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Scriptable multimedia sandbox. Captures, streams and records from a variety of sources.

audio-capture capturing recording streaming streaming-video

Last synced: 15 days ago
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Scriptable multimedia sandbox. Captures, streams and records from a variety of sources.





A fully scriptable and flexible multimedia streaming/handling program.

* Fully scriptable via Lua
* Fully atomic API
* Every frame is perfect
* Frame-perfect synchronization between video and audio capture
* Custom first-class capture/output code for minimal overhead:
* Most feature-complete and accurate Pulseaudio implementation, including isolated client capture
* Zero-copy Wayland capture via the wlr-export-dmabuf-unstable protocol
* Low-overhead X11 capture via XCB/SHM
* Wayland capture via the wlr-screencopy-unstable protocol (both software or DMA-BUF frames supported)
* Second-class libavdevice capture/output support
* Headless operation supported
* Optional Vulkan-only GUI via libplacebo, supported window systems:
* Wayland
* Minimal dependencies (FFmpeg and Lua required, libplacebo and all custom capture code optional)
* Liberally licensed (LGPL v2.1)

Complete list of dependencies:

* FFmpeg (git master currently required)
* libplacebo (git master)
* Lua 5.4

Optional dependencies

* Editline 3.1 (for a command-line interface)
* libpulse (for Pulseaudio capture)
* Wayland (wayland-scanner,client,cursor,protocols,xkbcommon and libdrm, for Wayland capture)

To build, simply do:

`meson build`

`ninja -C build`

The resulting binary in `./build/src/txproto` is portable and can be ran anywhere.

To simplify building, `libplacebo` can be built and bundled simultaneously by creating
a `subprojects` directory and cloning the [libplacebo repository](
into `subprojects/libplacebo`. If an unsuitable libplacebo version already exist on the
system, use `meson setup --force-fallback-for libplacebo build` to force building from
the `subprojects` directory.

If no scripts are specified, `txproto` will, by default, shadow the entire screen to allow the user to screenshot a portion of the screen via the mouse.

To run a script: `./build/txproto -s `. Example scripts can be found in the [examples](./DOCS/examples/)
directory. CLI parameters are described in the [section below](#cli).
Script syntax is described in the [Lua API documentation](./DOCS/

| Argument | Description |
| -s `path` | Specify a script to run. |
| -e `string` | Specifies a script entry function (default: 'main'). |
| -r `string` | Comma-separated list of system Lua packages to include. Searches the local directory first, then the system directories. **Note:** for security, `io`, `os` and `require` are not loaded by default. |
| -V `string` | Specifies a global logging level (quiet, error, warn, info, verbose, debug, trace). For a single component, the syntax is `= `. Multiple values can be given if separated via commas. |
| -L `path` | Specifies a log file. **Warning:** always at maximum verbose level, this will get big quickly. |
| -C | Enable the command-line interface. |
| -h | Display help (this). |
| -v | Displays program version info. |
| `trailing arguments` | Given to the script as variable arguments to the entrypoint (`function main(...) local argument1, argument2, etc = ... end`). |

Discussions and help
Join `#txproto` on Libera, or []( on Matrix.

Feature policy
| New feature | Policy |
| Custom inputs | Always accepted |
| Custom outputs | Always accepted |
| Platform integration | Accepted, via Lua scripts |
| Custom muxers | Welcome |
| Custom filters | Unlikely, submit to FFmpeg first |
| Custom de/encoders | Never, submit any to FFmpeg |

Alternatively, for custom inputs, outputs, and muxers, a dynamic linking ABI will be provided to allow for the use of non-free binaries.