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Highly customizable, feature-packed calendar widget for Flutter

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Highly customizable, feature-packed calendar widget for Flutter




# TableCalendar

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Highly customizable, feature-packed calendar widget for Flutter.

| ![Image]( | ![Image]( |
| :------------: | :------------: |
| **TableCalendar** with custom styles | **TableCalendar** with custom builders |

## Features

* Extensive, yet easy to use API
* Preconfigured UI with customizable styling
* Custom selective builders for unlimited UI design
* Locale support
* Range selection support
* Multiple selection support
* Dynamic events and holidays
* Vertical autosizing - fit the content, or fill the viewport
* Multiple calendar formats (month, two weeks, week)
* Horizontal swipe boundaries (first day, last day)

## Usage

Make sure to check out [examples]( and [API docs]( for more details.

### Installation

Add the following line to `pubspec.yaml`:

table_calendar: ^3.1.1

### Basic setup

*The complete example is available [here](*

**TableCalendar** requires you to provide `firstDay`, `lastDay` and `focusedDay`:
* `firstDay` is the first available day for the calendar. Users will not be able to access days before it.
* `lastDay` is the last available day for the calendar. Users will not be able to access days after it.
* `focusedDay` is the currently targeted day. Use this property to determine which month should be currently visible.

firstDay: DateTime.utc(2010, 10, 16),
lastDay: DateTime.utc(2030, 3, 14),

#### Adding interactivity

You will surely notice that previously set up calendar widget isn't quite interactive - you can only swipe it horizontally, to change the currently visible month. While it may be sufficient in certain situations, you can easily bring it to life by specifying a couple of callbacks.

Adding the following code to the calendar widget will allow it to respond to user's taps, marking the tapped day as selected:

selectedDayPredicate: (day) {
return isSameDay(_selectedDay, day);
onDaySelected: (selectedDay, focusedDay) {
setState(() {
_selectedDay = selectedDay;
_focusedDay = focusedDay; // update `_focusedDay` here as well

In order to dynamically update visible calendar format, add those lines to the widget:

calendarFormat: _calendarFormat,
onFormatChanged: (format) {
setState(() {
_calendarFormat = format;

Those two changes will make the calendar interactive and responsive to user's input.

#### Updating focusedDay

Setting `focusedDay` to a static value means that whenever **TableCalendar** widget rebuilds, it will use that specific `focusedDay`. You can quickly test it by using hot reload: set `focusedDay` to ``, swipe to next month and trigger a hot reload - the calendar will "reset" to its initial state. To prevent this from happening, you should store and update `focusedDay` whenever any callback exposes it.

Add this one callback to complete the basic setup:

onPageChanged: (focusedDay) {
_focusedDay = focusedDay;

It is worth noting that you don't need to call `setState()` inside `onPageChanged()` callback. You should just update the stored value, so that if the widget gets rebuilt later on, it will use the proper `focusedDay`.

*The complete example is available [here]( You can find other examples [here](*

### Events

*The complete example is available [here](*

You can supply custom events to **TableCalendar** widget. To do so, use `eventLoader` property - you will be given a `DateTime` object, to which you need to assign a list of events.

eventLoader: (day) {
return _getEventsForDay(day);

`_getEventsForDay()` can be of any implementation. For example, a `Map>` can be used:

List _getEventsForDay(DateTime day) {
return events[day] ?? [];

One thing worth remembering is that `DateTime` objects consist of both date and time parts. In many cases this time part is redundant for calendar related aspects.

If you decide to use a `Map`, I suggest making it a `LinkedHashMap` - this will allow you to override equality comparison for two `DateTime` objects, comparing them just by their date parts:

final events = LinkedHashMap(
equals: isSameDay,
hashCode: getHashCode,

#### Cyclic events

`eventLoader` allows you to easily add events that repeat in a pattern. For example, this will add an event to every Monday:

eventLoader: (day) {
if (day.weekday == DateTime.monday) {
return [Event('Cyclic event')];

return [];

#### Events selected on tap

Often times having a sublist of events that are selected by tapping on a day is desired. You can achieve that by using the same method you provided to `eventLoader` inside of `onDaySelected` callback:

void _onDaySelected(DateTime selectedDay, DateTime focusedDay) {
if (!isSameDay(_selectedDay, selectedDay)) {
setState(() {
_focusedDay = focusedDay;
_selectedDay = selectedDay;
_selectedEvents = _getEventsForDay(selectedDay);

*The complete example is available [here](*

### Custom UI with CalendarBuilders

To customize the UI with your own widgets, use [CalendarBuilders]( Each builder can be used to selectively override the UI, allowing you to implement highly specific designs with minimal hassle.

You can return `null` from any builder to use the default style. For example, the following snippet will override only the Sunday's day of the week label (Sun), leaving other dow labels unchanged:

calendarBuilders: CalendarBuilders(
dowBuilder: (context, day) {
if (day.weekday == DateTime.sunday) {
final text = DateFormat.E().format(day);

return Center(
child: Text(
style: TextStyle(color:,

### Locale

To display the calendar in desired language, use `locale` property.
If you don't specify it, a default locale will be used.

#### Initialization

Before you can use a locale, you might need to initialize date formatting.

A simple way of doing it is as follows:
* First of all, add [intl]( package to your pubspec.yaml file
* Then make modifications to your `main()`:

import 'package:intl/date_symbol_data_local.dart';

void main() {
initializeDateFormatting().then((_) => runApp(MyApp()));

After those two steps your app should be ready to use **TableCalendar** with different languages.

#### Specifying a language

To specify a language, simply pass it as a String code to `locale` property.

For example, this will make **TableCalendar** use Polish language:

locale: 'pl_PL',

| ![Image]( | ![Image]( | ![Image]( | ![Image]( |
| :------------: | :------------: | :------------: | :------------: |
| `'en_US'` | `'pl_PL'` | `'fr_FR'` | `'zh_CN'` |

Note, that if you want to change the language of `FormatButton`'s text, you have to do this yourself. Use `availableCalendarFormats` property and pass the translated Strings there. Use i18n method of your choice.

You can also hide the button altogether by setting `formatButtonVisible` to false.