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Transformer of "Attention Is All You Need" (Vaswani et al. 2017) by Chainer.

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Transformer of "Attention Is All You Need" (Vaswani et al. 2017) by Chainer.




# Transformer - Attention Is All You Need
[Chainer]( Python implementation of Transformer, an attention-based seq2seq model without convolution and recurrence.
If you want to see the architecture, please see [](

See "[Attention Is All You Need](", Ashish Vaswani, Noam Shazeer, Niki Parmar, Jakob Uszkoreit, Llion Jones, Aidan N. Gomez, Lukasz Kaiser, Illia Polosukhin, arxiv, 2017.

This repository is partly derived from my [convolutional seq2seq]( repo, which is also derived from Chainer's official [seq2seq example](

## Requirement

- Python 3.6.0+
- [Chainer]( 2.0.0+
- [numpy]( 1.12.1+
- [cupy]( 1.0.0+ (if using gpu)
- nltk
- progressbar
- (You can install all through `pip`)
- and their dependencies

## Prepare Dataset
You can use any parallel corpus.
For example, run
which downloads and decompresses [training dataset]( and [development dataset]( from [WMT]([europal]( into your current directory. These files and their paths are set in training script `` as default.

## How to Run
PYTHONIOENCODING=utf-8 python -u -g=0 -i DATA_DIR -o SAVE_DIR

During training, logs for loss, perplexity, word accuracy and time are printed at a certain internval, in addition to validation tests (perplexity and BLEU for generation) every half epoch. And also, generation test is performed and printed for checking training progress.

### Arguments

Some of them is as follows:
- `-g`: your gpu id. If cpu, set `-1`.
- `-i DATA_DIR`, `-s SOURCE`, `-t TARGET`, `-svalid SVALID`, `-tvalid TVALID`:
`DATA_DIR` directory needs to include a pair of training dataset `SOURCE` and `TARGET` with a pair of validation dataset `SVALID` and `TVALID`. Each pair should be parallell corpus with line-by-line sentence alignment.
- `-o SAVE_DIR`: JSON log report file and a model snapshot will be saved in `SAVE_DIR` directory (if it does not exist, it will be automatically made).
- `-e`: max epochs of training corpus.
- `-b`: minibatch size.
- `-u`: size of units and word embeddings.
- `-l`: number of layers in both the encoder and the decoder.
- `--source-vocab`: max size of vocabulary set of source language
- `--target-vocab`: max size of vocabulary set of target language

Please see the others by `python -h`.

## Note

This repository does not aim for complete validation of results in the paper, so I have not eagerly confirmed validity of performance. But, I expect my implementation is almost compatible with a model described in the paper. Some differences where I am aware are as follows:
- Optimization/training strategy. Detailed information about batchsize, parameter initialization, etc. is unclear in the paper. Additionally, the learning rate proposed in the paper may work only with a large batchsize (e.g. 4000) for deep layer nets. I changed warmup_step to 32000 from 4000, though there is room for improvement. I also changed `relu` into `leaky relu` in feedforward net layers for easy gradient propagation.
- Vocabulary set, dataset, preprocessing and evaluation. This repo uses a common word-based tokenization, although the paper uses byte-pair encoding. Size of token set also differs. Evaluation (validation) is little unfair and incompatible with one in the paper, e.g., even validation set replaces unknown words to a single "unk" token.
- Beam search is unused in BLEU calculation.
- Model size. The setting of a model in this repo is one of "base model" in the paper, although you can modify some lines for using "big model".
- This code follows some settings used in [tensor2tensor repository](, which includes a Transformer model. For example, positional encoding used in the repository seems to differ from one in the paper. This code follows the former one.