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KnownOrigin V3 smart contracts

ethereum solidity

Last synced: 27 days ago
JSON representation

KnownOrigin V3 smart contracts




KnownOrigin V3 Smart Contracts

Discover, buy and collect rare digital artwork

Token ERC721
ERC2891 Compliant
ERC998 Composable
Contributions Welcome

## Core Guiding Principles & Features

* GAS efficient - every byte counts, store only what is required `creator`, `edition size` & `metadata` but ensuring onchain provence
* [ERC-721]( compliant NFTs
* Ability to mint single 1 of 1 NFTs
* Ability to mint batches of NFT (multi-editions)
* Collaboration support for `1..n` collaborators with royalties - predetermined addresses
* Generalise feature set to work with all KO artists and collectors in a modula fashion
* Immutable by design with onchain purchase and bidding histories
* Creative works deserve traceable onchain histories, think of the future!
* Replace whitelisting with merkle proofs for minting access to reduce operational overheads
* Support for [ERC-2981: Royalty Standard](
* Support for [ERC-998 Top-down ERC-20 composable]( (optional)
* Single composable `ERC721`
* Multiple composable `ERC20`
* Support for [ERC-2309: Consecutive batch mint]( (optional)
* Support for [Rarible V2 royalties standard]( (optional)
* Support for a proxy management account for creatives (optional)
* Support programmable/dynamic token URIs in the future (future iteration)
* Support metadata updates before the first sale has been made (optional)
* Sealed Metadata: Support to set a one time `perma-web` backup of token metadata
* Sales mechanics (see `./marketplace`)
* `primary` market
* `Buy now` - includes start date
* `Open Offers` - includes bidder lockout period and start date
* `Stepped sales` - linear price increases per purchase from an edition
* `24hr reserve auctions` - includes start date, reserve price with 24hr countdown + 15min extension window
* `Early access sales` - gated sales behind lists of collectors, customisable drop phases
* `secondary` market
* `Buy now` - includes start date
* `Open Token Offers` - offers made on a specific token
* `Open Edition Offers` - open offer on an edition, any edition owner can action
* `24hr reserve auctions` - includes start date, reserve price with 24hr countdown + 15min extension window

### GAS & Coverage

* `GAS` report can be found [here](./ and generated on demand via `npm run gas`
* Contract size report found [here](./ or generated on demand via `npm run contract-size`
* Code coverage generation via `npm run coverage` output in `./coverage` folder

### Audits

* Public audits can be seen in `audits`
* Core NFT and marketplaces - CoinFabrik audit can be seen [here](
* Early access / gated sales - CoinFabrik audit can be seen **Awaiting published results**

### Subgraph

* KO uses a mixture of public Subgraph and a currently private indexer to create a view on-top of these contracts
* Subgraph can be accessed [here](
* Subgraph source code be accessed [here](

## Deployments


## Mainnet

Core NFT - 0xABB3738f04Dc2Ec20f4AE4462c3d069d02AE045B = (verified)
AccessControls - 0x9028b16494a9363F3EAaf381a6Fde67296abc68C = (verified)
Minting Factory - 0x36CF31019816E9490959F75Ba9164eDd304De01D = (verified)
Primary marketplace - 0xf11ED77fD65840b64602526DDC38311E9923c81B = (verified)
Secondary marketplace - 0x0Eb65B4c3d3dE340e1b15384f8F211784247a37A = (verified)
Collab royalties registry - 0xe28e054d596576841682e8c993E415B3ccB2EBeB = (verified)
Omni deployer - 0x0FE06547a21AdfbA812E7d986de4369b2cB3dde2 =
V1 funds splitter - 0xbc20c6582259f440ae628819be80062a576f06ed = (verified)
V1 funds receiver - 0x643ea212F5B9E5BE9f3A000430DCc80E01C78C2C = (verified)

#### Gated marketplace (upgradable)
KODAV3GatedMarketplace Proxy - 0x8fC72C856EB661F072F0f7322449f3fcCF088f42 (verified)
- v1 - git commit 3bcd94f66e5d0f6b38881fd52971c13dd08b6974 (verified)

#### Minting Factory (upgradable)
MintingFactoryV2 Proxy - 0xcEcF098DC0F513C68a0003b540CBDAE130dD0014 (verified)
- v1 - git commit 3bcd94f66e5d0f6b38881fd52971c13dd08b6974 (verified)
- v2 - git commit 30eb2a3874ac64bc9c7e38e645f42691c7d11f13 (verified) (update =


## Goerli

Core NFT - 0x05f5eC654fD95646609964C6c8a0e5b3156CDa08 = (verified)
AccessControls - 0x891afBaE7613103d6408817FF73d1DF97b575fd2 = (verified)
Primary marketplace - 0x6234802e9f3A550A61ee3a736fA452B19A577645 = (verified)
Secondary marketplace - 0x61151462B02C237E9D2a7Ca849Af6633683b9CEd = (verified)
Collab royalties registry - 0xed7f97eDDD34b33bB49b420Af939cD4375cA0fB0 = (verified)
Omni deployer - 0x9c094e9619d4B6bDe719C4FaE279A4F8c683c3F8 = (verified)
V1 funds splitter - 0xEeB2Bc6f52dedA185181Fc2c310222837440Cacd = (verified)
V1 funds receiver - 0x0226DaE23Bc0A8b3e71E09aC4036eC26450a006F = (verified)

#### Gated marketplace (upgradable)
KODAV3GatedMarketplace Proxy - 0x04994ebf4bfc6366c1624366d8f25e2d382fe3d0 (verified)
- v1 - git commit 5c8b8e05b96b2439b65abea52a0d30112dc97ed9

#### Minting Factory (upgradable)
MintingFactoryV2 Proxy - 0x65c7593dE25f2d56bD6088Fc1865E3b2fC85167c (verified)
- v2 - git commit 30eb2a3874ac64bc9c7e38e645f42691c7d11f13

## Rinkeby

Core NFT - 0x3abC8C65A9516D5B487A9F7423aE2C4c6a3Adf51 = (verified)
AccessControls - 0x64699bC10a4E4639eD319397200CF16fa0aD1Fc9 = (verified)
Minting Factory - 0x35668a2Fd45452231a2639edcb887cD45951e597 = (verified)
Primary marketplace - 0x4B7A8Ce7d004C5c68207F355F6A838C941FF6B96 = (verified)
Secondary marketplace - 0x1f31f522b51cd5cB847c7228fE3bF9916800aaDe = (verified)
Collab royalties registry - 0x3005BB70CF6099e919Fb2E846abC8Fa1C710f613 = (verified)
Omni deployer - 0x90764bB20aC05A53eBE03dF17fc61abAbC1Ee059 = (verified)
V1 funds splitter - 0x119f6fb742b9ace412f177875a169b23487fa664 = (verified)
V1 funds receiver - 0xb4bb0960b5095e5a0abd07d18803f45c4c4eadf6 = (verified)

#### Gated marketplace (upgradable)
KODAV3GatedMarketplace Proxy - 0x048b36a7cc30127cE2C2C8E1C6AF9c3d0D8787eC (verified)
- v1 - git commit 5c8b8e05b96b2439b65abea52a0d30112dc97ed9 (verified)

#### Minting Factory (upgradable)
MintingFactoryV2 Proxy - 0x2346b3949F8742f4e2a8B6F26D72ef358683820d (verified)
- v1 - git commit 5c8b8e05b96b2439b65abea52a0d30112dc97ed9 (verified)
- v2 - git commit 30eb2a3874ac64bc9c7e38e645f42691c7d11f13 (verified) (upgrade =


### How to?

Use `hardhat` deploy for - see `/scripts` folder for more info e.g.

`npx hardhat run --network rinkeby ./scripts/X_my_script.js`

To verify also try hardhat but this sometimes fails, and you need to use the flat contracts.