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Yet another carousel

carousel custom-elements-v1 es6 progressive-enhancement slider vanilla-javascript

Last synced: 27 days ago
JSON representation

Yet another carousel




# @oom/carousel

Carousel with the following features:

- No dependencies
- Light: Less than 200 lines of code (including comments and spaces)
- Follows the **progressive enhancement strategy:**
- Works with just `html`
- Works better with `html` and `css`
- Works much better with `html`, `css` and `js`
- Works much much better when `js` polyfills are not needed
- High performance: Use native scroll to move the elements.
- No need to wait for javascript to build the carousel.
- No styles or themes are provided with this package. You decide how the
carousel must look.
- Support for touch devices
- Support for keyboard
- Build with modern javascript, using ES6 modules and custom elements

## Install


- NPM or Yarn to install
[the package](
- It's recommended to use
[the Scroll Behaviour polyfill]( to
[have better support for more browsers](
- For browsers
[not supporting custom elements](,
[you can use this polyfill](

npm install @oom/carousel
npm install smoothscroll-polyfill
npm install @webcomponents/custom-elements

## Usage

### HTML

Let's start with the following html code:



### CSS

Use css to define the carousel appearance:

my-carousel {
overflow-x: scroll;
display: flex;
scroll-snap-type: x mandatory;
-webkit-overflow-scrolling: touch;
my-carousel > div {
flex: 0 0 auto;
scroll-snap-align: center;

### JS

And finally use javascript for a complete experience:

import Carousel from "./carousel/carousel.js";

//Register the custom element
customElements.define("my-carousel", Carousel);

//Select the carousel
const carousel = document.querySelector("my-carousel");

(event) => carousel.index += 1,
(event) => carousel.index -= 1,

## Player

Use the module `player` to create a player and init a slideshow. Example:

import Player from "./carousel/player.js";

const player = new Player(carousel);

//Start the slideshow;

//Start the slideshow with 10 seconds to wait between slides;


## API

This is a custom element that extends `HtmlElement`, so it innerit the same api
of a standard html element with the following additions:

//Get/set the slide index
carousel.index = 3; //move to the slide 3
const currIndex = carousel.index; //get the current slide index
carousel.index += 1; //move to the next slide
carousel.index -= 1; //move to the previous slide

//Move the slide using scroll

let atBeginning = carousel.scrollFromLeft === 0; //Determine whether the scroll is at begining
let atTheEnd = carousel.scrollFromRight === 0; //Determine whether the scroll is at the end

carousel.scrollFromLeft = 0; //Performs a scroll to the beginning
carousel.scrollFromRight = 0; //Performs a scroll to the end; //Move the scroll to next
carousel.prev(); //Move the scroll to previous

## Demo and tests

- Demo:
- Tests:

To run the demo locally, just clone this repository, enter in the directory and

npm install
npm start

You should see something in the following urls:

- Demo: `http://localhost:8080/demo`
- Test: `http://localhost:8080/tests`