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Simple material-style flyout menus for Android. There are many flyout type menus for Android, but this one is mine.

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Simple material-style flyout menus for Android. There are many flyout type menus for Android, but this one is mine.




# FlyoutMenus
Simple material-style flyout menus for Android. There are many flyout type menus for Android, but this one is mine.

compile 'org.zakariya.flyoutmenus:flyoutmenu:0.5.3'

- minSdkVersion: 14
*Note: when running on SDK less than 18, hardware rendering is disabled. This means that button shadows are clipped. To work around this, add a bit of padding to the view.*




## XML



FlyoutMenuView attributes (all have `fm` prefix) are:


// the size of the button

// the background color of the trigger button

// the background color of the menu

// the color drawn behind the selected menu item

// width of items in the menu

// height of items in the menu

// margin around items in the menu

// menu anchoring position (see below)

// margin around the menu - menu will be positioned this far away from the button, but
// will also use this to respect screen edges

// if provided, the trigger button will use this as a drawable

// elevation for the trigger button. if 0, no shadow is drawn

// elevation for the menu. if 0, no shadow is drawn

// if true, a shield (like for dialogs) is drawn behind the menu

// color of shield drawn behind menu, if shieldVisible == true

// if true, menu operates in "tap to open", "tap to select and dismiss" mode


The `fmMenuAnchor` attribute takes the following values:

* `top` : menu attached above the button
* `right` | `end` : menu attached to right of button
* `bottom` : menu attached beneath button
* `left` | `start` : menu attached to left of button
* `center` : menu centered on top of button

## Java

To use a FlyoutMenuView, you must provide a `FlyoutMenuView.Adapter` (which provides `FlyoutMenuView.MenuItem` instances) and a `FlyoutMenuView.Layout` which describes how to position the items in the menu.

You must also provide a subclass of `FlyoutMenuView.MenuItem` to render your items. You may also subclass `FlyoutMenuView.ButtonRenderer` to render your trigger button, if you don't want to assign a `Drawable`.

Here's an example implementation of `FlyoutMenuView.MenuItem` and `FlyoutmenuView.ButtonRenderer` which draws a simple unicode character. I use it in the demo app to render emoji.

public class EmojiFlyoutMenu {

static String getEmojiByUnicode(int unicode){
return new String(Character.toChars(unicode));

public static class MenuItem extends FlyoutMenuView.MenuItem {

int emojiCode;
String emojiString;
TextPaint textPaint;

public MenuItem(int id, int emojiCode, float size, @ColorInt int color) {
this.emojiCode = emojiCode;
this.emojiString = getEmojiByUnicode(emojiCode);

textPaint = new TextPaint();

public int getEmojiCode() {
return emojiCode;

public void onDraw(Canvas canvas, RectF bounds, float degreeSelected) {
canvas.drawText(emojiString, bounds.centerX(), bounds.centerY() - ((textPaint.descent() + textPaint.ascent()) / 2), textPaint);

public static class ButtonRenderer extends FlyoutMenuView.ButtonRenderer {

int emojiCode;
String emojiString;
Paint paint;
TextPaint textPaint;

public ButtonRenderer(int emojiCode, float size, @ColorInt int color) {


paint = new Paint();

textPaint = new TextPaint();

public int getEmojiCode() {
return emojiCode;

public void setEmojiCode(int emojiCode) {
this.emojiCode = emojiCode;
this.emojiString = getEmojiByUnicode(this.emojiCode);

public void onDrawButtonContent(Canvas canvas, RectF buttonBounds, @ColorInt int buttonColor, float alpha) {
textPaint.setAlpha((int) (alpha * 255f));
canvas.drawText(emojiString, buttonBounds.centerX(), buttonBounds.centerY() - ((textPaint.descent() + textPaint.ascent()) / 2), textPaint);

To use the above:

FlyoutMenuView smileyFlyoutMenu = findViewById(;

int[] emojiCodes = {
0x1F60D, //smiling face heart shaped eyes
0x1F605, // smiling face with open mouth and cold sweat
0x1F60A, // smiling face
0x1F613, // face with cold sweat
0x1F61E, // disappointed face
0x1F620, // angry face
0x1F62D, // loudly crying face
0x1F4A9, // pile of poo

@ColorInt int color = ContextCompat.getColor(this, R.color.smileyMenuCharColor);
float fontSizeInMenu = getResources().getDimension(R.dimen.smiley_menu_item_size) * 0.5f;
float fontSizeInButton = getResources().getDimension(R.dimen.flyout_menu_button_size) * 0.5f;

// build a List<> of EmojiFlyoutMenu.MenuItem
List menuItems = new ArrayList<>();
for (int code : emojiCodes) {
menuItems.add(new EmojiFlyoutMenu.MenuItem(menuItems.size(), code, fontSizeInMenu, color));

// assign a GridLayout with 2 columns and unspecified rows (allows menu to grow vertically)
smileyFlyoutMenu.setLayout(new FlyoutMenuView.GridLayout(2, FlyoutMenuView.GridLayout.UNSPECIFIED));

// assign the menuItems via an ArrayAdapter
smileyFlyoutMenu.setAdapter(new FlyoutMenuView.ArrayAdapter<>(menuItems));

// create and assign the button renderer. we'll change the button renderer's emoji in the callback below
final EmojiFlyoutMenu.ButtonRenderer renderer = new EmojiFlyoutMenu.ButtonRenderer(emojiCodes[0], fontSizeInButton, color);

smileyFlyoutMenu.setSelectionListener(new FlyoutMenuView.SelectionListener() {
public void onItemSelected(FlyoutMenuView flyoutMenuView, FlyoutMenuView.MenuItem item) {

// user has selected an item. update the button renderer's emoji to match
renderer.setEmojiCode(((EmojiFlyoutMenu.MenuItem) item).getEmojiCode());

public void onDismissWithoutSelection(FlyoutMenuView flyoutMenuView) {