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@connorads mise guide 🪓

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@connorads mise guide 🪓




# mise

[`mise`]( (mise-en-place) is a CLI tool that can manage multiple language runtime versions on a per-project basis. It's like `asdf` but faster. It's also like `gvm`, `nvm`, `rbenv`, `tfenv` & `pyenv` (and more) all in one! (formerly called "`rtx`")


## Setup

### Install `mise`

brew install mise

### Add `mise` to shell

echo 'eval "$(mise activate zsh)"' >> ~/.zshrc

## Commands

### Set local idiomatic version file

echo 3.11 > .python-version # Python example
echo 20.5.1 > .node-version # Node example

### Install missing tools

Given missing tools specified in [local version files](#local-version-files) (e.g. `[WARN] Tool not installed: [email protected]`)

mise install

### Install missing plugin

If `mise install` is not working and you're not getting a warning (e.g. `[WARN] Tool not installed: [email protected]`) when there is an existing idiomatic version file (e.g. `.terraform-version`) you may need to install the corresponding plugin

mise plugins install terraform

### Set current shell session version

Sets a tool version for the current shell session. Useful if you're doing something quick and don't want to set a global or local version.

mise shell node@lts

### Set global version

If you're sure you want to have a specific version always available then you can set a global version

mise use -g node@lts
mise use -g [email protected]
mise use -g rust@latest

## Concepts

### Local version files

In order to automatically switch to the correct version of your runtime(s) when you're working on different projects it's useful to store the version number in a file in a project's directory.

#### Idiomatic version files

[`mise`]( supports idiomatic version files (just like `asdf`). They're language-specific files like `.node-version` and `.python-version`.
These are ideal for setting the runtime version of a project without forcing other developers to use a specific tool like `mise`/`asdf`.

They support aliases, which means you can have an `.nvmrc` file with `lts/hydrogen` and it will work in `mise` and `nvm`. Here are some of the supported legacy version files:

| Plugin | Idiomatic Version Files |
| crystal | `.crystal-version` |
| elixir | `.exenv-version` |
| go | `.go-version`, `go.mod` |
| java | `.java-version`, `.sdkmanrc` |
| node | `.nvmrc`, `.node-version` |
| python | `.python-version` |
| ruby | `.ruby-version`, `Gemfile` |
| terraform | `.terraform-version`, `.packer-version`, `` |
| yarn | `.yarnrc` |

#### `.mise.toml`

[`.mise.toml`]( is the native version file that is more customisable but requires that project collaborators use `mise`.

#### `.tool-versions`

[`.tool-versions`]( is the `asdf` version file that supports multiple tools in one file but requires that project collaborators use `asdf` or `mise`.