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High-performance Qiskit features backed by Julia. A Python front end to algorithms using Pauli and Fermionic operators implemented in Julia.


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High-performance Qiskit features backed by Julia. A Python front end to algorithms using Pauli and Fermionic operators implemented in Julia.




# qiskit_alt

## qiskit_alt

This Python package uses a backend written in Julia to implement high performance features for
standard Qiskit. This package is a proof of concept with little high-level code.

Installing and managing Julia and its packages is automated. So you don't need to learn anything about Julia
to get started.

### Table of contents

* [Installation and configuration notes](#installation-and-configuration-notes)

* [Compilation](#compilation) Compiling a system image to eliminate compilation at run time.

* [Using qiskit_alt](#using-qiskit_alt) First steps.

* [Manual Steps](#manual-steps) Details of automatic installation.

* [Introduction](#introduction)

* [Motivations](./

* [Demonstration](#demonstration)
* [Zapata demo of Jordan-Wigner transformation in Julia](; The
same thing as the main demonstration in qiskit_alt.

* [Julia Packages](#julia-packages) Julia packages that qiskit_alt depends on.

* [Troubleshooting](#troubleshooting)

* [Development](./ Instructions for developing qiskit_alt.

## Installation and Configuration Notes

### Basic

* `qiskit_alt` is available on pypi

shell> pip install qiskit_alt

* Complete installation by running
import qiskit_alt

See [`julia_project`]( for more options.

* If no Julia executable is found, `` will be used to download and install it. It is *not* necessary
to add the installation path or symlink path to your search PATH to use julia from qiskit_alt.
Before offering to install Julia, `qiskit_alt` will search for julia as [described here](./

* The Julia packages are installed the first time you run `qiskit_alt.project.ensure_init()` from Python. If this fails,
see the log file qiskit_alt.log. You can open a bug report in the [`qiskit_alt` repo](

* Check that the installation is not completely broken by running benchmark scripts, with the string "alt" in the name:
python ./bench/
Note that the folder `bench` is not included when you install via `pip install qiskit_alt`.
But it can be [downloaded here](./bench/).

### More installation details

* `qiskit_alt` depends on [`pyjulia`](
and/or [`juliacall`]( for communication between Julia and Python.

* `pyjulia` and `juliacall` are two packages for communication between Python and Julia. You only need
to import one of them. But, you won't import them directly.

* When you initialize with `qiskit_alt.project.ensure_init()` the default communication package is chosen.
You can also choose explicitly with `qiskit_alt.project.ensure_init(calljulia="pyjulia")`
or `qiskit_alt.project.ensure_init(calljulia="juliacall")`

* The installation is interactive. How to do a non-interactive installation with environment variables is
described below.

* You may allow `qiskit_alt` to download and install Julia for you, using [``](
Otherwise you can follow instructions for [installing Julia with an installation tool](./

* We recommend using a virtual Python environment with `venv` or `conda`. For example `python -m venv ./env`,
which creates a virtual environment for python packages needed to run `qiskit_alt`.
You can use whatever name you like in place of the directory `./env`.

* Activate the environment using the file required for your shell. For example
`source ./env/bin/activate` for `venv` and bash.

* Install `qiskit_alt` with `pip install qiskit_alt`.

* Install whatever other packages you want. For example `pip install ipython`.

* Configuring installation with environment variables. If you set these environment variables, you will not be prompted
during installation.
* Set `QISKIT_ALT_JULIA_PATH` to the path to a Julia executable (in a Julia installation). This variable takes
precedence over other methods of specifying the path to the executable.
* Set `QISKIT_ALT_INSTALL_JULIA` to `y` or `n` to confirm or disallow installing julia via ``.
* Set `QISKIT_ALT_COMPILE` to `y` or `n` to confirm or disallow compiling a system image after installing Julia packages
* Set `QISKIT_ALT_DEPOT` to `y` or `n` to force using or not using a Julia "depot" specific to this project.

* `qiskit_alt.project.update()` will delete `Manifest.toml` files; upgrade packages; rebuild the manifest; delete compiled system images.
If you call `update()` while running a compiled system image, you should exit Python and start again before compiling

* `qiskit_alt.project` is an instance of `JuliaProject` from the package [`julia_project`](
for managing Julia dependencies in Python projects. See more options at [`julia_project`](

### Compilation

* We highly recommend compiling a system image for `qiskit_alt` to speed up loading and reduce delays due to just-in-time compilation.
You will be prompted to install when installing or upgrading. Compilation may also be done at any time as follows.

[1]: import qiskit_alt

In [2]: qiskit_alt.project.ensure_init(use_sys_image=False)

In [3]: qiskit_alt.project.compile()
Compilation takes about four minutes. The new Julia system image will be found the next time you import `qiskit_alt`.
Note that we disabled possibly loading a previously-compiled system image before compiling a new one.
This avoids some possible stability issues.

## Using qiskit_alt

This is a very brief introduction.

* The `pyjulia` interface is exposed via the `julia` module. The `juliacall` module is called `juliacall`.
However you should *not* do `import julia` or `import juliacall` before `import qiskit_alt`,
and `qiskit_alt.project.ensure_init()` (or `qiskit_alt.project.ensure_init(calljulia="pyjulia")` or
`juliacall` with `qiskit_alt.project.ensure_init(calljulia="juliacall")`)
This is because `import julia` will circumvent the facilities described above for choosing the julia executable and the
compiled system image.

* Julia modules are loaded like this. Note that `qiskit_alt.project.julia` points to either `julia` or `juliacall` depending
on which was chosen.
import qiskit_alt
Main = qiskit_alt.project.julia.Main

`import qiskit_alt`; `import julia`; `from julia import PkgName`.
After this, all functions and symbols in `PkgName` are available.
You can do, for example
In [1]: import qiskit_alt

In [2]: qiskit_alt.project.ensure_init()

In [3]: julia = qiskit_alt.project.julia

In [4]: julia.Main.cosd(90)
Out[4]: 0.0

In [5]: QuantumOps = qiskit_alt.project.simple_import("QuantumOps")

In [6]: pauli_sum = QuantumOps.rand_op_sum(QuantumOps.Pauli, 3, 4); pauli_sum


In the last example above, `PauliSum` is a Julia object. The `PauliSum` can be converted to
a Qiskit `SparsePauliOp` like this.
In [7]: from qiskit_alt.pauli_operators import PauliSum_to_SparsePauliOp

In [8]: PauliSum_to_SparsePauliOp(pauli_sum)
SparsePauliOp(['ZII', 'IYX', 'XIY', 'ZIZ'],
coeffs=[1.+0.j, 1.+0.j, 1.+0.j, 1.+0.j])

## Introduction

The highlights thus far are in [benchmark code](./bench/), which is
presented in the demonstration notebooks.
There is one [demonstration notebook using `pyjulia`](./demos/qiskit_alt_demo.ipynb)
and another [demonstration notebook using `juliacall`](./demos/qiskit_alt_demo_jc.ipynb).

The main application-level demonstration is computing a qubit Hamiltonian as a `qiskit.quantum_info.SparsePauliOp`
from a Python list specifiying the molecule geometry in the same format as that used by `qiskit_nature`.

* The Jordan-Wigner transform in qiskit_alt is 30 or so times faster than in qiskit-nature.
* Computing a Fermionic Hamiltonian from pyscf integrals is several times faster, with the factor increasing
with the problem size.
* Converting an operator from the computational basis, as a numpy matrix, to the Pauli basis, as a `qiskit.quantum_info.SparsePauliOp`,
is many times faster with the factor increasing rapidly in the number of qubits.

You might want to skip to [installation instructions](#installation-and-configuration-notes)

## Demonstration

* There are a few demos in this [demonstration benchmark notebook](./demos/qiskit_alt_demo.ipynb)

* The [benchmark code](./bench/) is a good place to get an idea of what qiskit_alt can do.

* Here are [some demonstration notebooks]( of the Julia packages behind `qiskit_alt`.

* [Zapata demo of Jordan-Wigner transformation in Julia](; The
same thing as the main demonstration in qiskit_alt. This is from JuliaCon 2020.

### Managing Julia packages

* Available Julia modules are those in the standard library and those listed in [Project.toml](./Project.toml).
You can add more packages (and record them in `Project.toml`) by doing `qiskit_alt.project.julia.Pkg.add("PackageName")`.
You can also do the same by avoiding Python and using the julia cli.

## Julia Packages

* The Julia repos [`QuantumOps.jl`]( and
[`ElectronicStructure.jl`]( and
are not registered in the General Registry, but rather in [`QuantumRegistry`]( which contains just
a handful of packages for this project.

## Testing

The test folder is mostly out of date.

#### Testing installation with docker

See [the readme](./docker_tests/