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Official code for "Top-Down Visual Attention from Analysis by Synthesis" (CVPR 2023 highlight)

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Official code for "Top-Down Visual Attention from Analysis by Synthesis" (CVPR 2023 highlight)




# Top-Down Visual Attention from Analysis by Synthesis

This is the official codebase of AbSViT, from the following paper:

Top-Down Visual Attention from Analysis by Synthesis, CVPR 2023\
[Baifeng Shi](, [Trevor Darrell](, and [Xin Wang](\
UC Berkeley, Microsoft Research

[Website]( | [Paper](


## To-Dos

- [x] Finetuning on Vision-Language datasets

## Environment

Install PyTorch 1.7.0+ and torchvision 0.8.1+ from the official website.

`requirements.txt` lists all the dependencies:
pip install -r requirements.txt
In addition, please also install the magickwand library:
apt-get install libmagickwand-dev

## Demo

ImageNet demo: [`demo/demo.ipynb`](demo/demo.ipynb) gives an example of visualizing AbSViT's attention map on single-object and multi-object images in ImageNet. Since the model is only trained on single-object recognition, the top-down attention is quite weak.

VQA demo: [`vision_language/demo/visualize_attention.ipynb`](vision_language/demo/visualize_attention.ipynb) gives an example of how AbSViT's top-down attention is adaptive to different questions on the same image.

## Model Zoo

| Name | ImageNet | ImageNet-C (↓) | PASCAL VOC | Cityscapes | ADE20K | Weights |
| ViT-Ti | 72.5 | 71.1 | - | - | - | [model]( |
| AbSViT-Ti | 74.1 | 66.7 | - | - | - | [model]( |
| ViT-S | 80.1 | 54.6 | - | - | - | [model]( |
| AbSViT-S | 80.7 | 51.6 | - | - | - | [model]( |
| ViT-B | 80.8 | 49.3 | 80.1 | 75.3 | 45.2 | [model]( |
| AbSViT-B | 81.0 | 48.3 | 81.3 | 76.8 | 47.2 | [model]( |

## Evaluation on Image Classification

For example, to evaluate AbSViT_small on ImageNet, run

python --model absvit_small_patch16_224 --data-path path/to/imagenet --eval --resume path/to/checkpoint

To evaluate on robustness benchmarks, please add one of `--inc_path /path/to/imagenet-c`, `--ina_path /path/to/imagenet-a`, `--inr_path /path/to/imagenet-r` or `--insk_path /path/to/imagenet-sketch` to test [ImageNet-C](, [ImageNet-A](, [ImageNet-R]( or [ImageNet-Sketch](

If you want to test the accuracy under adversarial attackers, please add `--fgsm_test` or `--pgd_test`.

## Evaluation on Semantic Segmentation

Please see [`segmentation`](segmentation) for instructions.

## Training

Take AbSViT_small for an example. We use single node with 8 gpus for training:

python -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node=8 --master_port 12345 --model absvit_small_patch16_224 --data-path path/to/imagenet --output_dir output/here --num_workers 8 --batch-size 128 --warmup-epochs 10

To train different model architectures, please change the arguments `--model`. We provide choices of ViT_{tiny, small, base}' and AbSViT_{tiny, small, base}.

## Finetuning on Vision-Language Dataset

Please see [`vision_language`](vision_language) for instructions.

## Links

This codebase is built upon the official code of "[Visual Attention Emerges from Recurrent Sparse Reconstruction](" and "[Towards Robust Vision Transformer](".

## Citation

If you found this code helpful, please consider citing our work:


title={Top-Down Visual Attention from Analysis by Synthesis},
author={Shi, Baifeng and Darrell, Trevor and Wang, Xin},
booktitle={Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition},
