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using yolox+deepsort for object-tracking

deep-sort deepsort object-detection object-tracker pytorch tracker yolo yolo-x yolov3 yolov5 yolox

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using yolox+deepsort for object-tracking




# YOLOX_deepsort_tracker

## :tada: How to use

### ↳ Tracker example

from tracker import Tracker

tracker = Tracker() # instantiate Tracker

cap = cv2.VideoCapture('test.mp4') # open one video

while True:
_, img = # read frame from video
if img is None:

img_visual, bbox = tracker.update(img) # feed one frame and get result

cv2.imshow('demo', img_visual) # imshow
if cv2.getWindowProperty('demo', cv2.WND_PROP_AUTOSIZE) < 1:


Tracker uses YOLOX as detector to get each target's boundingbox, and use deepsort to get every bbox's ID.

### ↳ Select specific category

If you just want to track only some specific categories, you can set by param *filter_classes*.

For example:

tracker = Tracker(filter_classes=['car','person'])

## ↳ Detector example

If you don't need tracking and just want to use YOLOX for object-detection, you can use the class **Detector** to inference easliy .

For example:

from detector import Detector
import cv2
detector = Detector() # instantiate Detector

img = cv2.imread('YOLOX/assets/dog.jpg') # load image
result = detector.detect(img) # detect targets

img_visual = result['visual'] # visualized image
cv2.imshow('detect', img_visual) # imshow

You can also get more information like *raw_img/boudingbox/score/class_id* from the result of detector.

## :art: Install

1. Clone the repository recursively:

git clone --recurse-submodules

If you already cloned and forgot to use `--recurse-submodules` you can run `git submodule update --init`(clone最新的YOLOX仓库)

2. Make sure that you fulfill all the requirements: Python 3.8 or later with all [requirements.txt]( dependencies installed, including torch>=1.7. To install, run:

`pip install -r requirements.txt`

## :zap: Select a YOLOX family model

1. train your own model or just download pretrained models from

| Model | size | mAPtest
0.5:0.95 | Speed V100
(ms) | Params
(M) | FLOPs
(G) | weights |
| ------------------------------------------- | :--: | :----------------------: | :----------------: | :-----------: | :----------: | :----------------------------------------------------------: |
| [YOLOX-s](./exps/default/ | 640 | 39.6 | 9.8 | 9.0 | 26.8 | [onedrive]([github]( |
| [YOLOX-m](./exps/default/ | 640 | 46.4 | 12.3 | 25.3 | 73.8 | [onedrive]([github]( |
| [YOLOX-l](./exps/default/ | 640 | 50.0 | 14.5 | 54.2 | 155.6 | [onedrive]([github]( |
| [YOLOX-x](./exps/default/ | 640 | **51.2** | 17.3 | 99.1 | 281.9 | [onedrive]([github]( |
| [YOLOX-Darknet53](./exps/default/ | 640 | 47.4 | 11.1 | 63.7 | 185.3 | [onedrive]([github]( |

Download **yolox_s.pth** to the folder **weights** , which is the default model path of **Tracker**.

2. You can also use other yolox models as detector,. For example:

YOLO family: yolox-s, yolox-m, yolox-l, yolox-x, yolox-tiny, yolox-nano, yolov3
# yolox-s example
detector = Tracker(model='yolox-s', ckpt='./yolox_s.pth')
# yolox-m example
detector = Tracker(model='yolox-m', ckpt='./yolox_m.pth')

## :rose: Run demo

python --path=test.mp4