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Knowledge-graph-based cell-cell communication inference for spatially resolved transcriptomic data

cell-cell-communication cell-cell-interaction graph-network knowledge-graph ligand-receptor-interaction single-cell spatial-data-analysis spatial-transcriptomics spatially-resolved-transcriptomics

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Knowledge-graph-based cell-cell communication inference for spatially resolved transcriptomic data




# SpaTalk
[![R >4.0](]( [![DOI](]( [![jupyter](]( [![DOI](](

### A cell-cell communication inference approach for spatially resolved transcriptomic data

[Spatially resolved transcriptomics (ST)]( provides the informative details of genes and retained the crucial spatial information, which have enabled the uncovering of spatial architecture in intact organs, shedding light on the spatially resolved [cell-cell communications]( mediating tissue homeostasis, development and disease. However, inference of cell-cell communications for ST data remains a great challenge. Here, we present SpaTalk, a spatially resolved cell-cell communication inference method relying on the [graph network]( and [knowledge graph]( to model ligand-receptor-target signaling network between the spatially proximal cells, which were decomposed from the ST data through the non-negative linear model and spatial mapping between single-cell RNA-seq and ST data. SpaTalk is a reliable method that can help scientists uncover the spatially resolved cell-cell communications for either single-cell or spot-based ST data universally, providing new insights into the understanding of spatial cellular dynamics in tissues.

# Install

- install dependent packages `devtools` and [`NNLM`](

> install.packages(pkgs = 'devtools')
> devtools::install_github('linxihui/NNLM')

- then install SpaTalk

> devtools::install_github('ZJUFanLab/SpaTalk')

# or download the repository as ZIP
> devtools::install_local("/path/to/")

# Usage
SpaTalk method consists of two components, wherein the first is to dissect the cell-type composition of ST data and the second is to infer the spatially resolved cell-cell communications over the decomposed single-cell ST data. Classification and description of SpaTalk functions are shown in the __[wiki page]( and __[tutorial](

- ### Cell-type decomposition to reconstruct single-cell ST atlas with known cell types
# st_data: A matrix containing counts of st data
# st_meta: A data.frame containing x and y
# sc_data: A matrix containing counts of scRNA-seq data as the reference
# sc_celltype: A character containing the cell types for scRNA-seq data

> obj <- createSpaTalk(st_data, st_meta, species)
> obj
An object of class SpaTalk
996 genes across 509 spots (0 lrpair)
> obj <- dec_celltype(obj, sc_data, sc_celltype)

- ### Inference of cell-cell communication and ligand-receptor-target network in space
# obj: SpaTalk object containg ST and scRNA-seq data
# lrpairs: A data.frame of the system data containing ligand-receptor pairs
# pathways: A data.frame of the system data containing gene-gene interactions and pathways
# celltype_sender
# celltype_receiver

> obj <- find_lr_path(object = obj, lrpairs = lrpairs, pathways = pathways)

> obj <- dec_cci(obj, celltype_sender, celltype_receiver)


> obj <- dec_cci_all(object)

# Note
[![CellTalkDB v1.0](]( [![KEGG pathway](]( [![Reactome pathway](]( [![AnimalTFDB v3.0](](!/)

SpaTalk uses the ligand-receptor interactions (LRIs) from [`CellTalkDB`](, pathways from [`KEGG`]( and [`Reactome`](, and transcrptional factors (TFs) from [`AnimalTFDB`](!/) by default. In the current version:

- __SpaTalk can be applied to either [single-cell (vignette)]( or [spot-based (vignette)]( ST data__
- __SpaTalk allows to use custom [LRIs(wiki)](, [pathways, and TFs database (wiki)](
- __SpaTalk allows to use the parallel processing for `dec_celltype()`, `dec_cci()`, and `dec_cci_all()`__
- __SpaTalk allows to [use other deconvolution methods]( followed by the inference of cell-cell communications__
- RCTD, Seurat, SPOTlight, deconvSeq, stereoscope, cell2location, or other methods
- __SpaTalk allows to [directly infer cell-cell communications skiping deconvolution](
- __SpaTalk can visualize [cell-type compositions (wiki)]( and [cell-cell communications (wiki)](
- LRIs and pathways can be download at[`data/`](
- Demo data can be download at[`inst/extdata/`](

__Please refer to the [tutorial vignette]( with demo data processing steps. Detailed functions see the [document](

### News
- Fix the bug in `dec_celltype()` when using other deconvolution methods, [see issue 11](
- Fix the bug in `dec_celltype()` when using `dec_result`, [see issue 30](
- Fix the bug in `dec_cci()` and `dec_cci_all()`, [see issue 10](
- Fix the bug in performing parallel functions, e.g., `invalid character indexing` see [issue 30]( and [issue 10](
- __Allow to retain genes consistent with reference `sc_data` for reconstructed single-cell ST data [(wiki)](

# About
SpaTalk was developed by Xin Shao. Should you have any questions, please contact Xin Shao at [email protected]

Please cite us as "Shao, X., et al. Knowledge-graph-based cell-cell communication inference for spatially resolved transcriptomic data with SpaTalk. Nat Commun 13, 4429 (2022)."