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Picking files since 2015

android android-library file-picker material picker

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Picking files since 2015




# Material File Picker Unofficial
Material file picker library for Android by Arte al Programar


## What's new
- Require Android Jelly Bean 4.1.x (API 16+)
- Android 10 Compatibility
- Material Components for Android Support
- Night Mode Support
- New Icon Designs

## Add your project

Download library and add it to your project

or use ``

build.gradle (Project)

allprojects {
repositories {
maven { url "" }

build.gradle (Module: app)

dependencies {
implementation 'com.github.arteaprogramar:Android_MaterialFilePicker:version'


## Using (IMPORTANT)

- Add to Values






- Open your class and add the following code

public static final int FILE_PICKER_REQUEST_CODE = 989

// Pass a source of context. Can be:
// .withActivity(Activity activity)
// .withFragment(Fragment fragment)
// .withSupportFragment( fragment)
// With cross icon on the right side of toolbar for closing picker straight away
// Entry point path (user will start from it)
// Root path (user won't be able to come higher than it)
// Showing hidden files
// Want to choose only jpg images
// Don't apply filter to directories names
.withTitle("Sample title")


Override on activity result:

protected void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) {
super.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data);

if (requestCode == FILE_PICKER_REQUEST_CODE && resultCode == RESULT_OK) {
String filePath = data.getStringExtra(FilePickerActivity.RESULT_FILE_PATH);
// Do anything with file

## Themes

To create a compatible (Light/Dark) theme, you can change the following colors to suit your theme.






Runtime permissions:

You should handle runtime permissions in activity, from what you called Material File Picker.
Look [here]( for example code.