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string_view lite - A C++17-like string_view for C++98, C++11 and later in a single-file header-only library

cpp17 cpp98 header-only no-dependencies single-file string-view string-view-implementations

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string_view lite - A C++17-like string_view for C++98, C++11 and later in a single-file header-only library




# string_view lite: A single-file header-only version of a C++17-like string_view for C++98, C++11 and later

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- [Example usage](#example-usage)
- [In a nutshell](#in-a-nutshell)
- [License](#license)
- [Dependencies](#dependencies)
- [Installation](#installation)
- [Synopsis](#synopsis)
- [Reported to work with](#reported-to-work-with)
- [Building the tests](#building-the-tests)
- [Other implementations of string_view](#other-implementations-of-string_view)
- [Notes and references](#notes-and-references)
- [Appendix](#appendix)

## Example usage

#include "nonstd/string_view.hpp"

using namespace std::literals;
using namespace nonstd::literals;
using namespace nonstd;

void write( string_view sv )
std::cout << sv;

int main()
write( "hello" ); // C-string
write( ", "s ); // std::string
write( "world!"_sv ); // nonstd::string_view

### Compile and run

prompt> g++ -Wall -std=c++14 -I../include/ -o 01-basic.exe 01-basic.cpp && 01-basic.exe
hello, world!

## In a nutshell

**string-view lite** is a single-file header-only library to provide a non-owning reference to a string. The library provides a [C++17-like string_view]( for use with C++98 and later. If available, `std::string_view` is used, unless [configured otherwise](#configuration).

**Features and properties of string-view lite** are ease of installation (single header), freedom of dependencies other than the standard library. To mimic C++17-like cooperation with `std::string`, `nonstd::string_view` provides several non-standard conversion functions. These functions may be [omitted via configuration](#configuration).

## License

*string-view lite* is distributed under the [Boost Software License](LICENSE.txt).

## Dependencies

*string-view lite* has no other dependencies than the [C++ standard library](

## Installation

*string-view lite* is a single-file header-only library. Put `string_view.hpp` in the [include](include) folder directly into the project source tree or somewhere reachable from your project.

Or, if you use the [conan package manager](, follow these steps:

1. Add *nonstd-lite* to the conan remotes:

conan remote add nonstd-lite

2. Add a reference to *string-view-lite* to the *requires* section of your project's `conanfile.txt` file:


3. Run conan's install command:

conan install

## Synopsis

[Documentation of `std::string_view`](#stdstring_view)
[C++20 extensions](#c20-extensions)
[Non-standard extensions](#non-standard-extensions)

## Documentation of `std::string_view`

Depending on the compiler and C++-standard used, `nonstd::string_view` behaves less or more like `std::string_view`. To get an idea of the capabilities of `nonstd::string_view` with your configuration, look at the output of the [tests](test/string-view.t.cpp), issuing `string-view-lite.t --pass @`. For `std::string_view`, see its [documentation at cppreference](

## C++20 extensions

*string_view-lite* provides the following C++20 *extensions*.

- *[[nodiscard]]* constexpr bool **empty**() const noexcept;
- constexpr bool ***starts_with***( basic_string_view v ) const noexcept; // (1)
- constexpr bool ***starts_with***( CharT c ) const noexcept; // (2)
- constexpr bool ***starts_with***( CharT const * s ) const; // (3)
- constexpr bool ***ends_with***( basic_string_view v ) const noexcept; // (1)
- constexpr bool ***ends_with***( CharT c ) const noexcept; // (2)
- constexpr bool ***ends_with***( CharT const * s ) const; // (3)

Note: [[nodiscard]], constexpr and noexcept if available.

## Non-standard extensions

### `string_view` literals `sv` and `_sv`

clang compilers do not allow to write `auto sv = "..."sv` with *string-view lite* under C++11. To still provide a literal operator that can be used in that case, *string-view lite* also provides `_sv`. See section [Configuration](#configuration) for how to control the presence of these operators.

The literal operators are declared in the namespace `nonstd::literals::string_view_literals`, where both `literals` and `string_view_literals` are inline namespaces, if supported. Access to these operators can be gained with using namespace `nonstd::literals`, using namespace `nonstd::string_view_literals`, and using namespace `nonstd::literals::string_view_literals`. If inline namespaces are not supported by the compiler, only the latter form is available.

### Cooperation between `std::string` and `nonstd::string_view`

*string-view lite* can provide several methods and free functions to mimic the cooperation between `std::string` and `nonstd::string_view` that exists in C++17. See the table below. Several macros allow you to control the presence of these functions, see section [Configuration](#configuration).

| Kind | Std | Function or method |
| **Free functions** |  | macro `nssv_CONFIG_CONVERSION_STD_STRING_FREE_FUNCTIONS`|
| **`std::string_view`**|  |   |
| to_string() |>=C++17| template< class CharT, class Traits, class Allocator=std::allocator<CharT> >
std::basic_string<CharT, Traits, Allocator>
**to_string**( std::basic_string_view<CharT, Traits> v, Allocator const & a=Allocator() );|
| to_string_view() |>=C++17| template< class CharT, class Traits, class Allocator >
std::basic_string_view<CharT, Traits>
**to_string_view**( std::basic_string<CharT, Traits, Allocator> const & s );|
| **`nonstd::string_view`**|  |   |
| to_string()
*non-msvc14 (vs2015)* |>=C++11| template< class CharT, class Traits, class Allocator = std::allocator<CharT> >
std::basic_string<CharT, Traits, Allocator>
**to_string**( basic_string_view<CharT, Traits> v, Allocator const & a = Allocator() );|
| to_string()
*msvc14 (vs2015)* |
std::basic_string<CharT, Traits>
**to_string**( basic_string_view<CharT, Traits> v );|
| to_string()
*msvc14 (vs2015)* |
std::basic_string<CharT, Traits, Allocator>
**to_string**( basic_string_view<CharT, Traits> v, Allocator const & a );|
| to_string_view() |>=C++98| template< class CharT, class Traits, class Allocator >
basic_string_view<CharT, Traits>
**to_string_view**( std::basic_string<CharT, Traits, Allocator> const & s );|
|   |  |   |
| **Class methods** |  | macro `nssv_CONFIG_CONVERSION_STD_STRING_CLASS_METHODS` |
| **`nonstd::basic_string_view`**|  |  |
| Constructor |>=C++98| template< class Allocator >
**basic_string_view**( std::basic_string<CharT, Traits, Allocator> const & s ) nssv_noexcept;|
| Converting operator |>=C++11| template< class Allocator >
explicit **operator std::basic_string**<CharT, Traits, Allocator>() const;|
| to_string() |>=C++11| template< class Allocator = std::allocator<CharT> >
std::basic_string<CharT, Traits, Allocator>
**to_string**( Allocator const & a = Allocator() ) const;|
| to_string() |
**to_string**() const;|
| to_string() |
std::basic_string<CharT, Traits, Allocator>
**to_string**( Allocator const & a ) const;|
|   |  |   |
| **Literal operator `sv`**|>=C++11| macro `nssv_CONFIG_STD_SV_OPERATOR` |
|   |  | constexpr string_view operator "" **sv**( const char* str, size_t len ) noexcept; |
|   |  | constexpr u16string_view operator "" **sv**( const char16_t* str, size_t len ) noexcept; |
|   |  | constexpr u32string_view operator "" **sv**( const char32_t* str, size_t len ) noexcept; |
|   |  | constexpr wstring_view operator "" **sv**( const wchar_t* str, size_t len ) noexcept; |
|   |  |   |
| **Literal operator `_sv`**|>=C++11| macro `nssv_CONFIG_USR_SV_OPERATOR` |
|   |  | constexpr string_view operator "" **_sv**( const char* str, size_t len ) noexcept; |
|   |  | constexpr u16string_view operator "" **_sv**( const char16_t* str, size_t len ) noexcept; |
|   |  | constexpr u32string_view operator "" **_sv**( const char32_t* str, size_t len ) noexcept; |
|   |  | constexpr wstring_view operator "" **_sv**( const wchar_t* str, size_t len ) noexcept; |

## Configuration

### Tweak header

If the compiler supports [`__has_include()`](, *string-view lite* supports the [tweak header]( mechanism. Provide your *tweak header* as `nonstd/string_view.tweak.hpp` in a folder in the include-search-path. In the tweak header, provide definitions as documented below, like `#define nssv_CONFIG_NO_EXCEPTIONS 1`.

### Standard selection macro

Define this macro to override the auto-detection of the supported C++ standard, if your compiler does not set the `__cpluplus` macro correctly.

### Select `std::string_view` or `nonstd::string_view`

At default, *string-view lite* uses `std::string_view` if it is available and lets you use it via namespace `nonstd`. You can however override this default and explicitly request to use `std::string_view` as `nonstd::string_view` or use string-view lite's `nonstd::string_view` via the following macros.

Define this to `nssv_STRING_VIEW_STD` to select `std::string_view` as `nonstd::string_view`. Define this to `nssv_STRING_VIEW_NONSTD` to select `nonstd::string_view` as `nonstd::string_view`. Default is undefined, which has the same effect as defining to `nssv_STRING_VIEW_DEFAULT`.

Note: nssv_CONFIG_SELECT_STD_STRING_VIEW and nssv_CONFIG_SELECT_NONSTD_STRING_VIEW are deprecated and have been removed.

### Disable exceptions

Define this to 1 if you want to compile without exceptions. If not defined, the header tries and detect if exceptions have been disabled (e.g. via `-fno-exceptions`). Default is undefined.

### Add or omit literal operators `sv` and `_sv`

Define this to 1 to provide literal operator `sv` to create a `string_view` from a literal string. Default is 0. Note that literal operators without leading underscore are reserved for the C++ standard.

Define this to 0 to omit literal operator `_sv` to create a `string_view` from a literal string. Default is 1.

### Omit cooperation between `std::string`–`nonstd::string_view`

At default, *string-view lite* provides several methods and free functions to mimic the cooperation between `std::string` and `nonstd::string_view` (or `std::string_view`) that exists in C++17. See section [Non-standard extensions](#non-standard-extensions). The following macros allow you to control the presence of these functions.

Define this to 1 to provide `std::string`– `nonstd::string_view` interoperability via methods of `nonstd::basic_string_view` and free functions, define it to 0 to omit all said methods and functions. Default is undefined.

Define this to 1 to provide `std::string`– `nonstd::string_view` interoperability via methods of `nonstd::basic_string_view`, define it to 0 to omit all said methods. Default is undefined.

Define this to 1 to provide `std::string`– `nonstd::string_view` interoperability via free functions, define it to 0 to omit all said functions. This also controls the presence of these function if `std::string_view` is used. Default is undefined.

### Omit use of streams

At default, *string-view lite* provides operations to overload the `operator<<`. If you want to use the library without the use of standard streams, you can control this with the following macro:

Define this to 1 to omit the use of standard streams. Default is undefined.

### Avoid `constexpr` with `std::search()`

At default, *string-view lite* may use constexpr with `std::search()` for `string_view::find()` when compiling for C++11 or C++14, whereas `std::search()` is only constexpr since C++20. This may occur when macro `__OPTIMIZE__` is not defined and a non-recursive implementation for search is selected. Macro `__OPTIMIZE__` is used with GCC and clang.

If you encounter an error related to this, you can control this behaviour with the following macro:

Define this to 0 to omit the use constexpr with `std::search()` and substitute a local implementation using `nssv_constexpr14`. Default is 1.

### Enable compilation errors

Define this macro to 1 to experience the by-design compile-time errors of the library in the test suite. Default is 0.

## Reported to work with

The table below mentions the compiler versions *string-view lite* is reported to work with.

OS | Compiler | Versions |
Windows | Clang/LLVM | ? |
  | GCC | 7.2.0 |
  | Visual C++
(Visual Studio)| 8 (2005), 9 (2008), 10 (2010), 11 (2012),
12 (2013), 14 (2015), 15 (2017) |
GNU/Linux | Clang/LLVM | 3.5 - 6.0 |
  | GCC | 4.8 - 8 |
OS X | Clang/LLVM | Xcode 6, Xcode 7, Xcode 8, Xcode 9 |

## Building the tests

To build the tests you need:

- [CMake](, version 3.0 or later to be installed and in your PATH.
- A [suitable compiler](#reported-to-work-with).

The [*lest* test framework]( is included in the [test folder](test).

The following steps assume that the [*string-view lite* source code]( has been cloned into a directory named `c:\string-view-lite`.

1. Create a directory for the build outputs for a particular architecture.
Here we use c:\string-view-lite\build-win-x86-vc10.

cd c:\string-view-lite
md build-win-x86-vc10
cd build-win-x86-vc10

2. Configure CMake to use the compiler of your choice (run `cmake --help` for a list).

cmake -G "Visual Studio 10 2010" -DSTRING_VIEW_LITE_OPT_BUILD_TESTS=ON ..

3. Build the test suite in the Debug configuration (alternatively use Release).

cmake --build . --config Debug

4. Run the test suite.

ctest -V -C Debug

All tests should pass, indicating your platform is supported and you are ready to use *string-view lite*.

## Other implementations of string_view

- Marshall Clow. [string_view implementation for libc++]( GitHub.
- LLVM libc++. [string_view]( GitHub.
- Matthew Rodusek's, @bitwizeshift. [string_view Standalone]( GitHub.
- @satoren. [string_view for C++03 C++11 C++14]( GitHub.
- Google Abseil [string_view]( (non-templated).
- [Search _string view c++_ on GitHub](

## Notes and references

*Interface and specification*

- [string_view on cppreference](
- [n4659 - C++17 Working Draft: string_view](


- Marshall Clow. [string_view - when to use it, and when not]( CppCon 2015. [video](, [slides](
- Neil MacIntosh. [A few good types: Evolving array_view and string_view for safe C++ code]( CppCon 2015. [video](, [slides](


- Jeffrey Yasskin. [n3334 - Proposing array_ref and string_ref]( 2012.
- Jeffrey Yasskin. [n3921 - string_view: a non-owning reference to a string, revision 7]( **Adopted 2014-02**.
- Alisdair Meredith. [n4288 - Strike string_view::clear from Library Fundamentals]( **Adopted 2014-11**.
- Neil MacIntosh. [p0123 - Unifying the interfaces of string_view and array_view]( 2015.
- Beman Dawes, Alisdair Meredith. [p0220 - Adopt Library Fundamentals V1 TS Components for C++17 (R1)]( 2016.
- Marshall Clow. [p0254 - Integrating std::string_view and std::string]( **Adopted 2016-06**.
- Nicolai Josuttis. [p0392 - Adapting string_view by filesystem paths]( 2016.
- Marshall Clow. [p0403 - Literal suffixes for basic_string_view]( 2016.
- Peter Sommerlad. [p0506 - use string_view for library function parameters instead of const string &/const char *]( 2017.
- Daniel Krugler. [wg2946 - LWG 2758's resolution missed further corrections]( 2017.
- Yuriy Chernyshov. [p2166 - A Proposal to Prohibit std::basic_string and std::basic_string_view construction from nullptr]( 2020. **Adopted 2021-06**.

## Appendix

### A.1 Compile-time information

The version of *string-view lite* is available via tag `[.version]`. The following tags are available for information on the compiler and on the C++ standard library used: `[.compiler]`, `[.builtins]`, `[.stdc++]`, `[.stdlanguage]` and `[.stdlibrary]`.

### A.2 string-view lite test specification

click to expand

string_view: Allows to default construct an empty string_view
string_view: Allows to construct from pointer and size
string_view: Allows to construct from C-string
string_view: Allows to copy-construct from empty string_view
string_view: Allows to copy-construct from non-empty string_view
string_view: Disallows to copy-construct from nullptr (C++11)
string_view: Disallows to copy-assign from nullptr (C++11)
string_view: Allows to copy-assign from empty string_view
string_view: Allows to copy-assign from non-empty string_view
string_view: Allows forward iteration
string_view: Allows const forward iteration
string_view: Allows reverse iteration
string_view: Allows const reverse iteration
string_view: Allows to obtain the size of the view via size()
string_view: Allows to obtain the size of the view via length()
string_view: Allows to obtain the maximum size a view can be via max_size()
string_view: Allows to check for an empty string_view via empty()
string_view: Allows to observe an element via array indexing
string_view: Allows to observe an element via at()
string_view: Throws at observing an element via at() with an index of size() or larger
string_view: Allows to observe elements via data()
string_view: Yields nullptr (or NULL) with data() for an empty string_view
string_view: Allows to remove a prefix of n elements
string_view: Allows to remove a suffix of n elements
string_view: Allows to swap with other string_view
string_view: Allows to copy a substring of length n, starting at position pos (default: 0) via copy()
string_view: Throws if requested position of copy() exceeds string_view's size()
string_view: Allow to obtain a sub string, starting at position pos (default: 0) and of length n (default full), via substr()
string_view: Throws if requested position of substr() exceeds string_view's size()
string_view: Allows to lexically compare to another string_view via compare(), (1)
string_view: Allows to compare empty string_views as equal via compare(), (1)
string_view: Allows to constexpr-compare string_views via compare(), (1) (C++14)
string_view: Allows to compare a sub string to another string_view via compare(), (2)
string_view: Allows to compare a sub string to another string_view sub string via compare(), (3)
string_view: Allows to compare to a C-string via compare(), (4)
string_view: Allows to compare a sub string to a C-string via compare(), (5)
string_view: Allows to compare a sub string to a C-string prefix via compare(), (6)
string_view: Allows to check for a prefix string_view via starts_with(), (1)
string_view: Allows to check for a prefix character via starts_with(), (2)
string_view: Allows to check for a prefix C-string via starts_with(), (3)
string_view: Allows to check for a suffix string_view via ends_with(), (1)
string_view: Allows to check for a suffix character via ends_with(), (2)
string_view: Allows to check for a suffix C-string via ends_with(), (3)
string_view: Allows to search for a string_view substring, starting at position pos (default: 0) via find(), (1)
string_view: Allows to search for a character, starting at position pos (default: 0) via find(), (2)
string_view: Allows to search for a C-string substring, starting at position pos and of length n via find(), (3)
string_view: Allows to search for a C-string substring, starting at position pos (default: 0) via find(), (4)
string_view: Allows to search backwards for a string_view substring, starting at position pos (default: npos) via rfind(), (1)
string_view: Allows to search backwards for a character, starting at position pos (default: npos) via rfind(), (2)
string_view: Allows to search backwards for a C-string substring, starting at position pos and of length n via rfind(), (3)
string_view: Allows to search backwards for a C-string substring, starting at position pos (default: 0) via rfind(), (4)
string_view: Allows to search for the first occurrence of any of the characters specified in a string view, starting at position pos (default: 0) via find_first_of(), (1)
string_view: Allows to search for a character, starting at position pos (default: 0) via find_first_of(), (2)
string_view: Allows to search for the first occurrence of any of the characters specified in a C-string, starting at position pos and of length n via find_first_of(), (3)
string_view: Allows to search for the first occurrence of any of the characters specified in a C-string, starting at position pos via find_first_of(), (4)
string_view: Allows to search backwards for the last occurrence of any of the characters specified in a string view, starting at position pos (default: npos) via find_last_of(), (1)
string_view: Allows to search backwards for a character, starting at position pos (default: 0) via find_last_of(), (2)
string_view: Allows to search backwards for the first occurrence of any of the characters specified in a C-string, starting at position pos and of length n via find_last_of(), (3)
string_view: Allows to search backwards for the first occurrence of any of the characters specified in a C-string, starting at position pos via find_last_of(), (4)
string_view: Allows to search for the first character not specified in a string view, starting at position pos (default: 0) via find_first_not_of(), (1)
string_view: Allows to search for the first character not equal to the specified character, starting at position pos (default: 0) via find_first_not_of(), (2)
string_view: Allows to search for the first character not equal to any of the characters specified in a C-string, starting at position pos and of length n via find_first_not_of(), (3)
string_view: Allows to search for the first character not equal to any of the characters specified in a C-string, starting at position pos via find_first_not_of(), (4)
string_view: Allows to search backwards for the first character not specified in a string view, starting at position pos (default: npos) via find_last_not_of(), (1)
string_view: Allows to search backwards for the first character not equal to the specified character, starting at position pos (default: npos) via find_last_not_of(), (2)
string_view: Allows to search backwards for the first character not equal to any of the characters specified in a C-string, starting at position pos and of length n via find_last_not_of(), (3)
string_view: Allows to search backwards for the first character not equal to any of the characters specified in a C-string, starting at position pos via find_last_not_of(), (4)
string_view: Allows to create a string_view, wstring_view, u16string_view, u32string_view via literal "sv"
string_view: Allows to create a string_view via literal "sv", using namespace nonstd::literals::string_view_literals
string_view: Allows to create a string_view via literal "sv", using namespace nonstd::string_view_literals
string_view: Allows to create a string_view via literal "sv", using namespace nonstd::literals
string_view: Allows to create a string_view, wstring_view, u16string_view, u32string_view via literal "_sv"
string_view: Allows to create a string_view via literal "_sv", using namespace nonstd::literals::string_view_literals
string_view: Allows to create a string_view via literal "_sv", using namespace nonstd::string_view_literals
string_view: Allows to create a string_view via literal "_sv", using namespace nonstd::literals
string_view: Allows to compare a string_view with another string_view via comparison operators
string_view: Allows to compare a string_view with an object with implicit conversion to string_view via comparison operators
string_view: Allows to compare empty string_view-s as equal via compare() and via operator==()
operator<<: Allows printing a string_view to an output stream
std::hash<>: Hash value of string_view equals hash value of corresponding string object
std::hash<>: Hash value of wstring_view equals hash value of corresponding string object
std::hash<>: Hash value of u16string_view equals hash value of corresponding string object
std::hash<>: Hash value of u32string_view equals hash value of corresponding string object
string_view: construct from std::string [extension]
string_view: convert to std::string via explicit operator [extension]
string_view: convert to std::string via to_string() [extension]
to_string(): convert to std::string via to_string() [extension]
to_string_view(): convert from std::string via to_string_view() [extension]
tweak header: reads tweak header if supported [tweak]