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A Flutter Package to render Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry Equations based on LaTeX

equations flutter katex latex mathjax tex

Last synced: about 2 months ago
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A Flutter Package to render Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry Equations based on LaTeX




# flutter_tex
[![GitHub stars](]( [![pub package](](

# Contents
- [flutter\_tex](#flutter_tex)
- [Contents](#contents)
- [About](#about)
- [How it works?](#how-it-works)
- [Demo Video](#demo-video)
- [Click to Watch Demo on Youtube](#click-to-watch-demo-on-youtube)
- [Screenshots](#screenshots)
- [How to use?](#how-to-use)
- [Android](#android)
- [iOS](#ios)
- [Web](#web)
- [Examples](#examples)
- [Quick Example](#quick-example)
- [TeXView Document Example](#texview-document-example)
- [TeXView Document Example](#texview-document-example-1)
- [TeXView Markdown Example](#texview-markdown-example)
- [TeXView Markdown Example](#texview-markdown-example-1)
- [TeXView Quiz Example](#texview-quiz-example)
- [TeXView Quiz Example](#texview-quiz-example-1)
- [TeXView Custom Fonts Example](#texview-custom-fonts-example)
- [TeXView Custom Fonts Example](#texview-custom-fonts-example-1)
- [TeXView Image and Video Example](#texview-image-and-video-example)
- [TeXView Image and Video Example](#texview-image-and-video-example-1)
- [TeXView InkWell Example](#texview-inkwell-example)
- [TeXView InkWell Example](#texview-inkwell-example-1)
- [Complete Example](#complete-example)
- [Complete Example Code](#complete-example-code)
- [Application Demo.](#application-demo)
- [Web Demo.](#web-demo)
- [Api Changes.](#api-changes)
- [Api Usage.](#api-usage)
- [To Do:](#to-do)
- [Cautions:](#cautions)

# About
A Flutter Package to render **fully offline** so many types of equations and expressions based on **LaTeX** , **TeX** and **MathML**, most commonly used are as followings:

- **Mathematics / Maths Equations and expressions** (Algebra, Calculus, Geometry, Geometry etc...)

- **Physics Equations and expressions**

- **Signal Processing Equations and expressions**

- **Chemistry Equations and expressions**

- **Statistics / Stats Equations and expressions**

- It also includes full **HTML** with **JavaScript** support.

# How it works?

Basically it's a flutter dart wrapper around the most powerful JavaScript libraries [MathJax]( and [Katex]( which render the equations in [webview_flutter_plus](

# Demo Video

## [Click to Watch Demo on Youtube](

# Screenshots
| Fonts Sample | Quiz Sample | TeX Document |
| :---------------------------------------------------------: | :---------------------------------------------------------: | :---------------------------------------------------------: |
| | | |

| TeX Document | Image & Video | InkWell |
| :---------------------------------------------------------: | :---------------------------------------------------------: | :---------------------------------------------------------: |
| | | |

# How to use?
**1:** Add flutter_tex latest [![pub package](]( version under dependencies to your package's pubspec.yaml file.

flutter_tex: ^4.0.6

**2:** You can install packages from the command line:

$ flutter packages get

Alternatively, your editor might support flutter packages get. Check the docs for your editor to learn more.

**3:** Now you need to put the following implementations in `Android`, `iOS`, and `Web` respectively.

### Android
Make sure to add this line `android:usesCleartextTraffic="true"` in your `/android/app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml` under `application` like this.



It completely works offline, without internet connection, but these are required permissions to work properly:



It'll still work in debug mode without permissions, but it won't work in release application without mentioned permissions.

### iOS
Add following code in your `/ios/Runner/Info.plist`




### Web
For Web support you need to put `` and `window.flutterWebRenderer = "canvaskit";` in `` tag of your `/web/index.html` like this.


Flutter TeX

window.flutterWebRenderer = "canvaskit";


**4:** Now in your Dart code, you can use:

import 'package:flutter_tex/flutter_tex.dart';

**5:** Now you can use TeXView as a widget:

# Examples

### Quick Example

child: TeXViewColumn(children: [
id: "id_0",
child: TeXViewColumn(children: [

Flutter \( \rm\\TeX \)

style: TeXViewStyle(textAlign: TeXViewTextAlign.Center)),
style: TeXViewStyle(
margin: TeXViewMargin.all(10),
borderRadius: TeXViewBorderRadius.all(20),

When \(a \ne 0 \), there are two solutions to \(ax^2 + bx + c = 0\) and they are
$$x = {-b \pm \sqrt{b^2-4ac} \over 2a}.$$

style: TeXViewStyle.fromCSS(
'padding: 15px; color: white; background: green'))
style: TeXViewStyle(
elevation: 10,
borderRadius: TeXViewBorderRadius.all(25),
border: TeXViewBorder.all(TeXViewBorderDecoration(
borderStyle: TeXViewBorderStyle.solid,
borderWidth: 5)),
backgroundColor: Colors.white,

### TeXView Document Example
#### [TeXView Document Example](

### TeXView Markdown Example
#### [TeXView Markdown Example](

### TeXView Quiz Example
#### [TeXView Quiz Example](

### TeXView Custom Fonts Example
#### [TeXView Custom Fonts Example](

### TeXView Image and Video Example
#### [TeXView Image and Video Example](

### TeXView InkWell Example
#### [TeXView InkWell Example](

### Complete Example
#### [Complete Example Code](

# Application Demo.
Get it on Google Play

[Demo Source](

# Web Demo.
You can find web demo at [](

# Api Changes.
* Please see [](

# Api Usage.
- `children:` A list of `TeXViewWidget`

- **`TeXViewWidget`**
- `TeXViewDocument` Holds TeX data by using a raw string e.g. `r"""$$x = {-b \pm \sqrt{b^2-4ac} \over 2a}.$$
"""` You can also put HTML and Javascript code in it.
- `TeXViewMarkdown` Holds markdown data.
- `TeXViewContainer` Holds a single `TeXViewWidget` with styling.
- `TeXViewImage` renders image from assets or network.
- `TeXViewColumn` holds a list of `TeXViewWidget` vertically.
- `TeXViewInkWell` for listening tap events. Its child and id is mandatory.
- `TeXViewGroup` a group of `TeXViewGroupItem` usually used to create quiz layout.
- `TeXViewDetails` like html ``.

- `TeXViewStyle()` You can style each and everything using `TeXViewStyle()` or by using custom `CSS` code by `TeXViewStyle.fromCSS()` where you can pass hard coded String containing CSS code. For more information please check the example.

- `renderingEngine:` Render Engine to render TeX (Default is Katex Rendering Engine). Use **Katex RenderingEngine** for fast render and **MathJax RenderingEngine** for quality render.

- `loadingWidgetBuilder:` Show a loading widget before rendering completes.

- `onRenderFinished:` Callback with the rendered page height, when TEX rendering finishes.

- `onTeXViewCreated:` Callback when TeXView loading finishes.

For more please see the [Example](

# To Do:
- ~~Speed Optimizations as it's a bit slow rendering speed. It takes 1-2 seconds to render after application loaded.~~ (Solved by adding Katex Support)
- `Bug in Web Support` on `setState` everything disappears.

# Cautions:
- Please avoid using too many `TeXView` in a single page, because this is based on [webview_flutter_plus]( a complete web browser. Which may cause slowing down your app. I am trying to add all necessary widgets within `TeXView`, So please prefer to use `TeXViewWidget`. You can check [example folder]( for details. If you find any problem you can [report an issue](