
An open API service indexing awesome lists of open source software.

A fast and powerful http toolkit that take a list of domains to find active domains and other information such as status-code, title, response-time , server, content-type and many other

cybersecurity hacking http infosec kali-tools nodejs npm open-source osint osint-tool termux-tool

Last synced: 27 days ago
JSON representation

A fast and powerful http toolkit that take a list of domains to find active domains and other information such as status-code, title, response-time , server, content-type and many other





A Incredible fast and Powerful HTTP toolkit

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## Getting Started


### Prerequisites

You need **NodeJs** 10 or later to run this tool. You can install NodeJs :

- On Linux
sudo apt-get install nodejs
- On Termux
pkg install nodejs-lts

## Installation

### Using npm

npm install -g -s httpfy
### Install locally

git clone
cd httpfy
npm install
node index.js -h

### Uninstall

npm remove httpfy -g

## Usage

httpfy -f

### Options

| Short | Options | Type | Description |
| ------ | ------------------- | --------- | ------------------------------------------------------------- |
| -v | --version | probe | output the current version |
| -f | --file | string | input file containing list of URLs |
| -sc | --status-code | probe | display response status-code |
| -cl | --content-length | probe | display response content-length |
| -ct | --content-type | probe | display response content-type |
| -rt | --response-time | probe | display response time |
| -lc | --line-count | probe | display response body line count |
| -wc | --word-count | probe | display response body word count |
| -ws | --web-serve | probe | display web server name |
| -rl | --redirect-location | probe | display redirect location |
| -m | --method | probe | display http request method |
| -nc | --no-color | probe | disable colors in cli output |
| -ttl | --title | probe | display page title |
| -fl | --failed | probe | display failed request's |
| -nr | --no-redirect | probe | don't follow redirects |
| -mr | --max-redirect | number | maximum redirects to follow |
| -t | --threads | number | maximum cocurrent requests send (default: 100) |
| -i | --interval | number | interval between each thread in seconds |
| -c | --cookie | string | send cookies (--cookie 'login=Yes') |
| -H | --header | string | custom http headers to send (--header 'X-MyHeader: XYZ') |
| -x | --request-methods | string | set request methods use 'all' to probe all HTTP methods |
| -pc | --protocol | string | set request Protocol (default: "https") |
| -path | --request-path | string | path or list of paths (-path admin,login) |
| -param | --request-param | string | set request parameters (-param id=5) |
| -ua | --user-agent | string | set custom useragent |
| -time | --timeout | number | set request timeout in seconds |
| -mc | --match-code | numbers[] | match response with specified status code (-mc 200,404) |
| -ml | --match-length | numbers[] | match response with specified content length (-ml 800,900) |
| -mlc | --match-line-count | numbers[] | match response body with specified line count (-mlc 100,102) |
| -ms | --match-string | strings[] | match response with specified strings (-ms admin) |
| -o | --output-file | string | save results in a single file (-o result.txt) |
| -of | --output-folder | string | save response of url in multiple files (-of result) |
| -h | --help | probe | display help for command |

## Examples

### Basic

- ```bash
httpfy -f urls.txt -sc -ttl -fl
### Try all Http Methods

- ```bash
httpfy -f urls.txt -sc -m -x all

### File/Path Bruteforce

- ```bash
httpfy -f urls.txt -path admin,login -sc

## Run with Gitpod

Click this button to run your project on Gitpod which comes with pre-configured environment you need.

[![Open in Gitpod](](

## Contributing

Contributions are what make the open source community such an amazing place to learn, inspire, and create. Any contributions you make are **greatly appreciated**.

If you have a suggestion that would make this better, please fork the repo and create a pull request. You can also simply open an issue with the tag "enhancement".
Don't forget to give the project a star! Thanks again!

1. Fork the Project
2. Create your Branch
3. Commit your Changes
4. Push to the Branch
5. Open a Pull Request

## Supporters

### Stargazers:
[![Stargazers repo roster for @devXprite/httpfy](](

### Forkers
[![Forkers repo roster for @devXprite/httpfy](](

## License

Distributed under the GPL-3.0 license. See `LICENSE.txt` for more information.