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React Hooks for building kickass react table components

checkboxes grid hooks react responsive table tools utils-library

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React Hooks for building kickass react table components





React Hooks for building kickass react table components

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## Introduction

use-table-tools is a React Hooks library for building kickass react table components.

It features:

- flexbox table with adjustable column configuration
- checkboxes with multi select
- client side sorting
- shifting columns into or off view
- number of visible columns per screen resolution

![Example gif video](docs/video-example.gif)

## Quick Start

import { useTableTools } from 'use-table-tools';

function Table() {
const { ...utils } = useTableTools({
layout: [''],
columns: [],
totalItems: 0,


hello from table component

## Usage

Inside your React project directory, run the following:

yarn add use-table-tools

or with npm

npm install use-table-tools

## API

### Parameters

- `layout?: { [key: number]: string[] } | string[]`: layout of the table. Can be a string of flex props per column `['0 0 25%', '1 1 35%', '0 0 20%', '0 0 20%']` or an object with flex props per breakpoint where the key is a breakpoint and the value is a flex props per column.

const layout = {
280: ['0 0 100%'],
348: ['0 0 50%', '0 0 50%'],
768: ['0 0 35%', '1 1 35%', '0 0 30%'],
1280: ['0 0 25%', '1 1 35%', '0 0 20%', '0 0 20%'],

- `columns: ColumnProps[]`: define a shape of your data by providing what items should exist on the table component. It will accept and array of objects with the `label`, `fieldKey` and `locked` properties. Where `fieldKey` is the key name on you data object, rest is props for the table tools
- `totalItems: number`: total items per page, required for the checkboxes to determin the state when all items selected
- `clientSortBy?: SortProps`: initial client sort for the table
- `checkedItems?: string[]`: initialize with already checked items

### Return Values

- `switchColumns: (from: string, to: string) => void`: provide colums keys from `sortKey` to `sortKey` and they will get replaced
- `switchCurrentLayout: (currentLayout: string[]) => void`: will switch current layout to the given one and will update visible and offset columns. Also used to automatically adjust if layout has breakpoints defined.
- `offsetColumns: (obj?: { includeVisible: boolean }) => ColumnProps[]`: shows offset columns with the ability to include visible ones as well
- `onSelection: (items: string[]) => void`: should be applied to master checkbox input `onClick` action with visible item ids.
- `deselectAll: () => void`: clears the state of selected item ids
- `selectAll: (checkedItems: string[]) => void`: selects all items
- `checkboxToggle: (evt: ChangeEvent) => void`: toggles checkbox by id
- `checkboxShiftToggle: (evt: ChangeEvent) => void`: toggles checkbox by id and selects/deselects a range when shift key is on
- `checkboxState: (id: string) => boolean`: returns a boolean state for the checkbox by id
- `clientSortMethod: (a: object, b: object) => number`: method to be used in a sort function, like ramda sort
- `changeSortDirection: (direction: SortProps['direction']) => void`: change current sort direction by specifying next direction
- `toggleSortDirection: () => void`: toggle current sort field direction
- `toggleSortByKey: (fieldKey: string) => void`: toggle sort direction on a field key
- `sortData: (sortProps: SortProps) => void`: sorts data by provided sortField and direction props
- `activeSort: (sortProps: SortProps) => boolean`: checks the state of the current active sort by key and direction
- `activeSortKey: (key: string) => boolean`: checks the state of the current active sort by key
- `getCheckboxProps: ({...}) => CheckboxProps`: spread checkbox props on the checkbox input

### Options

## Global Configuration

React Context API

{(utils) =>


const utils = useTableToolsContext();

## Examples

In progress...


