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Extension to passthrough pipewire audio to WebRTC Screenshare

audio firefox firefox-addon firefox-extension pipewire screenshare webrtc

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Extension to passthrough pipewire audio to WebRTC Screenshare




# Logo Pipewire Screenaudio

Extension to passthrough Pipewire audio to WebRTC Screenshare

Based on [virtual-mic]( and [Screenshare-with-audio-on-Discord-with-Linux](

## Communication

You can find us on [Matrix](

## Installation

### Packages


#### NixOS Flakes

# flake.nix

inputs.pipewire-screenaudio.url = "github:IceDBorn/pipewire-screenaudio";
# ...

outputs = {nixpkgs, pipewire-screenaudio, ...} @ inputs: {
nixosConfigurations.HOSTNAME = nixpkgs.lib.nixosSystem {
specialArgs = { inherit inputs; }; # this is the important part
modules = [

# configuration.nix

{inputs, pkgs, ...}: {
environment.systemPackages = with pkgs; [
(firefox.override { nativeMessagingHosts = [ inputs.pipewire-screenaudio.packages.${pkgs.system}.default ]; })
# ...

### Installing from Source

#### Requirements

- gawk
- hexdump
- jq
- pipewire

git clone
cd pipewire-screenaudio

## Usage

- #### Via the extension

- Install the [extension](
- Optional: Grant extension with access permissions to all sites
- Join a WebRTC call, click the extension icon, select an audio node and share
- Stream, your transmission should contain both audio and video

- #### Via the CLI

- **Description:** It's used to manually call the commands that are normally called by the extension. It is meant for troubleshooting, but it could be used for integrating the connector with other apps.
- **Usage:**
bash native/connector/ COMMAND ARGUMENTS
- **Example:**
bash native/connector/ GetNodes
bash native/connector/ SetSharingNode '{ "micId": 100, "node": 200 }'

## Known Problems

- You can't stream firefox WebRTC calls at all while using `All Desktop Audio`, they are excluded by default

### resistFingerprinting

- privacy.resistFingerprinting (enabled by default in LibreWolf, arkenfox user.js, etc.) breaks the extension. Either disable the preference or add any domains you wish to use Pipewire Screenaudio with to `privacy.resistFingerprinting.exemptedDomains` in `about:config`

### Audio pitching

- This bug exclusively impacts Firefox versions predating 120

## Planned Features

- Multiple nodes selection
- More customization options (node matching, watcher behavior etc.)
- Chromium support