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Teaclave TrustZone SDK enables safe, functional, and ergonomic development of trustlets.

confidential-computing rust secure-computing tee trusted-execution-environment trustzone

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Teaclave TrustZone SDK enables safe, functional, and ergonomic development of trustlets.




# Teaclave TrustZone SDK


Teaclave TrustZone SDK (Rust OP-TEE TrustZone SDK) provides abilities to build
safe TrustZone applications in Rust. The SDK is based on the
[OP-TEE]( project which follows
[GlobalPlatform]( [TEE
and provides ergonomic APIs. In addition, it enables the capability to write
TrustZone applications with Rust's standard library (std) and many third-party
libraries (i.e., crates). Teaclave TrustZone SDK is a sub-project of [Apache
Teaclave (incubating)](

Teaclave TrustZone SDK provides two development modes for Rust TAs: `no-std`
(check out the `no-std` branch) and `std` (check out the `master` branch).
We recommend using `no-std` by default. For a detailed comparison, please refer
to [Comparison](#comparison).

## Table of Contents

- [TA Development Modes](#ta-development-modes)
- [Comparison](#comparison)
- [Supported Examples](#supported-examples)
- [Quick Start with the OP-TEE Repo for QEMUv8](#quick-start-with-the-op-tee-repo-for-qemuv8)
- [Getting started](#getting-started)
- [Environment](#environment)
- [Develop with QEMUv8](#develop-with-qemuv8)
- [Develop on other platforms](#develop-on-other-platforms)
- [Build & Install](#build--install)
- [Run Rust Applications](#run-rust-applications)
- [Run Rust Applications in QEMUv8](#run-rust-applications-in-qemuv8)
- [Run Rust Applications on other platforms](#run-rust-applications-on-other-platforms)
- [Test](#test)
- [Documentation](#documentation)
- [Publication](#publication)
- [Contributing](#contributing)
- [Community](#community)

## TA Development Modes

### Comparison

#### `no-std`

- **Pros**:
- Reuses standard Rust tier-1 toolchain targets (`aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu`,
- Significant performance improvements.
- Substantial reduction in binary size.

- **Cons**:
- Limited support for third-party crates. In the no-std mode, Trusted Applications
(TAs) are unable to utilize crates dependent on the standard library (std).

#### `std`

- **Pros**:
- Enables the utilization of more third-party crates, including those requiring
`std`, such as `serde_json` and `rustls`, which are essential for functionality.

- **Cons**:
- Manual porting of `std` with infrequent updates. Currently using `std` version
`1.56.1` and `Rust` version `nightly-2021-09-20`. (Planned to update)

### Supported Examples

- **Common**: See
[Overview of OP-TEE Rust Examples](

- **`no-std`**: Excludes `test_serde`, `test_tcp_client`, `test_udp_socket`,
`test_message_passing_interface`, `test_tls_client`, `test_tls_server`.

## Quick start with the OP-TEE Repo for QEMUv8

Teaclave TrustZone SDK has been integrated into the OP-TEE Repo since OP-TEE
Release 3.15.0 (18/Oct/21). The aarch64 Rust examples are built and installed
into OP-TEE's default filesystem for QEMUv8. Follow [this
to set up the OP-TEE repo and try the Rust examples!

UPDATES: The `no-std` TA has replaced the original `std` TAs since OP-TEE
Release 4.1.0 (19/Jan/24).

## Getting started

### Environment

To get started with Teaclave TrustZone SDK, you could choose either [QEMU for
Armv8-A](#develop-with-qemuv8) (QEMUv8) or [other
platforms](#develop-on-other-platforms) ([platforms OP-TEE
supported]( as
your development environment.

#### Develop with QEMUv8

The OP-TEE libraries are needed when building Rust applications, so you should
finish the [Quick start with the OP-TEE Repo for
QEMUv8](#quick-start-with-the-op-tee-repo-for-qemuv8) part first. Then
initialize the building environment in Teaclave TrustZone SDK, build Rust
applications and copy them into the target's filesystem.

Teaclave TrustZone SDK is located in `[YOUR_OPTEE_DIR]/optee_rust/`. Teaclave
TrustZone SDK in OP-TEE repo is pinned to the release version. Alternatively,
you can try the develop version using `git pull`:

cd [YOUR_OPTEE_DIR]/optee_rust/
git pull github master

#### Develop on other platforms

If you are building trusted applications for other platforms ([platforms OP-TEE
supported]( QEMU
and the filesystem in the OP-TEE repo are not needed. You can follow these
steps to clone the project and build applications independently from the
complete OP-TEE repo. In this case, the necessary OP-TEE libraries are
initialized in the setup process.

1. The complete list of prerequisites can be found here: [OP-TEE

``` sh
# install dependencies
sudo apt-get install android-tools-adb android-tools-fastboot autoconf \
automake bc bison build-essential ccache cscope curl device-tree-compiler \
expect flex ftp-upload gdisk iasl libattr1-dev libc6:i386 libcap-dev \
libfdt-dev libftdi-dev libglib2.0-dev libhidapi-dev libncurses5-dev \
libpixman-1-dev libssl-dev libstdc++6:i386 libtool libz1:i386 make \
mtools netcat python-crypto python3-crypto python-pyelftools \
python3-pycryptodome python3-pyelftools python-serial python3-serial \
rsync unzip uuid-dev xdg-utils xterm xz-utils zlib1g-dev

Alternatively, you can use a docker container built with our

2. After installing dependencies or building the Docker image, fetch the source
code from the official GitHub repository:

``` sh
# clone the project
git clone
cd incubator-teaclave-trustzone-sdk

### Build & Install

To build the project, the Rust environment and several related submodules are

1. Run the script as follows to install the Rust environment and toolchains:


2. Build OP-TEE libraries

- for QEMUv8:

By default, the `OPTEE_DIR` is `incubator-teaclave-trustzone-sdk/optee/`.
OP-TEE submodules (`optee_os` and `optee_client`) will be initialized
automatically by executing:

./ optee/

Then the environment should be properly set up before building applications:

``` sh
source environment

Note: by default, the target platform is `aarch64`. If you want to build for the
`arm` target, you can setup `ARCH` before the `source environment` command:

export ARCH=arm
source environment

- for other platforms:

You should set these environment variables for building, e.g:

export CROSS_COMPILE_HOST="aarch64-linux-gnu-"
export CROSS_COMPILE_TA="arm-linux-gnueabihf-"

export TARGET_HOST="aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu"
export TARGET_TA="arm-unknown-linux-gnueabihf"

export TA_DEV_KIT_DIR=~/optee_os/out/arm-plat-vexpress/export-ta_arm32/
export OPTEE_CLIENT_EXPORT=~/optee_client/out/export/

3. Run this command to build all Rust examples:

``` sh
make examples

Or build your own CA and TA:

make -C examples/[YOUR_APPLICATION]

Besides, you can collect all example CAs and TAs to

make examples-install

### Run Rust Applications

Considering the platform has been chosen
([QEMUv8](#run-rust-applications-in-qemuv8) or
[other](#run-rust-applications-on-other-platforms)), the ways to run the Rust
applications are different.

#### Run Rust Applications in QEMUv8

1. The shared folder is needed to share CAs and TAs with the QEMU guest system.
Recompile QEMU in OP-TEE to enable QEMU VirtFS:

(cd $OPTEE_DIR/build && make QEMU_VIRTFS_ENABLE=y qemu)

2. Copy all the Rust examples or your own applications to the shared folder:

mkdir shared_folder
cd [YOUR_OPTEE_DIR]/optee_rust/ && make examples-install)
cp -r [YOUR_OPTEE_DIR]/optee_rust/out/* shared_folder/

3. Run QEMU:

(cd $OPTEE_DIR/build && make run-only QEMU_VIRTFS_ENABLE=y

4. After the QEMU has been booted, you need to mount the shared folder in the
QEMU guest system (username: root), in order to access the compiled CA/TA from
QEMU. Run the command as follows in the QEMU guest terminal:

mkdir shared && mount -t 9p -o trans=virtio host shared

5. Then run CA and TA as [this

#### Run Rust Applications on other platforms

Copy the applications to your platform and run.

### Test

In the `tests/` directory, we offer comprehensive tests for examples. The
applications can run on a pre-built QEMU image, independently of cloning the
OP-TEE repo. You can compose a simple test here to validate your application.

## Documentation

- [Overview of OP-TEE Rust
- [Debugging OP-TEE
- [Host API

## Publication

More details about the design and implementation can be found in our paper
published in ACSAC 2020:
[RusTEE: Developing Memory-Safe ARM TrustZone
Here is the BiBTeX record for your reference.

author = "Shengye Wan and Mingshen Sun and Kun Sun and Ning Zhang and Xu
title = "{RusTEE: Developing Memory-Safe ARM TrustZone Applications}",
booktitle = "Proceedings of the 36th Annual Computer Security Applications
series = "ACSAC '20",
year = "2020",
month = "12",

## Contributing

Teaclave is open source in [The Apache
we aim to create a project that is maintained and owned by the community. All
kinds of contributions are welcome.
Thanks to our [contributors](

## Community

- Join us on our [mailing
list]([email protected]).
- Follow us at [@ApacheTeaclave](
- See [more](