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A realtime blurring overlay for Android (like iOS UIVisualEffectView)

android realtimeblurview

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A realtime blurring overlay for Android (like iOS UIVisualEffectView)




# RealtimeBlurView

It's just a realtime blurring overlay like iOS UIVisualEffectView.


Just put the view in the layout xml, no Java code is required.

// Views to be blurred

// Views above blurring overlay

Try the sample apk: [blurring.apk](imgs/blurring.apk)

# Adding to project

Add dependencies in your `build.gradle`:

dependencies {
implementation 'com.github.mmin18:realtimeblurview:1.2.1'

## Support API level < 19

The following step is only required if your minSdkVersion < 19, or you use renderscript support mode.

Both AndroidX and Android Support Library is supported.

android {
buildToolsVersion '24.0.2' // Use 23.0.3 or higher
defaultConfig {
minSdkVersion 15
renderscriptTargetApi 19
renderscriptSupportModeEnabled true // Enable RS support

Add proguard rules if necessary:

-keep class** { *; }
-keep class androidx.renderscript.** { *; }

# Limitations

- Adding multiple RealtimeBlurView (even not visible) may hurt drawing performance, like use it in ListView or RecyclerView.

- It will not work with SurfaceView / TextureView like VideoView, GoogleMapView

# Performance

RealtimeBlurView use RenderScript to blur the bitmap, just like [500px-android-blur](

Everytime your window draw, it will render a blurred bitmap, so there is a performance cost. Set downsampleFactor>=4 will significantly reduce the render cost. However, if you just want to blur a static view, 500px-android-blur is good enough.

I've run the sample on some old phones like Samsung Galaxy S2, Samsung Galaxy S3, it runs at full FPS. Here is a performance chart while scrolling the list on Nexus 5.


# Changelog

### 1.2.1 (2019-05-24)

Improve BlurImpl detection.

### 1.2 (2019-05-22)

Support both AndroidX and Android Support Library.

### 1.1.2 (2018-05-28)

Bug fix (Draw overlay color in rect).

### 1.1.1 (2018-05-22)

Fix downsample factor issue when blur radius is very big.

### 1.1.0 (2017-01-02)

Some improvements (OOM, resize, window background)

### 1.0.8 (2016-11-29)

Fix view not refreshed issue on PopupWindow

### 1.0.6 (2016-11-7)

Fix crash when view is very small (draw at least 1px)

### 1.0.5 (2016-11-5)

Support Popup Window (Use it as dialog background)
Ignore UnsatisfiedLinkError if APK is not debuggable.

### 1.0.4 (2016-9-28)

Support custom shape (by override drawBlurredBitmap()), support view in ContextThemeWrapper.