
An open API service indexing awesome lists of open source software.

This will run the new self-hosted github actions runners with docker-in-docker

cicd docker github github-actions gitlab-ci hacktoberfest hacktoberfest-accepted

Last synced: 27 days ago
JSON representation

This will run the new self-hosted github actions runners with docker-in-docker




Docker Github Actions Runner

[![Docker Pulls](]( [![awesome-runners](](

This will run the [new self-hosted github actions runners](

## Quick-Start (Examples and Usage) ##

Please see [the wiki](
Please read [the contributing guidelines](

## Notes ##

### Security ###

It is known that environment variables are not safe from exfiltration.
If you are using this runner make sure that any workflow changes are gated by a verification process (in the actions settings) so that malicious PR's cannot exfiltrate these.

### Docker Support ###

Please note that while this runner installs and allows docker, github actions itself does not support using docker from a self hosted runner yet.
For more information:


Also, some GitHub Actions Workflow features, like [Job Services](, won't be usable and [will result in an error](

### Containerd Support ###

Currently runners [do not support containerd](

## Docker Artifacts ##

| Container Base | Supported Architectures | Tag Regex | Docker Tags | Description | Notes |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
| ubuntu focal | `x86_64`,`arm64` | `/\d\.\d{3}\.\d+/` `/\d\.\d{3}\.\d+-ubuntu-focal/`| [latest]( [ubuntu-focal]( | This is the latest build (Rebuilt nightly and on master merges). Tags without an OS name are included. Tags with `-ubuntu-focal` are included and created on [upstream tags](|
| ubuntu noble | `x86_64`,`arm64` | `/\d\.\d{3}\.\d+-ubuntu-noble/` | [ubuntu-noble]( | This is the latest build from noble (Rebuilt nightly and on master merges). Tags with `-ubuntu-noble` are included and created on [upstream tags]( | |
| ubuntu jammy | `x86_64`,`arm64` | `/\d\.\d{3}\.\d+-ubuntu-jammy/` | [ubuntu-jammy]( | This is the latest build from jammy (Rebuilt nightly and on master merges). Tags with `-ubuntu-jammy` are included and created on [upstream tags]( | There is [currently an issue with jammy from inside a 20.04LTS host]( which is why this is not `latest` |
| debian buster (now deprecated) | `x86_64`,`arm64` | `/\d\.\d{3}\.\d+-debian-buster/` | [debian-buster]( | Debian buster is now deprecated. The packages for arm v7 are in flux and are wildly causing build failures (git as well as apt-key and liblttng-ust#. Tags with `-debian-buster` are included and created on [upstream tags]( | |
| debian bookworm | `x86_64`,`arm64` | `/\d\.\d{3}\.\d+-debian-bookworm/` | [debian-bookworm]( | This is the latest build from bookworm (Rebuilt nightly and on master merges). Tags with `-debian-bookworm` are included and created on [upstream tags]( | |
| debian sid | `x86_64`,`arm64` | `/\d\.\d{3}\.\d+-debian-sid/` | [debian-sid]( | This is the latest build from sid (Rebuilt nightly and on master merges). Tags with `-debian-sid` are included and created on [upstream tags]( | |

These containers are built via Github actions that [copy the dockerfile](, changing the `FROM` and building to provide simplicity.

## Environment Variables ##

| Environment Variable | Description |
| --- | --- |
| `RUN_AS_ROOT` | Boolean to run as root. If `true`: will run as root. If `True` and the user is overridden it will error. If any other value it will run as the `runner` user and allow an optional override. Default is `true` |
| `RUNNER_NAME` | The name of the runner to use. Supersedes (overrides) `RUNNER_NAME_PREFIX` |
| `RUNNER_NAME_PREFIX` | A prefix for runner name (See `RANDOM_RUNNER_SUFFIX` for how the full name is generated). Note: will be overridden by `RUNNER_NAME` if provided. Defaults to `github-runner` |
| `RANDOM_RUNNER_SUFFIX` | Boolean to use a randomized runner name suffix (preceded by `RUNNER_NAME_PREFIX`). Will use a 13 character random string by default. If set to a value other than true it will attempt to use the contents of `/etc/hostname` or fall back to a random string if the file does not exist or is empty. Note: will be overridden by `RUNNER_NAME` if provided. Defaults to `true`. |
| `ACCESS_TOKEN` | A [github PAT]( to use to generate `RUNNER_TOKEN` dynamically at container start. Not using this requires a valid `RUNNER_TOKEN` |
| `APP_ID` | The github application ID. Must be paired with `APP_PRIVATE_KEY` and should not be used with `ACCESS_TOKEN` or `RUNNER_TOKEN` |
| `APP_PRIVATE_KEY` | The github application private key. Must be paired with `APP_ID` and should not be used with `ACCESS_TOKEN` or `RUNNER_TOKEN` |
| `APP_LOGIN` | The github application login id. Can be paired with `APP_ID` and `APP_PRIVATE_KEY` if default value extracted from `REPO_URL` or `ORG_NAME` is not correct. Note that no default is present when `RUNNER_SCOPE` is 'enterprise'. |
| `RUNNER_SCOPE` | The scope the runner will be registered on. Valid values are `repo`, `org` and `ent`. For 'org' and 'enterprise', `ACCESS_TOKEN` is required and `REPO_URL` is unnecessary. If 'org', requires `ORG_NAME`; if 'ent', requires `ENTERPRISE_NAME`. Default is 'repo'. |
| `ORG_NAME` | The organization name for the runner to register under. Requires `RUNNER_SCOPE` to be 'org'. No default value. |
| `ENTERPRISE_NAME` | The enterprise name for the runner to register under. Requires `RUNNER_SCOPE` to be 'enterprise'. No default value. |
| `LABELS` | A comma separated string to indicate the labels. Default is 'default' |
| `REPO_URL` | If using a non-organization runner this is the full repository url to register under such as '' |
| `RUNNER_TOKEN` | If not using a PAT for `ACCESS_TOKEN` this will be the runner token provided by the Add Runner UI (a manual process). Note: This token is short lived and will change frequently. `ACCESS_TOKEN` is likely preferred. |
| `RUNNER_WORKDIR` | The working directory for the runner. Runners on the same host should not share this directory. Default is '/_work'. This must match the source path for the bind-mounted volume at RUNNER_WORKDIR, in order for container actions to access files. |
| `RUNNER_GROUP` | Name of the runner group to add this runner to (defaults to the default runner group) |
| `GITHUB_HOST` | Optional URL of the Github Enterprise server e.g Defaults to ``. |
| `DISABLE_AUTOMATIC_DEREGISTRATION` | Optional flag to disable signal catching for deregistration. Default is `false`. Any value other than exactly `false` is considered `true`. See [here]( |
| `CONFIGURED_ACTIONS_RUNNER_FILES_DIR` | Path to use for runner data. It allows avoiding reregistration each the start of the runner. No default value. |
| `EPHEMERAL` | Optional flag to configure runner with [`--ephemeral` option]( Ephemeral runners are suitable for autoscaling. |
| `DISABLE_AUTO_UPDATE` | Optional environment variable to [disable auto updates]( Auto updates are enabled by default to preserve past behavior. Any value is considered truthy and will disable them. |
| `START_DOCKER_SERVICE` | Optional flag which automatically starts the docker service if set to `true`. Useful when using [sysbox]( Defaults to `false`. |
| `NO_DEFAULT_LABELS` | Optional environment variable to disable adding the default self-hosted, platform, and architecture labels to the runner. Any value is considered truthy and will disable them. |