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This repository contains datasets and code for the paper "HINT3: Raising the bar for Intent Detection in the Wild" accepted at EMNLP-2020's Insights Workshop Preprint for the paper is available here

conversational-ai datasets dialogue-systems nlp

Last synced: 19 days ago
JSON representation

This repository contains datasets and code for the paper "HINT3: Raising the bar for Intent Detection in the Wild" accepted at EMNLP-2020's Insights Workshop Preprint for the paper is available here




## HINT3: Raising the bar for Intent Detection in the Wild

This repository contains datasets and code for the paper
"HINT3: Raising the bar for Intent Detection in the Wild"
accepted at EMNLP-2020's
[Insights workshop](

Published paper is available [here](

**Update Feb 2021: We noticed in our analysis of the results that
there are few ground truth labels which are incorrect. Hence, we're releasing
a new version, v2 of the dataset, present inside dataset/v2 folder. All the
results in the paper were obtained on the earlier version of the dataset
present inside dataset/v1, which should be used to exactly reproduce
the results presented in the paper.**

### Dataset

- Train and Test sets for SOFMattress, Curekart and Powerplay11
are available in `dataset` folder for both Full and Subset variations.
- You can also use `prepare_subset_of_data.ipynb` notebook to generate
subset variations of full datasets. All the entailment assets
generated can be downloaded from [here](

### EDA

We have done EDA analysis on the datasets which is accessible
from the `data_exploration` folder.

### Test set predictions

Predictions from BERT and 4 NLU platforms on test sets used for
analysis in the paper are present in `preds` folder. Feel free to
do further analysis on these predictions if you want.

### Test set metrics

All the metrics from BERT and 4 NLU platforms on test sets
are present in `results` folder for further analysis. Graphs plotted in
the paper can be reproduced using `analysis/plot_metrics_graph.ipynb`

### Reproducibility Instructions

The scripts to generate training data and predicting intents
based on the testing data for all the 4 platforms and BERT
based classifier are inside `platforms` folder within
their named directories.

#### Rasa

- The `training_data_conversion.ipynb` notebook is used to
convert the training set into a JSON format that Rasa
mandates in order to train its model. The generated JSON
file is created inside the `data` directory

- In order to train a model for one particular bot, keep only
that bot's JSON file inside the `data` directory

- Train the model using this command: `rasa train nlu`

- Once the model is trained, its tar.gz file will be stored
inside the `models` directory based on the current timestamp

- In order to start the NLU server, run the following command:
`rasa run --enable-api -m models/nlu-.tar.gz` where
`nlu-.tar.gz` is the name of the model's file
created in the previous step

- In order to generate a report against a testing set file,
run the `generate_preds.ipynb` notebook after specifying the
name of the bot. Generated predictions will be stored inside
`preds` folder

#### Dialogflow
- The `training_data_conversion.ipynb` file is used to convert
the training set into a bunch of JSON files that Dialogflow
mandates in order to train its model. The generated JSON files
are stored inside the `intents` directory

- Login to the Diaologflow dashboard using a Gmail account
and visit ``

- Dialogflow allows bulk upload of the training set by
importing a zip file. The compressed folder has a predefined
structure. In order to create this folder, create a copy of
the `agent_template` directory and rename the folder as
per your bot name. Then, copy all the JSON files created
in step 1 and paste it inside the `intents` folder of your
agent directory. Then, open the `agent.json` file and edit
the `displayName` property to specify the name of the
agent of your bot. An agent is analogous to an app or
a bot. Once these changes are done, compress the agent
directory into a zip file

- Create a new agent on the Dialogflow dashboard
here: ``

- Delete `Default Fallback Intent` from the intents dashboard

- Edit the agent: `` -> Export & Import -> Import from zip -> upload the agent zip file. This will allow us to bulk upload all intents along with their respective utterances

- Go to Edit agent -> ML settings. The default threshold value
is 0.3. Change it to 0.05 and Train the model

- Copy the CURL request from the API playground. We can get
the authentication token and the model's API endpoint from
this CURL request

- The `generate_preds.ipynb` file will help generate predictions
for the bot.

#### LUIS
- The `training_data_conversion.ipynb` file will generate
a JSON file based on the training set's CSV file

- Login to ``, go to ``
and click on `New app for conversation` -> `Import as JSON`.
Upload the JSON file generated in the first step

- Once all the intents are uploaded, click on the `Train` button
to train the model. Once the model is trained, click on
`Publish` followed by selecting `Production slot`

- Now, go to the `Manage` section of the app and copy the
App ID. We will be using this App ID in the `generate_preds.ipynb` file to generate our prediction reports

- Go to the settings page of your account in order to get
`generate_preds.ipynb` file

#### Haptik

- Access requests for signup on Haptik are processed via contact
form at

- Once you get the access, you'll be able to create bots
and run predictions using the scripts provided in

#### BERT

- Results on BERT can be reproduced using scripts in the
folder `platforms/bert`

- The folder also contains config for each of the models
trained on Full and Subset variations of datasets

### Citation

If you use this in your research, please consider citing:

title = "{HINT}3: Raising the bar for Intent Detection in the Wild",
author = "Arora, Gaurav and
Jain, Chirag and
Chaturvedi, Manas and
Modi, Krupal",
booktitle = "Proceedings of the First Workshop on Insights from Negative Results in NLP",
month = nov,
year = "2020",
address = "Online",
publisher = "Association for Computational Linguistics",
url = "",
doi = "10.18653/v1/2020.insights-1.16",
pages = "100--105",
abstract = "Intent Detection systems in the real world are exposed to complexities of imbalanced datasets containing varying perception of intent, unintended correlations and domain-specific aberrations. To facilitate benchmarking which can reflect near real-world scenarios, we introduce 3 new datasets created from live chatbots in diverse domains. Unlike most existing datasets that are crowdsourced, our datasets contain real user queries received by the chatbots and facilitates penalising unwanted correlations grasped during the training process. We evaluate 4 NLU platforms and a BERT based classifier and find that performance saturates at inadequate levels on test sets because all systems latch on to unintended patterns in training data.",