you may need




# Auto-GPT Package

![Run of the Auto-GPT Package](/run.gif)

"It's like AutoGPT got a `brew install`", made possible by [Kurtosis](

**NOTE**: This now runs with 0.4.0 that drops support for Milvus, Weaviate and PineCone. You can run Kurtosis against 0.3.1 by doing `kurtosis run[email protected]` with the desired arguments

## Run AutoGPT in the browser (no installation needed)

1. If you don't have an OpenAI API key, get one [here](
1. Click [this link]( to open a Gitpod, selecting "Continue" to use the default resources
1. Wait for the Gitpod to boot up and the terminal to finish installing Kurtosis (should take ~30 seconds)
1. Run the following in the terminal (replacing `YOUR_API_KEY_HERE` with your OpenAI API key)
kurtosis run --enclave autogpt '{"OPENAI_API_KEY": "YOUR_API_KEY_HERE"}'
1. When installing & starting AutoGPT has finished, run the following in the terminal to open the AutoGPT prompt:
kurtosis service shell autogpt autogpt --exec "python -m autogpt"
1. Use AutoGPT as you please!

![Run of the Auto-GPT Package](/gitpod.png)

## Run AutoGPT on your machine

1. If you don't have an OpenAI API key, get one [here](
1. Install Kurtosis using [these instructions](
1. Run the following in your terminal (replacing `YOUR_API_KEY_HERE` with your OpenAI API key)
kurtosis run --enclave autogpt '{"OPENAI_API_KEY": "YOUR_API_KEY_HERE"}'
1. When installing & starting AutoGPT has finished, run the following in your terminal to open the AutoGPT prompt:
kurtosis service shell autogpt autogpt
and then within the prompt:
> python -m autogpt
1. Use AutoGPT as you please! To destroy the AutoGPT instance, run:
kurtosis enclave rm -f autogpt

## Configuring AutoGPT (including memory backend)

To pass any of the AutoGPT configuration values listed [here](, pass the argument as a property of the JSON object you're passing to Kurtosis just like you passed in `OPENAI_API_KEY`.

For example, this is how you'd pass the `RESTRICT_TO_WORKSPACE` flag:

kurtosis run --enclave autogpt '{"OPENAI_API_KEY": "YOUR_API_KEY_HERE", "RESTRICT_TO_WORKSPACE": "False"}'

**NOTE:** this package spins up AutoGPT using the `local` backend by default. Other backends are available by setting the `MEMORY_BACKEND` parameter in the JSON object you pass in when you run the `kurtosis run` command above.

For example, to set the `redis` memory backend:

kurtosis run --enclave autogpt '{"OPENAI_API_KEY": "YOUR_API_KEY_HERE", "MEMORY_BACKEND": "redis"}'

**NOTE**: Redis isn't working with 0.4.0 for now

To run with a different image other than the one hardcoded in `` use
kurtosis run --enclave autogpt '{"OPENAI_API_KEY": "YOUR_API_KEY_HERE", "AUTOGPT_IMAGE": "significantgravitas/auto-gpt:v0.4.0"}'

## Using AutoGPT plugins

Kurtosis supports the `ALLOWLISTED_PLUGINS` configuration flag that AutoGPT ships with. For example, to run the `AutoGPTTwitter` plugin do the following:

kurtosis run --enclave autogpt '{"OPENAI_API_KEY": "YOUR_API_KEY_HERE", "ALLOWLISTED_PLUGINS": "AutoGPTTwitter"}'

To get multiple plugins running at the same time; separate them with comma without spaces like so:

kurtosis run --enclave autogpt '{"OPENAI_API_KEY": "YOUR_API_KEY_HERE", "ALLOWLISTED_PLUGINS": "AutoGPTTwitter,AutoGPTEmailPlugin"}'

Under the hood, Kurtosis will download and install the package for you.

As of now the following plugins are supported:

### First Party
- [AutoGPTTwitter](
- [AutoGPTEmailPlugin](
- [AutoGPTSceneXPlugin](
- [AutoGPTBingSearch](
- [AutoGPTNewsSearch](
- [AutoGPTWikipediaSearch](
- [AutoGPTApiTools](
- [AutoGPTRandomValues](
- [AutoGPTSpacePlugin](
- [AutoGPTBaiduSearch](
- [AutoGPTBluesky](
- [AutoGPTAlpacaTraderPlugin](
- [AutoGPTUserInput](
- [BingAI](
- [AutoGPTCryptoPlugin](
- [AutoGPTDiscord](
- [AutoGPTDollyPlugin](

### Third Party
- [AutoGPTGoogleAnalyticsPlugin](
- [AutoGPT_IFTTT](
- [AutoGPT_Zapier](
- [AutoGPT_YouTube](
- [AutoGPTPMPlugin](
- [AutoGPTWolframAlpha](
- [AutoGPTTodoistPlugin](
- [AutoGPTMessagesPlugin](
- [AutoGPTWebInteraction](
- [AutoGPTNotion](
- [SystemInformationPlugin](

To add support for more plugins, simply create an issue or create a PR adding an entry to [``](

## Run without OpenAI

We understand OpenAI can be expensive for some people; more-ever some people might be trying to use this with their own models. AutoGPT-Package supports running AutoGPT against a `GPT4All` model that runs via `LocalAI`. To use a local model -

kurtosis run '{"GPT_4ALL": true}'

This uses the `` model default

To use a different model try the `MODEL_URL` parameter like -

kurtosis run '{"GPT_4ALL": true, "MODEL_URL": ""}'

## Development

To develop on this package, clone this repo and run the following:

kurtosis run . --enclave autogpt '{"OPENAI_API_KEY": "YOUR_API_KEY_HERE"}'

Note the `.` - this tells Kurtosis to use the version of the package on your local machine (rather than the version on Github).

Kurtosis also has [an extension available on the VSCode marketplace]( that provides syntax highlighting and autocompletion for the Starlark that this package is composed of.

## Feedback or Questions?

Let us know in our [Discord]( or on [Twitter @KurtosisTech](!

Feel free to create an issue on GitHub if you have any bugs or feature requests.